Students at Davidson High last year lock up their mobile phones.

Students at Davidson High last year lock up their mobile phones.Credit:Janie Barrett

Debate about statewide restrictions on pupils using phones during the school day has ramped up as teachersnavigate increasingly difficult student behaviour and deal with the distractions of screens in classrooms.

South Australia became the latest jurisdiction in the country to prohibit mobiles in schools from this week,and the NSW opposition has promised to match that policy with a total ban on phones in public schools if they win the March 25 election.

South Australian Labor leader Peter Malinauskas said a ban started on Tuesday,with all 200 high schools required to have the restriction in place by term 2.

“The principle motivation for doing this was distraction in classrooms. Inevitably mobiles make their way from playgrounds into lessons,and a blanket ban was the best way to minimise the distraction for kids,” he said.

“There are students not happy about this,but for consistency makes it far easier to administer a complete ban,and overwhelmingly parents are backing it.”

Malinauskas,who will join NSW Labor leader Chris Minns in Sydney on Thursday to discuss the policy,said concerns about cyberbullying and boosting physical activity during breaks were other reasons for the policy change.


At least 160 schools in NSW are using lockable pouches to store students’ phones during school hours,up from 100 schools in 2022. The company that provides the pouches,Yondr,said Wauchope High School in the state’s Mid North Coast was the first school to use the pouches in 2019 and demand has risen quickly.

Other public high schools to start using the pouches last year include Davidson High School,Killarney Heights and Chifley College Senior Campus High School. Schools that use Yondr pouches require students to put phones in a pouch that,once closed,cannot be reopened without breaking a lock.

The Yondr phone wallet in use.

The Yondr phone wallet in use.Credit:Scott Krueger

Despite many principals warning about students’ increasing dependence on screens,the issue of total phone bans has been the topic of fierce debate for years. The 2018 review into mobiles in schools led to a ban on mobiles in primary schools,but left high schools with the option to decide if students use them during class or in the playground.

Some teachers and principals have argued that students should be taught to use their phones responsibly,and that outright bans should be avoided. There is also a lack of conclusive evidence on the issue.

NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said a one-size-fits-all approach to mobile phones in high schools is not practical.


“We cannot ignore the role technology plays in our lives,and it is important that high school students learn how to use devices responsibly,” she said.

A NSW Department of Education survey conducted in 2018 found 70 per cent of high schools had implemented full mobile phone restrictions,and 30 per cent had implemented either partial or no restrictions.

Head of the Secondary Principals Council Craig Petersen said choice around phone bans should be left up to principals. “But if a school decides to ban them,the NSW Department of Education should back them in.”

“Yondr pouches are also expensive,so it does depend on the schools’ capacity to spend that money that could be used for other things,” he said.


The psychologist who led the review into mobile phone use in schools,Michael Carr-Gregg,told theHerald last yeara blanket ban was more urgent than ever after years of academic disruption and soaring screen use during the pandemic.

Carr-Gregg said the pandemic fallout has put mounting pressure on governments to do “everything in their power” to increase students ability to learn and socialise away from the distraction of technology.

Minns said a blanket policy across the board would be easier to enforce and created a level playing field between students across schools.

“Parents right across the state have told me about the impact devices like smartphones are having on their kids’ learning and mental health. In the classroom,teachers don’t know if students are looking up a Shakespeare quote or watching a video on TikTok,” Minns said.

Parent and vice-president of Randwick Boys High P&C Katja Klikauer said she thought phone bans had huge benefits,mainly around cutting distractions in class.

“Kids used to just stare at their phones before Randwick brought the ban in. With phones away the students said they were playing more,boys are playing basketball during lunch,and just chatting to each other more,” Klikauer said.

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