Interest-rate rises are coming:is it time to fix your home loan?

Senior economics writer

When I started out as a baby cadet journalist in 2005,it was often my job to secure what we call a “case study” to speak about the latest Reserve Bank of Australia interest-rate hike.

I distinctly remember scoring myself a coveted page-one position after voyaging to the home territory of then Reserve Bank governor,Glenn Stevens,in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire,to interview some local business owners about the impact of their famous neighbour’s costly actions.

Suzanne White

Around the same time,governor Stevens woke to a tabloid front page (not ours!) posing the question:“Is this the most useless man in Australia?”

Basically,things got personal.

When interest rates rise again for the first time since November 2010 – as most economists now expect to happen on the first Tuesday in June –it’s hard to understate what big news that will be.

About a million borrowers have taken out their loans over the past decade,meaning they will never have felt the pinch of a rate hike.

For many,it’s a worrying prospect and many are wondering if they should act to fix the interest rate on their mortgage.

As I’ve shared previously,I fixed my own home loan mid-last year for two years at an ultra-low rate of 1.84 per cent. That’s despite my long-held opinion that deciding to fix your rate is like gambling on the future direction of interest rates – no-one really knows if it will pay off. But I sensed an historic opportunity to score a good deal. I took a punt. And as it turns out,I was roughly right.

Since late last year,banks have been slamming the door shut on their fixed rates below 2 per cent. And they’re still at it. NAB this week hiked its fixed interest rates by another 0.6 percentage points.

Across the big-four banks,1-year fixed rates are now nudging 3 per cent,2-year fixed rates are at about 4 per cent and 3,4 and 5-year rates are well above 4 per cent – hitting 5 per cent in some cases.

As a result,Australians are increasingly jumping off the fixed-rate bandwagon. In a reversion to a more normal state of affairs,the proportion of new loans written with fixed – as opposed to variable – interest rates fell to 28 per cent in February,after hitting a peak of 47 per cent in July last year,according to Canstar finance expert Steve Mickenbecker.

“The days for fixing the interest rate,at least at the big four banks,look to be behind us. NAB’s popular three-year fixed rate is now 2.3 percentage points higher than its lowest variable rate.”

To make fixing at that rate a good idea,you’d have to believe that an aggressive campaign of official rate hikes is on its way,says Mickenbecker.

“Borrowers with a strong aversion to increasing repayments and an expectation of a very high Reserve Bank cash rate in three or so years from now,may still see value in locking in with NAB’s five-year fixed rate,but at 4.99 per cent – 2.8 percentage points above its variable rate – this will be a small minority.”

The Canstar website still has six lenders advertising variable interest rate loans below 2 per cent for borrowers with 80 per cent or less loan-to-valuation ratio.

Basically,we’re back to the more usual situation where fixed rates are higher than variable rates. Traditionally,this happens because borrowers are willing to pay a premium for the certainty of knowing what their repayments will be over a given time period.

The risk is borrowers may now be paying too much of a premium to fix,compared to what is likely to happen to variable rates.

Of course,nobody knows what will happen to variable rates. Most economists are tipping about four official cash rate increases by Christmas,with the rate moving from 0.1 per cent to about 1 per cent by year-end. Depending on whom you ask,they expect the cash rate to climb further to between 1.5 per cent to 2 per cent next year.

Financial markets are much more fearful,with futures markets betting the cash rate will hit 3 per cent next year.

Current fixed-rate loans offers seem to be priced off these aggressive rate-hike market expectations. However,I’d be very surprised if that happens.

Mortgage sizes have ballooned in recent years,meaning that the same percentage change in interest rates hurts households much more in dollar terms.

The Reserve Bank will do what it thinks is right to manage inflationary pressures,but governors know that punters and tabloid editors – and some more mild-mannered journalists such as myself,too – will be waiting with brick bats if they go too hard,too fast.

Locking in your mortgage interest rate is always a gamble. You could be right and bag a bargain – or you could end up paying more. Only time will tell.

If certainty of payments is valuable to you,investigate. However,fixed-rate loans also come with a host of downsides,including an inability to have a mortgage offset account,limited ability to make additional payments within the fixed term and potential break costs,should you want to switch to another lender.

Before you rush to lock-in at new higher fixed rates,consider shopping around for cheaper fixed and variable rates.

Jessica Irvine is author of the new bookMoney with Jess:Your Ultimate Guide to Household Budgeting. You can follow more of Jess’ money adventures on Instagram@moneywithjess andsign up to receive her weekly email newsletter.

Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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