Tiny amounts of cash can soon build into substantial savings

I am 38 years old and a low-income earner on $25,000 year. I set up a Raiz account – an app that automatically invests your spare change – and have managed to save $2000 and continuing. However,the fees seem high at $1.25 a month. I wonder if I should take my money and buy big four bank shares once I get to a certain amount. I have $85,000 in super,however,I want the money to be accessible for an emergency or my three children’s education.

I think having a Raiz account is fine,and the fees which total just $15 a year are tiny when you consider the benefits the account offers you. Also,as the account grows the fees will become less and less in proportion to the balance.

Illustration:Simon Letch

Illustration:Simon Letch

If you bought shares yourself you would have the job of picking the right ones,and would also have brokerage to pay.

What I especially like about the Raiz account is the top up transactions facility whereby tiny amounts are taken from transactions and automatically added to your balance. It’s amazing how they build up after time.

I am 71 my husband is 76 - we are part aged pensioners. My husband has been approved under the UK Government British Former Child Migrant Payment Scheme for an EX-Gratia Payment for Former British Child Migrants. This payment was recommended after an inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (HCSA) and the recommendation was that financial redress scheme for surviving former British child migrants on the basis that they were exposed to the risk of sexual abuse. The aim of the payment is in recognition of the exceptional and specific nature of the historic Child Migration Policy. It is payable to all former child migrants regardless of whether they suffered abuse in recognition of the fundamentally flawed nature of the historic Child Migration Programmes in line with the recommendation in the IICSA’s report. Each eligible former child migrant will receive a payment of £20,000 ($36,652). We wonder if this payment is taxable,and how it will affect our aged pension payments. We are assessed under the assets test.

The Department of Human Services says that payments made under the UK Government British Former Child Migrant Payment scheme are exempt from the income test. However,for income tested pensioners the amount will be subject to deeming if used to acquire financial assets. The money will also be subject to the assets test,so asset tested pensioners may face a reduction in their pension. It’s important you tell the department within 14 days if there is a change to your circumstances.

The quickest and easiest way to update information about income and assets is by using a Centrelink account through myGov. The ATO has reviewed the compensation payments proposed under the British Government – British Child Migrant Scheme and does not consider that the compensation payments would be subject to income tax or capital gains tax.

My husband has just turned 65 and is eligible to apply for a pension. In 2015 a relative died without a valid will and I was declared the legal heir even though my relative wanted his estate to go to his niece. I disclaimed the inheritance of $158,000 in favour of the niece but now understand that the amount will be considered a deprived asset under Centrelink rules which means my husband will not receive a pension. I was told by a financial adviser that I could open a super fund and contribute $100,000 to reduce our assets and therefore be able to claim a part pension for my husband. I am 62 and stopped working in 2010 to care for my mother who has since died. Am I able to start a superannuation fund despite not having a job?

Anybody under the age of 65 can contribute to superannuation whether they are working or not. Money in superannuation is not assessed by Centrelink until the member reaches pensionable age. Therefore,the proposal suggested by your financial advisor appears a good one.

I have recently been blessed with my first and only grandchild who has just now reached the age of eight months. My wife and I are both retired and I am considering putting away a small amount of monies on a regular basis (fortnightly or monthly) towards helping our grandchild’s school education down the track. Any views on what options are available to me as I am new to this.

The problem with investing on behalf of children is that you can easily fall foul of the punitive children’s tax laws if you invest in your own name,or as trustee for the child. This is because income is taxed at the top marginal rate once it exceeds $416 a year. This is why I prefer insurance bonds.

Because the bond earnings accrue in the form of bonuses which are added to the bond’s value,there is nothing to declare on anybody’s tax return each year. When the child reaches 18,the bond can be transferred to them tax-free,or just left alone until the parent or grandparents feels it is appropriate to transfer all or the part of the money to them.

It’s important to take advice before investing in insurance bonds to ensure you get one that fits your goals and your risk profile. There is no loss of access – you can cash the bonds in whole or part whenever you wish.

Noel Whittaker,AM,is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance.

Noel Whittaker,AM,is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance.

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