Why you should'hit it or quit it'when it comes to your bills

Senior economics writer

I think Neil Sedaka sang it best:

I beg of you don't say goodbye;
Can't we give our love another try?
Come on,baby,let's start anew;
'Cause breaking up is hard to do.

When it comes to internet providers there are a mind-boggling array of plans,speeds and download limits but comparison websites are designed to help you through the process.

When it comes to internet providers there are a mind-boggling array of plans,speeds and download limits but comparison websites are designed to help you through the process.Supplied

Ah,breakups. Some of us will go to great lengths to avoid them.

This week,I broke up with my internet service provider.

Well,technically,I'm two-timing my internet service provider,having just signed on to a new unlimited NBN Plan for $49.90 a month with a competitor (for the first six months,reverting to $59.90 after that). I'm just waiting for that to be connected before I kick my old ISP to the kerb.

Once complete,I'll save $150 in the first six months and about $90 in the next six.

Truth is,I've known I've been paying too much for the internet for a while now. But,as I say,breaking up is hard to do.

There are transaction costs,you see. It takes time and effort to research a better deal and sign up. And when it comes to technology,with the mind-boggling array of plans,speeds and download limits,the mental burden of potentially getting it wrong can be great.

Fortunately,there is no shortage of websites out there designed to help. For my internet,I jumped on the privately run websitewhistleout.com.auto compare plans.

For electricity,I loveenergymadeeasy.gov.au,a government-run website to help you compare electricity and gas providers. And of course,there is no shortage of privately run comparison sites for insurance. Just google"price comparison website"and the product you are searching for.

Still,there's always the risk of getting dudded with a new supplier. Get some outside opinions first,by reading a few online reviews,to make sure you're not rushing into the arms of a complete cad.

And if internet dating has taught me anything,it's that it pays to widen your field of vision when it comes to potential suitors. Sure,you might have dreamt of a tall,blonde-locked suitor,but looks are rarely a good indicator of what a service provider can actually do for you. Give the little guy a try!

And if all else fails,remember,we do live in a country with relatively robust consumer protection laws and a competition regulator keen to see us all shopping around.

So,if you haven't given switching a go,now is the time!

Of course,the real problem,thanks to the complexity of our modern financial lives,is keeping track of it all. Which is why this week I sat down and wrote myself a"Hit it or Quit it"list of my regular service providers.

The idea is to check the list regularly – perhaps every six months – and hit up each one of them for a discount,or quit them for a competitor if they can't come to the party.

My"Hit it or Quit it"list has about 25 service providers on it,including my mortgage lender,car,health and home insurers,internet,electricity and superannuation providers. Beside each,I've listed my membership or account number and their phone number,so I am good to go.

I've also included providers you don't always think to price check,such as doctors,gym memberships,hairdressers and car servicers. Sure,you may have trusted relationships with some of these,but it's always worth checking what you are paying is not way out of line with the market.

When it comes to personal finance,it pays to be wildly promiscuous.

I've also included on my list some monopoly suppliers,like my strata fees,local council and water service,just to prompt myself to always check if there's any way to reduce those costs.

For many service providers,you'd be surprised at what discounts are available for existing clients if you simply ask. Mortgages are the best example.

And if you're prepared to threaten to leave,you'd be surprised what riches may come your way.

It took me several months to actually quit my Audible audio-books subscription,because every time I try,the website simply offered me another month for free,or a free credit.

Before making a call to your existing provider seeking a discount,make sure to check out a relevant online comparison website. Once you have your alternate quote,pick up the phone and call.

And just like dating,follow the number one rule:be nice. Being mean and nasty might score you a starring role in a TV reality dating show,but it rarely works in the real world.

Simply tell them you are planning to leave and ask what is the best price they can do. If they can't match the price,maybe they can throw in a free month,a credit or some other helpful discount.

If they can't,it's time to put on your big girl or boy pants and walk away.

Yes,there are risks. The new provider may have poor customer service or their product may not live up to its advertised promise.

But,as with all things finance,remember the risk-reward trade off:the higher the risk,the higher the potential reward – usually.

And small savings here and there add up to big dollars overall.

You can follow Jess on instagram at@jess_irvine_pics.

Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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