As the day unfolded:Ruby Princess passenger dies,NSW records'substantial'spike in infections

If you suspect you or a family member has coronavirus you should call (not visit) your GP or ring the national Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080.


Re-capping today's events

That wraps up today's live coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. It's been yet another day of significant developments:

We will be continuing our live coverage throughout the night and into Wednesday ina new blog,which you can follow here. Thanks for joining us.

Tokyo Olympics to be postponed for a year

Japan and the Olympics movement have decided to delay this year's Tokyo Games into 2021 as the coronavirus crisis obliterated the world's last major imminent sporting event.

It was the first time in the Olympics'124-year history that they had been postponed,though they were cancelled outright several times during the two 20th century World Wars.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe now believes the Games cannot be held safely on their original dates.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe now believes the Games cannot be held safely on their original dates.AP

After a call with International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Thomas Bach,Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the July 24-August 9 event would be rescheduled for the summer of 2021 at the latest as proof of victory over the coronavirus.

"We asked President Bach to consider postponement of about one year to make it possible for athletes to play in the best condition,and to make the event a safe and secure one for spectators,"Abe said.

"President Bach said he is in agreement 100 per cent."

There was no immediate word from the IOC,though its executives were due to meet later on Tuesday,local time.

Tokyo had completed preparations when the virus started spreading across the world. Despite insisting for months the Games would go ahead as planned,Abe this week said a delay may be unavoidable if the events could not be held in a complete form.

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike separately told reporters the Games,to be convened by summer of 2021,would still be branded"Tokyo 2020".


Strict new controls announced as Morrison government tries to limit spead of COVID-19

If you missed the Prime Minister's address this evening,here's a comprehensive wrap fromRob HarrisandEryk Bagshaw.

Guests will be banned from attending weddings and no more than 10 mourners will be allowed to attend funerals under a new nation-wide crackdown on public events to halt the spread of the coronavirus.

The Prime Minister has announced a new list of restricted events and behaviours in response to the coronavirus crisis.

Australians have also been ordered to stay inside and work from home as much as possible and cancel extended family barbecues,children's birthdays and dinner parties.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a new phase of shutdowns for Australian businesses from midnight on Wednesday,closing beauty therapy stores and supermarket food courts and warning people hosting house parties they could face criminal charges.

Read the full story here

PM vague on'essential worker'definition

ByRachel Eddie

Mr Morrison said the states and territories had decided to escalate their response together on Tuesday.

"Not all states,I want to stress,are in the same position. Some states,particularly in NSW and Victoria,are far more advanced on the progression of this virus than other states and territories.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced a raft of new restrictions and an almost absolute ban on overseas travel.

But tonight,despite the variations that do exist,there is a strong will for states and territories to seek to move together whenever they can to ensure a consistency of the rules and applications we are putting in place across the country."

This is despite Victoria moving to call the school holidays early,and NSW asking parents to take their children out of school where possible.

Mr Morrison said essential workers cover a lot of ground - they aren't just in our hospitals during the health crisis and schools need to stay open in some capacity for their children.

"Now if you ask me who is an essential worker? Someone who has a job.

Everyone who has a job in this economy is an essential worker. Every single job that is being done in our economy with these severe restrictions that are taking place is essential.

"It can be essential in a service whether it's a nurse or a doctor or a school teacher,or a public servant who is working tonight to ensure that we can get even greater capacity in our Centrelink offices.

"People stacking shelves,that is essential. People earning money in their family when another member of their family may have lost their job and can no longer earn,that's an essential job. Jobs are essential.

"And everyone who has one needs to be able to keep doing their job and that means they will need to continue to be able to send their children to school for an education."

Indonesia sees triple figures in single day for the first time

ByJames Massola

Indonesia has recorded more than 100 new coronavirus cases in a single day for the first time,while the death toll is rising in south-east Asia's most populous nation.

Another 107 cases were reported on Tuesday,as well as six more deaths,taking the country's total to 686 infections and 55 deaths. The death toll is already the largest in south-east Asia and includes eight doctors.

Health Ministry spokesman Achmad Yurianto toldThe Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald on Monday that 4000 rapid test kits had been used in south Jakarta,one of the epicentres of the outbreak,and that"90 per cent of cases are negative".

That would suggest 400 new infections had been detected in a single day,but Tuesday's updated figures did not reflect this number.

In fact,the total number of tests reported on the Health Ministry's website rose from 2756 on Monday to 2863 on Tuesday,suggesting that all 107 people tested were positive - a statistical improbability - and clearly excluding the results of more than 4000 rapid tests carried out more than 24 hours ago.

Uncertainty remains,but progress made,on dwelling chain

Mr Morrison said progress has been made on finalising measures for struggling tenants,landlords and creditors which he hopes will solve issues"for the entire chain".

"We spend every minute of every day seeking to identify every possible burden of harm that is falling to people in these difficult circumstances."

Rent assistance is already available to thosegetting the Jobseeker payment from Centrelink.

Overseas travel almost completely banned

ByRachel Eddie

Overseas travel will now be banned under biosecurity powers,unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy speak to the media on Tuesday night.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy speak to the media on Tuesday night.AAP

Exceptions could include people in aid work,compassionate travel or essential travel for employment.

Very few people are leaving overseas after the government warned against all travel,Mr Morrison said.

Here's what's closing tomorrow

From midnight tomorrow,restrictions will apply to the following services:

Food courts,beauty specialists,auction houses to close

ByRachel Eddie

The government is announcing stricter controls to limit the spread of coronavirus.

From midnight tomorrow,food courts in shopping centres will no longer be open (though takeaway food is still allowable).

Scott Morrison addresses the nation.

Scott Morrison addresses the nation.AAP

Auction houses and open house inspections can not continue services.
Beauty therapy,tanning,waxing,nail salons,and tattoo parlors will now be forced to close.

Hairdressers and barbershops will be allowed,only if they abide by social distancing (of one person per four square metres) and that nobody is on the premises for more than 30 minutes.

This is on top of the rules already announced on Sunday,banning club sports,bars,cinemas,casinos,churches and concerts.

Boot camps and personal training is limited to no more than 10 people and must also strictly follow social distancing.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said weddings could continue so long as only the couple,celebrant and witnesses attend and observe the rule of one person per four square metres.

"But,large gatherings for weddings,sadly,won't be possible under these new arrangements,"Mr Morrison said.

Mr Morrison said the medical advice was still that schools should remain open,particularly for children of emergency workers,despite Victoria calling the school holidays early.

Watch:Prime Minister Scott Morrison press conference

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced a raft of new restrictions and an almost absolute ban on overseas travel.

Matt Bungard is a journalist at The Sydney Morning Herald.

Mary Ward is a reporter at The Sun-Herald.

Megan Levy is deputy digital editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

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