Alan Jones apologises over native title comments

High-profile broadcaster Alan Jones today issued an apology to an Aboriginal woman for his comments over a native title claim on the NSW north coast.

But Mr Jones was not in court to give the apology himself because he was at Wimbledon watching the tennis.

Instead his lawyers were left to issue the apology to Mary-Lou Buck for his comments on his behalf.

Ms Buck sued Mr Jones for defamation in the NSW Supreme Court over the 2UE broadcast in February 1997,which concerned her involvement in a native title claim at Crescent Head.

The case was settled today for an undisclosed sum of money.

During the broadcast statements were made which suggested Ms Buck had acted fraudulently in making and settling the native title claim.

Mr Jones today withdrew the comments and apologised to Ms Buck.

"We (Mr Jones and radio 2UE) are not aware of any evidence to suggest that Mary-Lou Buck,or any other person connected with the making or settling of the claim,acted in any other manner other than in good faith according to law,and in pursuit of the interests of the Dunghutti People,"Mr Jones'statement said.

"We sincerely apologise for the distress we have caused to Mary-Lou Buck."

Outside the court,Ms Buck said she was very happy with the settlement and apology despite the fact Mr Jones did not deliver it personally.

"I didn't expect him to (be there),"she said.

"Unfortunately he's at Wimbledon. I'm just so happy to get the apology."

She said she was happy her ordeal was over and that she could now"get on with her life".


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