ABC staff await a'Hunger Games'battle for their jobs

ABC staff facing the threat of redundancy will be pitted against each other in a "skills audit" process - nicknamed "The Hunger Games",writes Anne Davies,Lisa Cox and Latika Bourke.

ABC staff across the organisation face a"skills audit"in coming days and weeks,in a redundancy process that has been nicknamed"The Hunger Games"after the movie which pitted teenagers in a battle to the death.

Staff with similar skills will be placed in"pools"where they will be audited before a decision is made on which staff will stay or be made redundant.

Support:Opposition Leader Bill Shorten at a rally against the cuts at Parliament House.

Support:Opposition Leader Bill Shorten at a rally against the cuts at Parliament House.Andrew Meares

The process will occur across television and radio,as the ABC seeks to meet the federal government-imposed cut of $207 million over four years as well as redirecting resources toward digital operations such as online and mobile.

The cuts to the ABC will also come under scrutiny by a Senate select committee,which will hold urgent hearings to look at the impact of job losses on ABC programming.

The inquiry will hold a hearing on December 12,chaired by Greens senator Scott Ludlam. There will also be three Labor and two Liberal members,plus one from National.

The inquiry will provide a forum for the full impact of the cuts on programming to be aired and could put the Nationals in a difficult position,with several criticising the cuts to rural services on Tuesday.

Meanwhile,Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has admitted the government's cuts to the ABC and SBS are a broken promise,putting him at odds with Prime Minister Tony Abbott,who has said he never ruled out"an efficiency dividend".

"Well,if you take the view that Tony Abbott's remarks the night before the election on SBS trumped and obliterated everything his colleagues had said on this matter,then yes,that promise - if that is a promise - has not been fulfilled,"Mr Turnbull said on Tuesday.

In news and current affairs,$6 million a year will be saved through 100 staff cuts. However about 65 new digital jobs will be created,allowing the ABC to extend its capacity for breaking and rolling news coverage to online and mobile audiences.

Radio National will deliver up $350,000 in savings each year,but again some people will have to go to make way for new digital positions.

A spokeswoman for the ABC said the pool process outlined to staff was"standard across government departments".

"Where there are pools of staff in a specific area that are potentially redundant,the decisions are made based on merit and skills,using skills criteria that are transparent and available for staff,"she said."There is no targeting of individuals for any other reasons.

"To ensure we have the right mix of skills to address the future needs of ABC News,in some cases we have proposed pooling staff with similar skill sets for selection for redundancy - not only those affected by the discontinuation of programs,"she said.

Staff will go through a confidential interview process to determine who will be made redundant,and there will be some scope for suitably qualified staff to apply for new digital positions.The main casualty in Radio National's line-up will be long-form radio documentaries,with programs such asHindsight,360,Encounter,Into the Music andPoetica"decommissioned".

However the ABC's award-winningBackground Briefing has survived,with the loss of only one position.

The one-hour radio documentary shows will be replaced with a daily half-hour program that will run from Monday to Thursday during the day,with repeats on the weekend.

Books and Arts Daily is being merged withWeekend Arts. And at the weekend,By Design andRN First Bite would be decommissioned and replaced by a reshaped two-hour program out of Melbourne.

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