Australia Post CEO Paul Graham at the Melbourne office on Bourke Street.

Australia Post CEO Paul Graham at the Melbourne office on Bourke Street.Credit:Arsineh Houspian

Along with letter and parcel deliveries,Australia Post operates a vast network of more than 4300 post offices across the country. These process bill payments,sell gift cards,phones and general merchandise and accept passport applications.

The group’s 2513 post offices in rural and regional areas have a heightened importance,providing services and goods where fewer other retail options are available.

Despite a vow to streamline services in the face of rising costs,Graham said yesterday that he expected its physical presence to grow in coming years as Australia Post trialled new ways of sending and picking up mail.


“We are continuing to roll out more points of presence,and I think what you’ll see in Australia Post if we look five years from now[is] we’ll actually be available in many more places than we are today,” he said.

“But the nature of that availability will be maybe still a physical post office,it may be a parcel locker,it may be a self-service terminal.”

Graham said the company was getting more sophisticated in its merchandising offer and was “no different to any other retailer” in analysing which products performed well and which lagged at various sites across the country.


“We’re really dialling up,as part of our strategy,more targeted retail offerings,including looking at new formats,” he said. That could include larger store formats in regional areas,Graham said,such as the Community Hub concept Australia Post launched in Orange last year,which he described as “an expanded retail format that takes into account having more space for merchandising,but targeted,again,specifically around that community’s needs and providing a showcase for small local businesses”.

There is still a strong appetite for buying gift and birthday cards at a local post office,but the company is focused on working out the needs of different areas so it can better target the services it provides,Graham said.


“In certain areas in the city,parcel lockers work extremely well,are ultra-convenient. In a regional area,that may not work,” he said.

The federal government is canvassing an overhaul of postal services after Australia Post confirmed last month that losses in its letters business ballooned to $189.7 million for the six months to December,which will lead the carrier to a full-year loss for the first time since 2015.

On Monday,Graham said Australia had the lowest letter stamp prices among OECD countries,and it was time for the nation to have a conversation about the price of stamps.

“[The prices don’t] in any way reflect anywhere near the cost to serve,” he said. “So that is a challenge.”

Graham said that if post prices rose,it would be possible to maintain reasonable fees for vulnerable groups and concession-card holders.

“The imposition of a price increase to the average household is very small,” he said.

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An original version of this story reported there were more than 3400 post offices in Australia. This has been updated to reflect there are more than 4300.

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