Is it time to take plunge into brave new world of 5G?

“Timing in life is everything,” says former Apple chief executive John Sculley. It is a key thing to consider when deciding whether or not to adopt new technology,too.

Whether it is buying a new mobile phone or tablet,when to go solar or snapping up an electric vehicle,it is all about the timing.

Is now the right time to jump into 5G,or should you wait?

Is now the right time to jump into 5G,or should you wait?

The groundbreakingMoore’s Law,a prediction made by US engineer Gordon Moore in 1965,suggests that the number of transistors per silicon computer chip doubles every two years.

Electronics also get cheaper with age. So,unless you are a determined early adopter who loves to be the first to play with new technological toys,the big question is:when is the right time to take the leap in order to maximise the best bang for your buck?

Which brings me to 5G phones.

The new 5G mobile networks are required to have a minimum download speed of 100Mbps,which is the same as the “FastNBN” plans in aboutone in 10 Australian homes.

The mobile networks average about 200Mbps but they will get faster as time passes. Think of it for now as about twice the speed of 4G phone technology.

Is now the right time to jump into 5G,or should you wait? And how can you minimise the costs,which can be very high?

If you decide to buy the most expensive 5G phone – theiPhone 12 Pro Max – and sign up to an expensive plan,the exercise could cost you more than $2300 for the phone and an additional $115 a month for Telstra’s XL Data plan. That is a whopping $5129 in the first two years.

However,buy one of the cheaper 5G phones,such as theOnePlus Nord N10 for about $400,or RealMe,Oppo and Motorola phones for about $500,and it is almost $2000 cheaper than the top-of-the-line iPhone deal.

Sign up to a cheap 5G plan,such asSpinTel’s $30 a month “Lite” offering,and you can leap into the 5G world for $85 a month less. Over two years,the difference between those two paths is about $4000.

However,before you even start picking phones and plans,there are a few questions you should answer first.

Does your network offer 5G?

So far,only the “Big 3” network owners – Telstra,Optus,Vodafone – as well as SpinTel offer 5G access. None of the Big 3’s subsidiaries – Boost and Belong (Telstra),amaysim and Gomo (Optus) and Felix and TPG (Vodafone) – have 5G phone plans.

The telco majors see 5G as an opportunity to bring premium customers back to the mothership,so you might have to switch providers to get 5G access.

Is it in my area?

Each provider has a map on their website showing the coverage of their 5G network.

By June,Telstra’s goal is to cover 75 per cent of the population.

You can check the latest coverage maps using an online tool created by comparison websiteWhistleout. It is constantly changing but there is no point paying extra cash for 5G if it is not yet available at your home or workplace.

Are my phone and plan 5G-compatible?

If you bought a phone before 2019,probably not. That was when the first 5G phones from Samsung hit Australian shores. The first 5G iPhone came in 2020.

So,you might need to upgrade your old phone if you want access a 5G network.

Bear in mind that Apple,Samsung and all the big telcos offer trade-ins on old handsets,and there is no longer a difference in price between buying a phone upfront,on a plan or via a buy now pay later platform.

If your current plan costs less than $40 a month – even if it is with the Big 3 – it might not be 5G compatible. Only the bigger plans tend to play in 5G-land.

However,all three major networks have offered some large discounts on 5G plans over the past year,discounting them by as much as $600 for the first 12 months.

Maybe wait until you see one of those deals for about $50-$60 a month before taking the leap into the brave new 5G world.

Joel Gibson is the author ofKILL BILLS. Catch his money saving segments onNine Radio,TODAY and Twitter@joelgibson.

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