A death cap mushroom that was growing under an oak tree at Victoria’s Royal Botanic Gardens.

A death cap mushroom that was growing under an oak tree at Victoria’s Royal Botanic Gardens.Credit:Penny Stephens

Only one worked to fully protect cells against the deadly mushroom – indocyanine green,or ICG,an injectable dye used in medicine since 1956.

“We know little about how mushroom toxins kill cells,” lead researcher Professor Qiaoping Wang,of China’s Sun Yat-Sen University,said.

“The revelation that an already FDA-approved drug could potentially block the protein responsible for mushroom toxicity came as a complete shock.”

Death caps cause 90 per cent of fatal mushroom poisonings. A piece the size of a 20-cent coin is enough to cause catastrophic liver failure and kill an adult within days.

University of Sydney genetics expert Professor Greg Neely developed the venom and toxin screening techniques that made the discovery of the proposed antidote possible.

The method uses CRISPR screening,which works by taking a mixture of cells and disabling a different gene in each cell. Researchers then add a toxin – in this case amanitin,the death cap’s killer ingredient – to the mixture of mutant cells.

Professor Greg Neely helped discover potential antidotes for box jellyfish stings and death cap mushroom poisoning.

Professor Greg Neely helped discover potential antidotes for box jellyfish stings and death cap mushroom poisoning.Credit:The University of Sydney

The cells that survive provide clues as to which genes interact with the toxin.

Neely and his team used CRISPR screening in 2019 to develop a potential treatment for the excruciating and often fatal sting of a box jellyfish.

The screening revealed that box jellyfish venom needs the body’s cholesterol to work. Neely’s team used this knowledge to develop an antidote from existing cholesterol-reducing drugs,which blocked the venom’s ability to kill cells,inflict pain and cause tissue death and scarring.

Similarly,the death cap study,published inNature Communications, scrutinised the role of more than 19,000 genes and identified an enzyme called STT3B that’s key to amanitin’s toxicity in the body.

ICG dye binds to STT3B,which blocked the enzyme’s activity and halted the death cap’s toxic effect on lab-grown liver cells and in mice when administered within four hours of poisoning.

Neely said the revelation has the potential to save many lives.

“I think this is a really impressive application of CRISPR screening. My feeling was that it would be quite difficult to find an antidote for such a potent toxin,” he said.

“The next step would be testing on humans,and this kind of trial will be difficult to set up due to the rareness of this kind of poisoning. I think China might be the perfect country to be able to manage human trials of this antidote,so I am looking forward to seeing what happens next.”


There were 40,000 mushroom poisonings and 788 deaths reported in China between 2010 and 2020. Death caps closely resemble the straw mushroom,a species commonly cooked in Asian cuisines.

At least six people have died from death cap poisoning in Australia,including two Canberrans who ate the toxic fungus at a New Year’s Eve dinner party in 2012.

The mushrooms sprout in autumn and early winter after rain and grow in symbiosis with oak trees,most commonly in Canberra,Melbourne and Adelaide.

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