As it happened:Victoria records four new local COVID-19 cases;Cable car accident in Italy kills 14 people


A wrap-up of the day

ByNatassia Chrysanthos

Good evening and thanks for following our Australian news live coverage today. I’mNatassia Chrysanthos signing off until tomorrow.

To recap on an eventful day,particularly in terms of COVID-19 developments:

We’ll be back again tomorrow morning,with my colleagueBroede Carmodyon deck from 6.30am. Have a lovely evening.

Keneally probes contracts awarded for services on Nauru and Papua New Guinea

ByNick Bonyhady

In our final report from Parliament House this evening,national security correspondentAnthony Galloway tells us of some showmanship at the legal and constitutional affairs committee that took place this morning.

It was shut down for about five minutes after Labor senator Kristina Keneally started holding up a large photo of Prime Minister Scott Morrison in her questioning about $1.4 billion worth of government contracts.

Senator Kristina Keneally holds up photos of Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Canstruct CEO Rory Murphy during a Senate Estimates hearing at Parliament House in Canberra

Senator Kristina Keneally holds up photos of Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Canstruct CEO Rory Murphy during a Senate Estimates hearing at Parliament House in CanberraDominic Lorrimer

Senator Keneally was probing contracts awarded by the Department of Home Affairs through limited tender to Canstruct International to take over garrison and welfare services on Nauru and Papua New Guinea.

The Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age’s investigative team have beendriving the reporting on the cost and value for money of Australia’s outsourcing arrangements for its offshore detention system.

Senator Keneally said Canstruct had made 111 donations to the Coalition,including former home affairs minister Peter Dutton.

Home Affairs secretary Michael Pezzullo said the decision was taken “within the department,by a Border Force officer exercising my delegation. The minister had no role in awarding the contract.”

The chair of the committee,Liberal Senator Sarah Henderson,suspended the hearing after Senator Keneally began holding up a large photo of the chief executive of Canstruct giving his thumbs up and a separate photo of Mr Morrison doing the same.

You can readNick McKenzieandRichard Baker’s article,which appeared in today’s newspapers,here. They report that a multinational company that secured a $121 million contract to support asylum seekers in Papua New Guinea boosted its profits by billing the Australian government $75 an hour for local workers it paid just $8.

Head of the Australia Day Council wants betting markets closed for Australian of the Year awards

ByKatina Curtis andNatassia Chrysanthos

There’s more news around the Australian of the Year awards,this time concerning betting markets.

The head of the National Australia Day Council says she wants betting markets on the Australian of the Year contest closed down after a suspicious plunge on Grace Tame ahead of her announcement as this year’s recipient.

Betting markets took a suspicious plunge on Grace Tame ahead of her announcement as this year’s recipient.

Betting markets took a suspicious plunge on Grace Tame ahead of her announcement as this year’s recipient.Alex Ellinghausen

As of January 18,Ladbrokes had Ms Tame at $1.36,former Australian chief medical officer Professor Brendan Murphy at $3.50,leading mental health researcher Professor Helen Milroy at $5 and former NSW RFS commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons at $6.

Karlie Brand told a Senate estimates hearing she referred what appeared to be suspicious betting activity on January 25 to the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission. It investigated and subsequentlyreferred the matter to the Australian Federal Police.

Ms Brand said 191 people had signed non-disclosure agreements relating to knowing that Ms Tame would win the award.

She said she was working with governments on how to close down future betting markets on the Australian of the Year,which is licensed in the Northern Territory.

“I would be very supportive of the removal of that market,” she said.

And in case you missed it,earlier today Prime Minister Scott Morrison defended his response to Ms Tame’s Australian of the Year speech after she criticised him on a podcast.

“He leant over,and right in my ear he goes:‘Well,gee,I bet it felt good to get that out’,” Ms Tame said,referring to how Mr Morrison responded to the speech where she talked about trauma and her experience of child sexual abuse.

Mr Morrison said that was “roughly my recollection” but that he only meant to commend her bravery.

MP Craig Kelly loses claim against Facebook for deleting his page

ByNick Bonyhady andNatassia Chrysanthos

Former Liberal turned independent MP Craig Kelly has failed in his contempt claim against Facebook.

Mr Kelly - whoquit the Liberal party in February so he could freely speak his mind - claimed the social media giant was in contempt of Parliament earlier in May fortaking down his official page,which had a following of about 100,000 people,for sharing COVID-19 misinformation.

MP Craig Kelly was banned from Facebook after he continually promoted unproven treatments and theories for COVID-19 contradicted by official government and medical advice.

MP Craig Kelly was banned from Facebook after he continually promoted unproven treatments and theories for COVID-19 contradicted by official government and medical advice.Alex Ellinghausen

He was also temporarily banned from posting on Facebook in February,after he continually promoted unproven treatments and theories for COVID-19 contradicted by official government and medical advice.

The south-west Sydney MP said he was “absolutely outraged” at Facebook’s action at the time. Those who obstruct MPs in their parliamentary duties,which include communicating with their constituents,can face penalties including jail time and fines,though that is very rare.

However,speaker Tony Smith said he had reviewed Mr Kelly’s claim and the evidence did not show Facebook had intended to interfere with Mr Kelly in his capacity as a member of Parliament.

“I’m not in a position to determine that this represents a prima facie case of an improper interference as required by the act,” Mr Smith said.

“There is no evidence in the material to suggest that the particular action by Facebook was directed at the member in his capacity as a member.”

He noted that Mr Kelly has other ways of communicating with his constituents that don’t involve Facebook.

Labor’s assistant spokesman for communications,Tim Watts,said “Zuck escapes the mace”,referring to Facebook’s founder and the ceremonial mace that sits in the House chamber.

Mr Kelly made a statementon Twitter - where he still posts freely - to say that he would be suing Facebook for defamation.

“Today Parliamentary democracy died in Australia,” he wrote this afternoon. “But this is not the end of the matter.”

A curious idea:Parliament House as a vaccination centre

ByNick Bonyhady

Vaccine hesitancy and the new COVID-19 outbreak in Victoria have dominated headlines this afternoon,but we have a few more updates from Canberra to report before we say goodbye for the evening.

Here’s a look at the day in pictures,with photographs byAlex Ellinghausen andDominic Lorrimer.

One thought bubble that emerged this morning is a curious idea:use Parliament House as a vaccination centre. Federal politics reporterKatina Curtis was keeping a close eye on Senate estimates this morning,which heard that the idea has been floated of using Parliament House as a vaccination centre for the COVID immunisation program.

However,Clerk of the Senate Richard Pye said he hasn’t heard anything beyond an early consideration of the idea. Asked if he or the Department of the Senate (one of three divisions of staff that support the work of Parliament) had organised for eligible staff to receive vaccines,he said they had only highlighted the ACT’s existing rollout. Parliament House is the workplace of about 2000 people permanently,with the building’s occupants swelling to about 5000 people during sitting weeks.

We also heard more on the cyber attack that hit Parliament House’s network in March. Senate President Scott Ryan says it was an unsophisticated brute force attempt to get into the network that lasted about 24 hours and wasn’t successful.

The Department of Parliamentary Services shut down its systems to deal with the attack but had to keep themoffline for several days,which Senator Ryan acknowledged was a serious inconvenience to politicians and staff.

The March attack was not the first major assault on the Parliamentary network. There were two incursionsin 2019 alone.

No new restrictions for Victoria yet

ByAshleigh McMillan

Back in Victoria,the state’s Health Minister says it is not yet considering increased coronavirus restrictions following the discovery of four new positive cases.

Martin Foley told reporters the state would not be subject to stricter COVID provisions today,as health authorities wait for more information about the movement of the four confirmed cases in the City of Whittlesea,part of Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

Watch the press conference from earlier today:

The update comes after the announcement of two ‘likely positive’ cases of coronavirus in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

“Victorians have sacrificed more than anyone else and we have learned a lot about the distribution of the virus,” Mr Foley said. “What we want to do is get the best possible epidemiological picture as to where cases are,where their contacts are and then work out from there... As further information comes to hand,the evidence will determine our response.”

Health authorities are considering whether there is a ‘missing link’ which connects four new cases to a Wollert man who tested positive to coronavirus in early May.

The man in his 30s from Wollert tested positive for COVID-19 on May 11 after returning to Melbourne on May 4 following time in South Australian hotel quarantine. His suburb is part of the City of Whittlesea,around 15 kilometres north of the Melbourne CBD,where the two households from the same family tested positive today.

Mr Foley said that given the physical proximity of the Wollert man and the new cases,the government would not “rule out the prospect that there is a link”.

“The dates do not line up immediately so we cannot rule out if there is a missing link out there,” he said. “In terms of this[new case’s] infectious period being from May 18 and the fact that our original hotel quarantine case from Adelaide was well and truly in hotel quarantine in Victoria during that period ... they do not appear to crossover.”

The Department of Health is also likely to list Epping Plaza as an exposure site because one of the positive cases visited there while infectious.

“There had been in more recent days a visit to Epping Plaza as I understand it but we’re just working through those,” Mr Foley said.

Read our full coverage of today’sCOVID-19 updates from Victoria here.

NSW Premier unfazed by small turnout for first over-50s shots at hub

ByMary Ward andSarah McPhee

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian says she has not been fazed by a relatively small uptake of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine at Sydney’s mass vaccination hub,and that it was always the plan for people over 50 to receive their dose from a GP.

Sanjeev Raja,68,was among those who received the AstraZeneca shot at the mass clinic this morning.

The engineer from Sydney’s inner west said he had friends who had lost loved ones during India’s recent outbreak and felt a duty to receive his vaccine. “Everybody should take it,” he said after receiving his shot,adding that he and his wife,a medical professional,had read on reported adverse effects and concluded they still wanted to be vaccinated.

Sanjeev Raja,68,received his COVID-19 vaccine at the Sydney Olympic Park clinic on Monday.

Sanjeev Raja,68,received his COVID-19 vaccine at the Sydney Olympic Park clinic on Monday.Dean Sewell

More than 31,000 Pfizer doses were administered at the Sydney Olympic Park mass clinic last week,yet just 1100 over 50s have booked in for AstraZeneca this week.

“Our strategy has always been to have our GPs be the main people who are administering the vaccine,” Ms Berejiklian said,adding people could book in to the mass clinic if they do not have a GP.

There were 85,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine administered by GPs in NSW last week,the first week people aged 50 to 69 could book at participating clinics.

More than 20,000 vaccines were administered by the state’s Commonwealth respiratory clinics,meanwhile NSW Health administered 65,258 vaccines to eligible workers and their families,as well as people aged 40 to 49. There werehalf a million shots nationally last week.

Readthe latest about the NSW vaccine rollout here.

Victoria should expect further exposure sites and more cases

ByAshleigh McMillan

Victoria’s Chief Health Officer says Victoria will have to brace for “further exposure sites” and potentially more positive cases after four family members across two households tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday.

Professor Brett Sutton said one of the cases had a high viral load and was “likely to be quite infectious”,with three other family members already testing positive.

“Obviously we have the positives and they were the immediate close contacts,and there were not a huge number of close contacts,but we have to go through that interview and re-interview process to identify anyone else,” he told a press conference this afternoon.

“We have to ready ourselves for any other positives and when there are close contacts who do become positive,you know,that raises the possibility that even casual contacts could become positive as well.”

Professor Sutton said he believed the child who has tested positive was part of a swimming class at the Jump! Swimming School on May 21.

He said health authorities do not know yet how many close contacts were at the premises when the positive case was there. None of the four new cases have been hospitalised.

Health authorities are expecting to receive results from genomic testing - which will try and link the new cases to the positive Wollert man who had also visited Epping while infectious - by tomorrow.

Professor Sutton said the state was working on a hypothesis of local transmission occurring in Melbourne’s northern suburbs,with a special focus on the City of Whittlesea where the COVID-positive family lives.

He said the state “will always be at risk until we have high vaccination coverage” and as such it was important to follow the basic rules:wear masks,get tested and get vaccinated if you can.

Health Minister Martin Foley cautioned against complacency. “After nearly three months of no community transmission,a degree of complacency having settled in,this is a reminder to all Victorians ... this is not over,” Mr Foley said.

“We are a long way from herd immunity in Victoria and Australia.”

Four new cases in Melbourne’s northern suburbs

ByAshleigh McMillan

Four people from the same family in Melbourne’s northern suburbs have now tested positive to COVID-19.

One man who had flu-like symptoms from around May 20 got tested on Sunday,along with another man,who was asymptomatic and a relative of the first case.

Following those two positive cases,a further two positive tests among family members of the two men have been returned,with a child and a woman testing positive to COVID-19.

The family is situated in the City of Whittlesea,around 15 kilometres north of the Melbourne CBD. They do not all live in the same home. No one else from the family has tested positive for the virus.

Health Minister Martin Foley said there was no proof that the family had a direct link to the Wollert man.

A tier one site has been identified - the Jump Swim School at 4/37 The Concord in Bundoora - onMay 21 between the hours of8.55am and 10.15am.

Anyone present at the swim school mustget tested immediately andisolate for 14 days.

A positive case also visited Highpoint Shopping Centre on 20 May from 5pm to 8pm. Anyone who was at the shopping centre needs to isolate until further notice and get tested.

Watch:Victorian Health Minister Martin Foley gives COVID-19 update

The update comes after the announcement of two “likely positive” cases of coronavirus in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

The update comes after the announcement of two ‘likely positive’ cases of coronavirus in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

Broede Carmody is a state political reporter for The Age. Previously,he was the national news blogger for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Nick Bonyhady is a technology writer for the Australian Financial Review,based in Sydney. He is a former technology editor,industrial relations and politics reporter at the Sydney Morning Herald and Age.

Natassia Chrysanthos is the federal health reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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