It pays to be energy efficient:Here's how to make some big savings

It is not often I wish I lived in Canberra but today is one of those days.

I have just explored some of the freebies and rebates offered by state and territory governments to households that want to be more energy efficient and the Australian Capital Territory clearly comes out on top.

Electricity and gas bills have rocketed with many people working from home throughout winter during the pandemic.

Electricity and gas bills have rocketed with many people working from home throughout winter during the pandemic.AP

To give you an example,you could qualify for more than $11,500 in energy efficiency leg-ups from the ACT government and dominant energy retailer ActewAGL,made up of:

Almost every other state and territory also offers programs to encourage household energy efficiency,which in turn help the state to meet its own targets.

However,some are more generous than others.

For example,Victoria has anEnergy Upgrades Program where the rebates available to a household can add up to more than $4000,ranging from weather-proofing and double-glazing to upgrading your fridge,hot water system,heater,TV,clothes dryer,shower-head and pool pump.

In NSW,pensioners receive 40 per cent to 50 per cent off the cost of a new energy efficient fridge or TV and,in some cases,a free 3kW solar system installed on their roof.

In some regional areas,you can also receive subsidised replacement of all your lightbulbs with efficient LEDs,or up to $14,000 interest-free towards installing solar panels and batteries.

Queensland’s offering focuses on encouraging people to buy PeakSmart air conditioners,which can be turned down momentarily in moments of high power demand in summer ($400 rebate),or $200 towards moving your hot water or pool pump onto a cheaper economy tariff.

If you are in SA and you want up to $4000 from the government towards a solar battery,you better move quickly as it is down to the last 500 places on offer. Otherwise,contact your retailer and ask them what freebies or discounts they offer under theSA Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme.

Elsewhere,it is pretty slim pickings – just $100 from the WA government to help fix water leaks and free home energy audits in Tasmania.

All these efficiency rebates are available on top of thethousands of dollars in concessions for households doing it tough on JobSeeker or other government COVID-19-induced support payments.

With the pandemic driving record-high winter electricity bills and the recession only just starting to bite,we need to claim every dollar of taxpayer help we are entitled to in the coming months.

My electricity usage is up 35 per cent while the gas bill has tripled because I have been working from home throughout winter.

Governments are already doing a lot to help those in need with energy bills but they might need to do more still in the months to come. (I would still like to see them make home energy bills 100 per cent tax deductible during the pandemic.)

If you want to see what help is available to make your home more energy efficient and therefore lower your future bills,go to the federal government's

Joel Gibson is the author ofKILL BILLS. Catch his money saving segments onNine Radio,TODAY and Twitter@joelgibson.

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