NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Peter Thurtell

NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Peter ThurtellCredit:Oscar Colman

Under the conditions of the ADVO,Harrison was prohibited from assaulting or threatening his former partner,as well as stalking,harassing or intimidating her. He was also banned from destroying any property or harming an animal belonging to her.

“He was known to police for previous DV matters,but not significant issues,” Thurtell said.

The deaths are being treated as a murder-suicide.

“A more tragic event you wouldn’t come across,so that is very sad and that’s a matter now that is being investigated and a report will be prepared for the coroner,” Thurtell said.

Strike Force McGuren officers were on Tuesday looking at Harrison’s background,including whether he had a criminal history in other jurisdictions.

A report will be prepared for the coroner.

Lismore Mayor Steve Krieg said the deaths “were all too common” in the region. “There’s an epidemic[of family violence] up here in the Northern Rivers,” he said.

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin said her government had to do more to support families in need. “There are services available,but it’s not easy. We’ve got to make it easier.”

Saffin said the community had been rocked by the deaths.“I know that’s how our community is feeling at the moment. They’re in shock,” she said.

Saffin worked in a Lismore family violence refuge for five years and set up the Far North Coast Domestic Violence Liaison Committee with NSW police.

In a speech to state parliament last week,she described the spectrum of abuse that victims went through including derogatory comments,emotional control,psychological abuse,and finally,murder.

“It is not just being a little bit scared;it is living with terror. That absolute terror dominates those women’s lives at the hands of someone who is supposed to be a loving partner – someone they love,” she said.

“The headlines go on and on. This is predominantly male violence. I acknowledge that some men are subjected to domestic violence too,but this is about male violence. It is a problem right across society,and we have to change it.”

With Eryk Bagshaw

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