Marcia Langton addresses the National Press Club on Wednesday.

Marcia Langton addresses the National Press Club on Wednesday.Credit:James Brickwood

The storm over her comments came during a wider row when the government accused Opposition Leader Peter Dutton of spreading “disinformation” on the Indigenous Voice and misquoting ministers on the power of parliament.

Langton,a key author of the Voice after the previous government named her to a peak group that advised on its design,made her criticisms of the No campaign at a public forum in the West Australian town of Bunbury when she rejected claims the Voice would lead to reparations.

The Coalition cited Langton’s remarks at the opening of question time on Tuesday to demand that the Minister for Indigenous Australians,Linda Burney,condemn comments reported in theBunbury Herald andThe Australian.

Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley cited the reports to tell parliament that Langton had “accused No voters of opposing the referendum because of,quote,‘base racism or sheer stupidity’,” although the report in theBunbury newspaper said Langton was speaking about the “No case” and its message to voters.

Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney rejected claims the Voice would trigger reparations.

Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney rejected claims the Voice would trigger reparations.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

While conservative campaign group Advance Australia spread the remarks by Langton to attack the Yes campaign,Langton told this masthead she did not accuse No voters of racism.

“I’m saying the claims being made by the No case are based in racism and stupidity – and appeal to racism and stupidity,” Langton said. “And they are appealing to Australians to frighten them into adopting highly racist and stupid beliefs.”


Video and audio of her remarks made it clear Langton was speaking about campaigners rather than voters.

“Every time the No case raises one of their arguments,if you start pulling it apart,you get down to base racism. I’m sorry to say it,but that’s where it lands – or just sheer stupidity,” she said in an audio obtained by this masthead and a separate video of the forum.

Langton responded to the claims made in parliament by saying her remarks in Bunbury came after a listener at the forum asked if all Aboriginal people would get compensation if the Yes vote succeeded.

She said her answer was that this was untrue and that Indigenous people could only get compensation if a court ruled they had a fair claim,a similar situation to any Australian.

“The media reporting is a very deliberate tactic to make me look like a racist when I’m not,” Langton said. “I am not a racist,and I don’t believe that the majority of Australians are racist. I do believe that the No campaigners are using racist tactics.

“I did not say whatThe Australian and theBunbury Herald are reporting,” Langton said. She added that she was getting legal advice.

Questions about truth dominated parliament on Tuesday when Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus called Dutton the “leader of a misinformation and disinformation campaign” on the Voice,venting frustration over the Coalition’s support for the No case as it increases its lead in public polls.

Dutton responded with a claim that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese would “divide our country right down the middle” at the referendum on October 14 when most voters rejected the government call to enshrine the Voice in the Constitution.

The vigorous debate highlighted Labor’s attempt to brand Dutton a liar and convince voters he would remain a negative figure in national affairs whatever the outcome on the Voice,while the opposition leader claimed Albanese had bungled the referendum and could not be trusted.


The Coalition challenged the government on the implications of the Voice by questioning Burney about whether the group would clear the way for reparation payments,a change some First Australians support.

Burney said “the Voice to parliament,this referendum,is not about reparations” and echoed previous statements from Albanesethat rejected reparations,after Education Minister Jason Clare said on Tuesday morning it was “rubbish” to claim the Voice would lead to compensation payments.

Dutton stood soon afterwards to suggest that Burney had made a statement she did not make.

“Can the minister confirm her advice in her previous answer that the parliament can override the provisions of the Constitution?” he asked.


Burney had not made that assertion. Dreyfus then accused Dutton of spreading “legal nonsense” about the Voice.

“That is what we have heard repeatedly from this leader of the opposition,who will stop at nothing in his campaign of disinformation and misinformation,” Dreyfus said.

“He has misled the people of Australia repeatedly throughout this campaign. And he should be
ashamed of himself.”

Dutton has in recent weeks falsely claimed it was wrong to count a tick as a Yes vote and said,falsely,that the referendumquestion could be changed before October 14.

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