The real cost of running your car:It's time to change gears

Senior economics writer

I admit it,when I initially assigned this week four of my Money Makeover to the task of reducing my transport costs – petrol,car insurance and the like – I completely failed to countenance the biggest money saving strategy of all.

Because if you are really serious about drastically reducing your transport costs – one of the biggest components of any household budget – by far the simplest thing to do is to just not travel anywhere.

Ditching your habit of paying for inner-city car parking can save you thousands of dollars.

Ditching your habit of paying for inner-city car parking can save you thousands of dollars.

And the most-effective way to do that,as we now know,is to live in the midst of a pandemic which forces your government to enforce draconian limits on your civil liberties,foremost the ability to move freely throughout your community.

Simple! Mission accomplished. End of column. See you next week.

Still here? OK,well,in anticipation of the happy day we are once again able to exercise our fundamental right to freedom of movement,I do have some other strategies we can all deploy.

In normal times,the average Aussie household spends a whopping $10,800 a year on transport costs,according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics'latest household spending survey (which is now about three years old,so add some inflation to that).

Buying new cars is the biggest spending item,with the average household spending $2600 a year on new motor vehicles (ie. buying a $20,000 car every eight years).

As for vehicle running costs,the average cost per household of petrol is $1950 a year,or just over $37 a week. This is the total cost of petrol spread across all households – including those without cars – so the cost for car-owners,particularly those who travel long distances,can be much higher.

Car registration sets the average household (again,including non-car-owning households) an average of $260 a year. Compulsory third party and comprehensive insurance adds another $940.

As for maintenance,households spend an average of $880 servicing their cars each year,plus $190 for new tyres,$55 for a new battery,$180 for vehicle parts and $115 for accessories.

Then there's other sundry costs,including drivers license fees ($50 on average a year),roadside assist ($60),car parking fees ($225) and road tolls ($90).

By contrast,households in total spend an average of just $300 a year on public transport. For regular commuters or car-less Australians,the costs are higher.

I was shocked when I started tallying my own transport costs. When I applied for my home loan late last year,the message was clear:it was time to ditch my $22 a weekday habit of driving to work and paying for parking in the city.

Turns out smashed avocados were not my downfall,but a rather expensive parking habit.

I've since ditched the car and now use public transport to get to work and do the school drop-off. With public transport fares capped at $50 a week maximum cost in my city,this should set me back about $2300 a year – less than half what I was paying for parking.

How I yearn to catch the bus again!

As for the car now sitting largely idle in my car spot,aside from the odd supermarket raid,I calculate it's costing me $6000 a year to run. Ouch!

My car budget includes $377 a year for rego,$444 for compulsory third party insurance,$886 for comprehensive insurance,$1500 for two six-monthly services plus parts and repairs,$110 for roadside assist,$317 for tolls (based on my actual spend for the past year) and a whopping $2340 a year for petrol,assuming I fill up a $90 tank every fortnight.

I did manage to save myself about $100 a year by increasing the excess on my car insurance – how much I have to pay out in the event of an accident – from $850 ($990.70 annual premium) to $1500 ($886.71 annual premium). If I only have a bingle every seven years or more,I'll be better off. And I didn't even have to speak to a human for that saving! I just used the webchat function on my insurer's website and they ran me through the savings. Too easy.

All up,I'm budgeting it costs me $8891 each year for transport,including $600 for a monthly Uber-escorted night out.

To save on petrol,I recently downloaded a money-saving app onto my smartphone (Fuel Check in NSW,RACV for members in Victoria and Motormouth nationally). Last time I filled up,I checked the app beforehand and paid just $1.43 per litre,when surrounding stations were charging $1.82. For a 65-litre tank,that's a $25 saving per tank. Do that every fortnight,and you save $650 a year.

Still,becoming a hermit remains the easiest way to save on transport. But,as all spend this Easter weekend cooped up at home,I think we can all agree some savings just aren't worth the cost.

Follow Jess on Instagram at@jess_irvine_pics or see her segments on Nine's Today Show. You can email her your money saving and budgeting tips to

Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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