Laura Tingle,chief political correspondent of the ABC’s “7.30” current affairs television program.

Laura Tingle,chief political correspondent of the ABC’s “7.30” current affairs television program.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

In a lengthy follow-up statement contextualising her comments,Tingle reassured Australians that,while observing that we are a racist country,she “wasn’t saying every Australian is a racist”. This would have been obvious to her audience. People who attend writers’ festivals would not consider themselves racist. People on writers’ festival panels are most surely not racist. So what makes us a racist country? Who exactly is racist in Australia? And against whom?

It’s a question that we really don’t examine enough. There is an authorial arrogance to writers’ festival anti-racism,in which whiteness is forever and always the protagonist. White people are the doers,other races the done unto. It is a strange and ironic erasure of multiethnic and multicultural Australia.

As a white woman curious about the experience of others,I did something radical,and asked a range of non-white Australians I know. Of course there is racism in Australia,was the resounding response. Then,when I asked about personal experiences,it got complicated.


There is strong racism in schools in multiethnic areas,I was told. One (half-Thai) friend told me about attending a western Sydney public high school,where the kids split themselves into Indians,Asians and whites,with each group exhibiting racism against the other. There was a pecking order:whites were at the top of the pile,followed by Asians,with the Indian kids the most marginalised and picked on by all the others.

By contrast,a half-Vietnamese Gen-Z said he’d never experienced racism “because I grew up on (Sydney’s) Northern Beaches”. His friends were all white (the Beaches are,after all,very homogenous). He never felt different until he moved to Sydney’s inner west,where there are more new migrants.

Australian friends of Thai and Indian appearance both recounted instances of being racially abused by Indigenous Australians,with “go back where you came from” and “curry muncher” hurled at them. And a Uyghur friend said his Chinese circle was very racist against Indians. They claimed this was because they had been bullied and mugged by Indians at school,an inversion (or variation) of the hierarchy observed above.


In a further dimension of inter-minority attitudes,both Chinese and Indian migrants can be Islamophobic,reflecting attitudes towards Muslims in China and India,which are based on faith. In those countries,the Muslims are not ethnically very different,so these attitudes are often not described as racism. Instead,in the words of a Taiwanese friend,it points to the fact that “race tends to be a proxy for culture”.


Migrants and second-generation Australians of different ethnicities also describe racism directed at them by white Australians,both recent and in the past. After 1788,Anglo-Saxon people quickly became the largest group on the continent and “white” attitudes to Indigenous and new Australians shaped our discussion about how racism manifested in this country.

But exploring the experiences of the increasing numbers of Australians from different backgrounds demonstrates that racism in modern Australia isn’t (apologies) a black and white picture,but a shaded experience in which racist and “culturist” attitudes exist and are,over time,accentuated or erased as they mix in the Australian context. Italians,Greeks,Irish,Germans and many other nations which were once the “wogs”,“wops”,“spuds” and “krauts” discriminated against are now commonly held to be “white” – shorthand for belonging to the cultural majority.

There is scant research into the multidimensional tapestry of Australian relationships and racist attitudes. Studies,including the ABC Australia Talks survey cited by Tingle in her post-event rationalisation,“have repeatedly found the majority of Australians of non-European backgrounds reporting experiences of discrimination and racism in their lives,sometimes starting as early as primary school”. But they don’t ask from whom. Reporting on these results tends to assume that racism is one-dimensional and one-directional,from white to non-white.

The closest we usually come to discussing inter-minority attitudes is when baffled writers’ festival philosophers encounter the “drawbridge mentality”. This refers to the fact that,in Australia and other countries around the world,newer immigrants are observed to be more opposed to immigration than more established populations. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is sometimes cited as the highest-profile example of this phenomenon,as he advocates for reducing immigration despite being of Indian heritage,and a direct beneficiary of his parents’ move from East Africa to Britain in the 1960s. Some people who are opposed to Sunak and similar “drawbridgers” blame “internalised racism”.


Syrian-German scholar Bassam Tibi,however,argues that it is normal to move to a new nation for the qualities that society and culture represent,making recent migrants even more fearful than others that high immigration will dilute or transform the culture they came for. Perhaps,we might conclude,we are a racist country because we too often ignore diverse experiences and thought-processes.

Peter Dutton has made it plain that he does not intend to put his electoral fortunes in the hands of writers’ festival attendees. His incredibly low target for immigration numbers is probably unrealistic,but his migration strategy is calibrated to speak to multicultural Australia. Only a writers’ festival panel could find that depressing.

Parnell Palme McGuinness is managing director at campaigns firm Agenda C. She has done work for the Liberal Party and the German Greens.

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