Do close friendships carry too many pitfalls?

Do close friendships carry too many pitfalls?Credit:iStock

I wasn’t prepared for this. There’s no manual or app with cute animations explaining how to support your child as they start stomping on other children’s hearts. “Tilly isnotmy best friend any more,” my daughter will announce and,when pushed to describe the relationship,she will say something devastating,like:“She took the stick I was playing with,” or “She gave our doll the wrong name”. There’s more drama than you could poke the offending stick at.

Sometimes,when she makes these kinds of statements,I find myself wondering if I can introduce her to the radical concept of conscious uncoupling,or if it’s too advanced for her young mind. Given that most adults outside of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin failed to get their heads around it,I realise it probably is.

“Everyone is your best friend,” I chant,hoping to hypnotise her into being an all-inclusive human who never hurts anyone’s feelings. At other times,I remember this is real life and that hurting people at some point is inevitable.

We’re obsessed with friendship bust-ups. Did Meghan,Duchess of Sussex,snub Jessica Mulroney? Did Taylor Swift and her coterie of A-list besties,known as “the squad” really fall out? Are Mary Donaldson and Amber Petty still mates now one of them is the Queen of Denmark?

Taylor Swift in 2015 with former best friends including Cara Delevingne,Kendall Jenner,Karlie Kloss and Gigi Hadid.

Taylor Swift in 2015 with former best friends including Cara Delevingne,Kendall Jenner,Karlie Kloss and Gigi Hadid.Credit:Instagram

Across the UK,a number of wealthy private schools are known to deter students – including heir to the British thronePrince George – from the commitment of a singular best friend,instead encouraging students to be kind to everyone in their class.

But are best friends inherently exclusive,or is it a normal part of a child’s development as they learn that they click with some people more than others? As we strive to improve inclusion among our kids,should the idea of having a best friend become obsolete?


“Perhaps they mirror a long-held romantic ideal in American culture:monogamous partnership,in which love is considered more real for its lack of competition,” Jaya Saxena wrote inThe Atlantic.


But as much as I like to hope this is just another temporary phase she will quickly outgrow,I know this cycle of making and ending friendships for fickle reasons will be one that is set to only become more complicated as she enters primary school,and then high school.

Growing up,close friendships were the fires that could make or break you. I can still remember the trio of girls I attempted to join with one day after I had a fight with my appointed best friend. They told me I couldn’t join the trio because,with a fourth member,it’s no longer a trio. It’s hard to swallow the bitter pill of rejection (which I was also inflicting on my supposed bestie by turning to others).

Child psychologist Dr Kimberley O’Brien believes children can have a number of close friends or just one close friend and still learn inclusive behaviours,explaining that parents modelling this is more effective than those who simply try to teach inclusion. Encouraging your child to reach out to other kids in their class or a new neighbour,for example,“by putting a note in their lunch box or taking a pot plant and placing it on their balcony as a surprise for the new kids in town,” are great ways to do this.

If your child uses the term “best friend”,O’Brien says it’s important to unpack what they think and feel,asking questions like,what does a best friend mean to you? Why is that person your best friend? “Use it as an opportunity to learn from your child,” she says.


Education researcher and lecturer Megan Adams agrees that children,especially younger children aged three to five,view friendships differently from adults and that they will learn more from parental modelling than explicit instruction.

At this age,Adams says,kids are “in the moment and gravitate towards others with similar interests,abilities,and language through their play”. She adds,“No one forces adults to be friends with those they don’t click with,yet we do tend to do this with children.”

The adage “do as I say,not as I do” rings true in many parental quandaries,including the right to have a singular best friend. It’s much easier to tell children how to act,but there’s little point in telling them to be inclusive or discouraging best friendships if our own circle of friends doesn’t match the ideal.

Cherie Gilmour is a freelance writer.

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