Senior Queensland government members Shannon Fentiman,Steven Miles,Annastacia Palaszczuk and Cameron Dick.

Senior Queensland government members Shannon Fentiman,Steven Miles,Annastacia Palaszczuk and Cameron Dick.

Both she and Miles belong to Labor’s Left faction – of which Miles is the most senior member – which encompasses the majority of the party’s state MPs. Dick and Palaszczuk top the rival Right faction. All four easily held their safe Labor seats in 2020.

During the pandemic,Miles often played an attack-dog role,with varying success,and has served across a range of portfolios,including health and environment,since his election among the class of 2015.

During his slightly longer stint as an MP,Dick has had similarly wide-ranging roles,including health and attorney-general,the latter under former premier Anna Bligh.


While Palaszczuk retains her party standing after unexpectedly leading from opposition to win government in 2015,any direct challenge is unlikely. Strict party rules make it even more so.

Yet after eight years as leader of a government that some have suggested needs apolicy drive “reanimation”,and amidslipping polling figures,the question of who may step up to eventually fill the top job must be at the back of MPs’ minds.

The premier has previously said she intends to face votersat least once more,in 2024. As recently as February,she said to maintain stability,she was not planning to reshuffle her cabinet. Previous overhauls have largely been in response to ministers stood down or aside amid investigations.

Announcing a high-level 10-year reformvision for the health portfolio just this month,D’Ath told the room she was there “for the long haul”. Nine has reported shedid not ask to leave the role.

Things can turn quickly in politics,for many reasons. This reshuffle and its ripples will give directional clues for one of the next twists.

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