Breaking the wave:What will it take for us to get ahead of COVID-19?

Dr Helen Dooley’s colleagues joke that she’s an aspiring super villain. The immunologist,based at the University of Maryland in Baltimore,presides over two huge aquarium tanks brimming with sharks.

“It’s pretty wild,” Dooley says of working with the sharks up close. “I’ve been a veterinary technician and I used to work with mice. I’ve been bitten by every single animal that you can imagine except my sharks.”

Dr Helen Dooley is testing a new COVID vaccine on sharks.

Dr Helen Dooley is testing a new COVID vaccine on sharks.Supplied

In recent months,the sharks have been recruited in the global effort to find a variant-proof vaccine.

The BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron sub-variants are leading a surge in infections across much of the world as the virus’s mutations foil antibodies within people who are fully vaccinated or previously infected. This week,NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant warned the state is climbing towards a peak that could rival January’srecord levels of infection and hospitalisation.

Pfizer is on the precipice of releasingOmicron-specific booster shots. But experts say it isn’t feasible to create altered vaccines for every new variant. (Get used to the words Pi,Rho,and Sigma;those are the variants next in line.)

Vaccines are our only way out of the pandemic. But if the current crop can’t stop the cycle of new immunity-evading variants infecting the community and giving rise to more mutations,what can?

Australians aged 30 and over are now eligible to receive a fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose from next week.

A potential answer lies in the blood of Dooley’s sharks.

Last year,the US Army’s Walter Reed Institute of Research asked Dooley to test a COVID-19 vaccine on her nurse sharks.

Sharks are kind of the furthest we can go back in evolutionary time and still see a human-like immune system,” she says. “Anything that’s in their immune system that’s the same as ours has been protected for 500 million years of evolution. That means it’s really,really important.”

If a vaccine stimulates antibodies in mammals and sharks,it’s likely triggering “key pathways” in the immune system,Dooley says,and therefore makes for a promising candidate.

Dooley’s team injected the metre-and-a-half long sharks with the trial vaccine. A few weeks later they drew small amounts of blood from the sharks’ tail fins to test which antibodies were stimulated by the jab.

“So far we’ve got a number of antibodies that bind to a huge selection of coronaviruses,” says Dooley. “So it does look like this vaccine is,at least in our animals,raising antibodies that might be able to protect against the other variants,and maybe future variants.”

COVID-19 vaccines boost resistance to the virus by presenting the immune system with the virus’s spike protein,so it can create antibodies that attack the spike protein of the real virus during infection.

The vaccine tested on Dooley’s sharks is made of ferritin,an iron-storing blood protein with 24 facets. A coronavirus spike protein is affixed to each facet to create a nanoparticle you could imagine as a barbed soccer ball. The scientists behind the vaccine,which has advanced to human trials,believe presenting the immune system with repeated spike proteins provokes a broad immune response and creates antibodies that can attack different incarnations of the COVID-19 virus.

Until a pan-variant vaccine is available we’ll be chasing the virus as it mutates,says Associate Professor Nicholas Wood.

Until a pan-variant vaccine is available we’ll be chasing the virus as it mutates,says Associate Professor Nicholas Wood.supplied

Until one of these “pan-variant” vaccines is widely available we’ll be “chasing the virus” as it mutates,says Professor Nicholas Wood,senior staff specialist at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS).

“What we’ve discovered is that the current vaccines are pretty good at stopping against severe disease,which is important,but what they’re not doing is long-lasting protection and what they’re not doing is protection against transmission.”

Wood says we need a vaccine that’s safe,effective,cheap to make,easy to administer,readily transportable and capable of delivering durable protection across all COVID variants.

“That’s sort of the holy grail of what people are working on,” Wood says.

The University of Sydney is the lead partner on one of these holy grail projects.

Dr Megan Steain is a co-investigator in the preclinical stage of a venture-funded by the London-based Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). She and her team are searching for a single spike protein that could provoke an immune response to coronaviruses all the way back to the virus that caused 2002’s SARS outbreak.

“All of the sub-variants now that we’re getting with Omicron are coming along so quickly,” she says from her office at the Charles Perkins centre at the University of Sydney. “Having to re-engineer a vaccine every time a new variant comes along is very challenging. And by the time you’ve done that the next wave is coming from a different variant.

“The idea is to create a vaccine which produces broad immunity – an antibody response which will hopefully be protective against any potential variant that can emerge.”

A safe,effective,cheap,easy to administer,readily transportable,pan-variant vaccine is the holy grail.

A safe,effective,cheap,easy to administer,readily transportable,pan-variant vaccine is the holy grail.AP

Finding a suitable spike protein is difficult because mutations often alter the makeup of the spike. Identifying an antigen that creates an antibody that binds to all kinds of spike protein,no matter the variant,is key.

“The antibodies that can bind to the virus and stop it from infecting,basically,all bind to the spike,because that’s the key protein on the surface of the virus that it uses to engage with the target host cell.”

Once a spike protein is identified the project will use the “protein-subunit” method to make a vaccine. DNA that codes for the spike protein is inserted into a carrier molecule called a “plasmid”. The molecule delivers the DNA into mammalian cells,which are used as a factory to produce the spike proteins. (It’s an intriguing quirk of medical history that the cells used in this process are sometimes drawn from cancer cells;they’re “immortal” and therefore useful as antigen factories.)

The proteins are collected,purified,and combined with an adjuvant - a substance that triggers an immune response - to create the resulting vaccine.

But a whole other kind of vaccine is needed to cut transmission.

A jab of Pfizer,Moderna,Novavax or AstraZeneca is excellent at stimulating the production of virus-busting antibodies throughout the body. But it’s harder to create antibodies in the mucus that lines the inner nose and throat. That leaves the virus’s entry points to the body exposed.

“We need what’s called mucosal immunity,where you get the really high antibody levels up in your respiratory tract to stop the infection there,” says Steain. “But we don’t really know how to make vaccines yet that are good at that.”

About 200 potential new vaccines are in the preclinical research phase,and another 167 are in human trials,according to NCIRS. Of these,seven to eight are mucosal vaccine candidates.

Vaccination remains the way out of the pandemic.

Vaccination remains the way out of the pandemic.Meredith O’Shea

Intranasal vaccines trigger a different kind of antibody,IgA,that forms in mucous,as opposed to the “systemic” antibodies,IgG,produced by current COVID jabs that protect the rest of the body and the lungs.

You could think of the IgG antibodies as guerilla soldiers lying in wait for coronavirus particles to enter the lair of your body before launching an ambush. IgA antibodies are the guards at the gate.

“It’s just hard to get a response that’s sufficient to stop the virus getting in and infecting people,” says University of Queensland infectious diseases physician Dr Paul Griffin. A nasal vaccine called FluMist is already used in the US as an alternative to influenza shots. And he says there’s “lots to be excited by” in the pipeline.

Griffin is involved in clinical trials of nasal spray based on a COVID viral vector vaccine,similar to AstraZeneca.

There’s lots to be excited by when it comes to COVID vaccines,says Dr Paul Griffin.

There’s lots to be excited by when it comes to COVID vaccines,says Dr Paul Griffin. Justin McManus

“But this one undergoes one cycle of replication,which gives you about 100-fold greater expression of spike proteins,” says Griffin. “And so it’s thought that might overcome some of the issues with getting a strong enough response at the mucosal interface and hopefully,it’ll go a long way to stopping the virus getting in.”

Oral vaccines could also spur the creation of IgA antibodies. There’s also an intradermal vaccine delivered via a needle-free device called a PharmaJet that’s “basically like a high-powered gurney that squirts the vaccine into your skin”,says Wood. Researchers are testing that vaccine’s ability to stimulate both systemic and mucosal immunity. There are also nicotine patch-style vaccines in the works.

But despite the innovations heading our way – some of which could not only stymie COVID-19 infections,but other viruses including the flu and common cold – it’s important to remember the vaccines we have access to now are extraordinary.

COVID-19 is a swiftly infectious,species-jumping,rapid mutator. It’s a disease that’s likely impossible to achieve “sterilising immunity” against,as was achieved with smallpox. Even so,the effectiveness of the vaccines available to all of us is a feat of medical history.

And despite promising new vaccines that could be available within the next two years,experts stress no one vaccine will be the single silver bullet.

“I just don’t think we can promise people there’ll be a vaccine that’s going to end this pandemic,unilaterally,” says Griffin,adding that we need a “combined,complementary approach” to arrest future waves of the virus. And there’s plenty we can be doing now.

“We’re going to need to focus on getting everyone who’s eligible for current vaccines vaccinated,using our antivirals to their fullest,still focusing on some public health and social measures like mask-wearing to improve.”

“In the short term,if we do all those things,and use all the available technology optimally,we could expect a far greater level of control than we have right now.”

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Angus Dalton is a science reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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