Min Woo Lee and his golf bag which advertises wagyu beef and his Instagram handle.

Min Woo Lee and his golf bag which advertises wagyu beef and his Instagram handle.Credit:Getty

He wants to be No.1 in the world and No.1 on the web,too. His huge TikTok and Instagram followings have been built,mostly,by his own ingenuity. He posts viral trick shot videos,asks tournament officials to help him with photos of the day’s play,so he can upload them,and films himself driving down Magnolia Lane at Augusta National,asking fans what song they would have playing in the car.

Told of the fan with the shirt on Thursday,Lee said:“I saw him probably early on. It was pretty cool. Might have to sell it.”


But it doesn’t seem to mess with what he does between the ropes. Wearing his trademark black turtleneck outfit,the 25-year-old not only upstaged playing partner Cameron Smith (73),but might have played him out of the tournament. The 6am galleries came mainly for Smith,but left wanting more from Lee.

“I felt really good out there,and it’s awesome to have such big crowds,particularly[at] six o’clock in the morning,” he said. “I’m happy they came and supported us. This is probably the biggest crowd I’ve got all year with the exception of The Masters and The Open.”

Adam Scott shot an opening round 66 at Royal Queensland.

Adam Scott shot an opening round 66 at Royal Queensland.Credit:Getty

On Tuesday night,Lee’s sister Minjee won the Greg Norman Medal as Australia’s best golfer over the past 12 months. You couldn’t find two more different personalities. You sense Minjee was glad she was flying back to Australia when she won the award because it meant she didn’t have to get up and give an acceptance speech. Min Woo had already won over the crowd as he sat in the middle of Smith and Scott,trading barbs with his older compatriots.

Scott tried his best to keep pace with Lee with an opening round five-under 66,but both are trailing little-known Spaniard Joel Moscatel (63),the world No.1162 who tied Jed Morgan’s course record to lead by one.

For Scott,the only benefit of his early tee time was trying to beat jet lag.

“I think[when it started raining] was when I was truly waking up,maybe about 7am,” he said.

Smith will need to wake up quickly. The Queenslander bumbled his way through his first round with uncharacteristic iron play,and risks missing the cut as he vies for a fourth Australian PGA title. His primary desire is to win the Australian Open for the first time next week,and the rest of this tournament might be a fine-tuning exercise for Sydney.

“It was frustrating,upsetting,” he said. “I really couldn’t get anything going. I couldn’t get it close enough to the hole. I felt like I would have a half-decent shot,and it would go to 30 or 40 feet,and I would never really have a chance at birdie. It was just crappy.


“There was no reason why you couldn’t have gone low from[when the wind died down]. It was just pretty terrible golf.”

Which couldn’t be said of Lee. He waltzed out of Royal Queensland and off to see American rapper Post Malone in Brisbane later that night.

There might be a collaboration waiting there,too. If so,we’ll learn about it on TikTok.

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