Captain Cook,'the Bradman of sailors',put himself on the map

There's the Captain Cook Hotel,Captain Cook Cruises and Captain Cook Bridge. You can even visit the Yorkshire cottage built by Cook's parents and transported brick by brick in 1934 to,of all places,Melbourne.

Cook,no doubt,is part of the psyche of the nation and evidently good for business.

But as the 250th anniversary of the arrival of HM Bark Endeavour at the mouth of Botany Bay is marked this week,is his reputation earned or merely enhanced with the passage of time? Several experts have clear views.

Captain John Dikkenberg,master of the HMB Endeavour in Darling Harbour.

Captain John Dikkenberg,master of the HMB Endeavour in Darling Harbour.Kate Geraghty

Peter Moore,Oxford lecturer and author ofEndeavour:The Ship and the Attitude that Changed the World,said Cook is"the Bradman of sailors in a way".

"He became the benchmark. Even 50 years later,during the Napoleonic Wars,if someone had sailed with Cook it was almost as if they had been touched by some magical force,"Mr Moore said.

"Cook was a quiet achiever,he just got on with the job and was supremely competent. The Endeavour was what we might call a Bedford van of a ship[not glamorous]. Cook was very technological - he was the kind of guy who would get a new iPhone the day it came out. He was very much a man of his time."

The'New map of the World'in 1800,shows Cook's discoveries.

The 'New map of the World' in 1800,shows Cook's discoveries.National Maritime Museum,London

John Dikkenberg,master of the replica HMB Endeavour,who would have been in charge for its circumnavigation,said Cook achieved what he did as the son of a farm labourer and who only went to school from the age of eight for five years."He worked his way through the ranks,"he said.

"His background made him empathetic with his crew and he obviously had the command presence. When you cast yourself back to the middle of the 18th century a lot of the ships didn't make it there or back.

Captain James Cook,portrait by Nathaniel Dance,1776.

Captain James Cook,portrait by Nathaniel Dance,1776.National Maritime Museum,Greenwich,London

"When the Endeavour ran onto a reef up in north Queensland that ship would have sunk except that he had a young midshipman who had had this experience before. Cook had no problem with a midshipman giving him advice. It was a great example."

Professor Bronwen Douglas,an honorary professor at the ANU,said the only one comparable to Cook is Frenchman Jules Dumont d'Urville who circumnavigated the world twice in 1836-1840 and mapped parts of Antarctica.

"He was certainly a remarkable navigator,"Professor Douglas said of d'Urville.

"His surveying of the north coast of New Guinea slots remarkably well now on to Google Earth. The other contender in terms of surveying and cartography is the French hydrographer Beautemps-Beaupre and he revolutionised marine surveying in a way that Cook probably didn't. He worked entirely from astronomical observation and visual work.

"There was also a Spaniard who was absolutely remarkable and that is Luis Vaz de Torres. He was the first known European to sail through Torres Straits when all they had in the way of navigational instruments was the astrolabe[a precursor to the sextant]. With respect to Captain Bligh,George Vancouver and Matthew Flinders,they were all students of Cook."

A sketch of Botany Bay from Cook's charts.

A sketch of Botany Bay from Cook's charts.National Library of Australia

Alan Frost,an emeritus professor at La Trobe and historian of European exploration in the Pacific,said Cook had two characteristics that set him apart.

"Firstly,he was absolutely determined to do whatever he needed to do in order to solve certain problems,such as scurvy,"he said.

"He was the model for people to come after him such as Alessandro Malaspina,the Spanish explorer,but he didn't chart as rigorously as Cook. The real comparison afterwards would be his pupils Vancouver and Flinders."

Emeritus Professor John Gascoigne from the University of NSW,said Cook belonged to a'new age'of navigation because he had the instruments to ensure he got pretty accurate longitude and latitude.

"In that sense it is hard to compare him with previous navigators. If we look at the post-Cook period,post his first voyage,we see some substantial names like Jean-Francois Laperouse who was the French answer to Cook,"Emeritus Professor Gascoigne,a historian of 18th century exploration,said.

"Even though his ships went down in a tempest,we can hardly blame Laperouse for that,his ability to get around the world was comparable to Cook's.

"Cook was a major figure in making the Pacific accessible to European powers and sets the scene for subsequent colonisation."

Tim Barlass is a senior writer for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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