Centrelink wipes'robo-debt'at centre of test case

The Department of Human Services has wiped a $4000 debt at the centre of a Federal Court challenge to Centrelink's'robo-debt'recovery scheme.

The decision to erase the entire debt incurred by Melbourne nurse Madeleine Masterton has fuelled claims by social service advocates and legal experts that the DHS was forced to back down because its automated program cannot withstand legal scrutiny.

The $4000 debt was at the centre of a Federal Court challenge to Centrelink's'robo-debt'recovery scheme.

The $4000 debt was at the centre of a Federal Court challenge to Centrelink's 'robo-debt' recovery scheme.AAP

Victoria Legal Aid had launched the test case on behalf of Ms Masterton in February amid claims that thousands of former welfare recipients had been coerced into paying debts that were incorrect,or not owed at all.

The contentious program,introduced by the Coalition government,calculates a former welfare recipient's debt by taking a fortnightly average rather than discovering the exact amount that was claimed.

The future of the Federal Court case remains unclear,although Ms Masterton's lawyer Peter Hanks QC asked for the trial to proceed in order to test the legal basis of the methodology used to calculate the debts.

He accused the department of acting in"bad faith"at a Federal Court hearing on April 26.

Zoe Maud,legal counsel for the DHS,rejected the claim and said Ms Masterton's debt had been recalculated after new information in court documents had revealed potential double counting of income by one of her former employers.

Australian Council of Social Service chief executive Cassandra Goldie said the legal challenge had created significant doubts for thousands of vulnerable people who had already settled debts. She called for the automated program to be scrapped.

“In wiping her (Ms Masterton's) debt,Centrelink is admitting that they got it wrong and is essentially trying to avoid scrutiny as a result,"she said.

“This isn’t a one-off case – it’s one example of a system that doesn’t work."

DHS general manager Hank Jongen said he was unable to discuss Ms Masterton's case while her matter was before the Federal Court.

Mr Jongen said the department's"online compliance review process"allowed former welfare recipients to provide additional information that could lead to the re-calculation,or removal of a debt.

"The Commonwealth Ombudsman,in reviewing our processes,found that it is reasonable and appropriate to ask people to explain discrepancies in data,"he said.

"The Ombudsman noted that allowing customers to provide information at any stage of their review,potentially reducing the debt amount,reflects a reassessment process functioning as it should."

Last month,The Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald revealed Centrelink had threatened to charge daily compounding interest,garnishee wages or seize funds from the bank accounts of former welfare recipients who failed to settle debts within 28 days.

The DHS conceded to a Senate estimates inquiry in February that more than 70,000 robo-debts had been reduced or wiped completely. But the department denied the reduction or waiving of debts indicated there were flaws in the scheme.

Up until December 2018,almost 445,000 debts had been raised.

Dr Darren O'Donovan from La Trobe Law School said more then 150,000 debts had been paid to the department without review.

"So many of these robo-debts go unchallenged and practice is showing that we can't assume they are right,"Dr O'Donovan said.

"We need to know the legal standard of checking required,before hundreds of thousands of Australians are made to live in the shadow of life-changing debts."

A spokeswoman for Victoria Legal Aid declined to comment while the matter was before court.

The Federal Court case involving Ms Masterton will continue in August.

Cameron Houston is a senior crime reporter.

Chris Vedelago is an investigations reporter for The Age with a special interest in crime and justice.

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