As it happened:Victoria reports 63 new cases,five deaths as Daniel Andrews revealed a road map to reopening Victoria;Australian death toll stands at 748

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Five stages with triggers towards Victoria's COVID-Normal

ByMathew Dunckley andPaul Sakkal

UPDATED: The Victorian government will follow a five-step plan towards a new COVID-normal environment for the state.

Victorian Premier,Deputy Premier and Health Minister provide a coronavirus update and unveil the state's roadmap out of restrictions.

Here are the five basic steps and the timing thresholds that apply.

There is a lot more detail to come on this but let's start with an outline of dates,case numbers and steps.

First Step

Timing:Commences 11.59pm on September 13

Second Step

Timing:The later of either September 28 or when Metro Melbourne reaches an average daily case rate of 30-50 cases over the previous 14 days.

Third Step

Timing:The later of either October 26 or when Metro Melbourne reaches an average daily case rate of fewer than 5 cases statewide over the previous 14 days and there are fewer than 5 cases with an unknown source statewide in the last 14 days.

Last Step

Timing:Later of threshold met and November 23 if state records no new cases for 14 days.


Threshold:Move to this step if state reaches no new cases for 28 days,no active cases and no"outbreaks of concern in other states and territories".

Some more changes that could come back if case numbers continue to drop.

From September 28

If cases remain between 30-50 per day on average,pools will reopen,outdoor religious gatherings will be allowed for five people plus one faith leader,gatherings of five people from two households will be permitted,schools will begin a staged return for prep-year two and senior school/special schools,childcare will reopen,and some workplaces will return to work

From October 26

Or when the daily two-week average is fewer than five new cases,the curfew will no longer apply,there will be no restrictions on leaving home,public gatherings outside will increase to ten,five visitors from a nominated home will be permitted,all schoolchildren will begin a phased return,retail and hairdressing will reopen,hospitality will resume outdoor dining and non-contact outdoor sport will return.

From November 23

Or when the state records zero cases for a fortnight,gatherings outside will increase to 50,all retail will return,hospitality will resume indoor dining for 20 people with a total venue cap of 50,real estate will resume,sports restrictions will ease and weddings/funerals will return for up to 50 people.

The last step aka ‘COVID Normal'

This will see most restrictions dropped and most people return to work. No date has been set for this stage.

Click here to read the story.


That's it after a huge day!

Thanks so much for following along with our blog today as we poured through so much information as the Victorian Government announced its COVID-19 road map for the months ahead.

This isAshleigh McMillansigning off for now,but there will be much more to digest in the days and weeks to come,and we'll work to bring you the latest as it happens.

As we close the blog for the evening,here's a look back at some of the major developments from today:

Victoria's lockdown extended as Premier unveils road map out of stage four

How do the new lockdown rules apply to businesses?

When will stage four end? What are the steps and what are the rules?

Three of the 10 new COVID-19 cases in NSW linked to CBD cluster

Woman tries to cross into NSW from Victoria in car boot

Ipswich nurse contracts COVID-19 as more than 200 colleagues quarantined

Extending stage four likely to cost Victoria's economy $4 billion

New Zealand reports four new cases,announces mandatory border tests

Mexico says 122,765 extra people have died during pandemic

We will have more stories to come throughout the night and have another COVID-19 live blog from early tomorrow morning.

Roy Ward and I will look forward to seeing you all again next weekend. Have a great evening and an even better week to come.

What's allowed and what's not? Melbourne's questions answered

ByCarolyn Webb

Can I get my hair cut? When can I go back to the office? Will I be able to go to a cinema and gorge myself on fresh popcorn anytime soon?

After the barrage of new information presented to Victorians today,it's not surprising there's still some burning questions that you might want answered.

Thankfully,reporterCarolyn Webbhas put together a simple'frequently asked questions'article for Melburnians facing a few more weeks of lockdown.

If you think there's any other questions about Victoria's new road map you haven't had answered,please leave us a comment and we'll do our best to get some clarity for you.

Read the full article here.

From'human fishbowl'to COVID bubbles:the Tour de France rolls on

ByTom Cowie

Most live sport,chess being an obvious exception,thrives on a crowd. But for the Tour de France,the spectators truly are part of the race,saysTom Cowie.

Along streets and roads,thousands of people urge the riders along. In the mountains,they often pose a hazard when closing in to offer maximum encouragement.

Britain's Adam Yates wearing the overall leader's yellow jersey speaks with Ireland's Sam Bennett,wearing the best sprinter's green jersey at the start of the sixth stage of the Tour de France.

Britain's Adam Yates wearing the overall leader's yellow jersey speaks with Ireland's Sam Bennett,wearing the best sprinter's green jersey at the start of the sixth stage of the Tour de France.AP

It's a different experience at this year's Tour de France,which started last week under heavy health and safety restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For a start,there are far fewer people watching.

Gatherings of more than 5000 people are banned in France,while the race is also being held two months later than its normal summer-holiday slot,resulting in smaller crowds at stage finishes and on the famous climbs.

"There's crowds,it's just not as manic,it's actually nice in some parts,"said Matt White,sporting director of Australian team Mitchelton-Scott.

"Anyone who's been to the Tour de France knows it really does turn into a fishbowl of human beings. The weekends and epic stages,they will have crowds,but it just won't be as oppressive as in the past."

Read the full story here.

Colac almost beat coronavirus once. Can the community do it again?

ByBenjamin Preiss

In July,Colac was making headlines as the site of regional Victoria's biggest coronavirus outbreak. The community was not happy about being in the spotlight.

The south-western town,backing onto the Otway Ranges and home to just 13,000 people,had almost 100 cases by early August.

Workers from the Australian Lamb Company abattoir being tested for COVID-19.

Workers from the Australian Lamb Company abattoir being tested for COVID-19.Jason South

The virus looked set to ravage Colac after taking root in a lamb abattoir,which employs hundreds of people,forcing it to close temporarily.

Yet within weeks of reaching that peak the town managed to drive infections down almost completely through a disciplined and unified effort. It was a feat lauded as extraordinary by local health authorities.

Colac’s aged care homes had kept the virus at bay while nursing homes in Melbourne were in the grip of a rising death toll. Late last month,it seemed the town had almost beaten the virus.

Click here to read the story.

How to interpret Victoria's projected COVID-19 case numbers

ByCraig Butt

Earlier today,Victoria's Premier Daniel Andrews announced the state's stage four restrictions would be extended beyond the original end date of September 13. Under the new roadmap,the first step will come into effect from that day,with the main difference being that singles or single parents will be allowed one nominated visitor.

If case numbers remain around 30-50 per day on average by September 28,gatherings of up to five people from two households will be allowed,some workplaces will return to work and some children will start to return to school. That's step two.

This graph shows how the state's 14-day average is tracking against the step two target. If the blue line showing the fortnightly average is within the green zone when it crosses the dotted line on September 28,restrictions will ease slightly.

The last time the state's 14-day average was in this 30-50 range was on July 4 - the day that the hard lockdown was announced at nine Melbourne public housing towers - when it was at 49. (Which is to say,there had been 49 cases per day in the two weeks leading up to July 4,not that there were 49 cases recorded that day).

I'm going to keep updating the graph for the blog every day,and with any luck the line will thread its way cleaning through that green zone in about three weeks from now.

Read more about Victoria's modelling by data journalist Craig Butt here.

Queensland LNP leader backs front bencher after ‘far-right conspiracy’ post

ByMatt Dennien

Queensland LNP leader Deb Frecklington has brushed off calls for a member of her front bench to be sacked after he shared a cartoon referring to COVID-19 as a “mild flu”.

The image,shared by Surfers Paradise MP and the party’s sport,racing and multicultural affairs spokesperson John-Paul Langbroek,features criticism of the state’s border closure,economic response and claims of an increased suicide rate — debunked in Victoria.

It also depicts chief health officer Dr Jeannette Young wearing a Nazi SS officer’s cap.

Labor frontbencher Stirling Hinchliffe said the cartoon pushed “far-right conspiracy theories” while Deputy Premier Steven Miles said the post was “in defiance” of the LNP’s supposed support of border measures,calling for Mr Langbroek to be sacked.

“You can’t pretend to support our strong border stance and have every other senior member of the LNP out there criticising us and attacking us,” he said.

“If John-Paul Langbroek disagrees with Deb Frecklington,then Deb Frecklington should have the guts to sack him from her front bench.

“Otherwise he is really just calling out the truth of what we know and that is that the LNP does not support our strong border stance.”

Ms Frecklington said the cartoon was “a bit of political satire” which highlighted the “community’s reflection” of the COVID-19 experience under the Palaszczuk government.

“There are many times that politicians don’t like cartoons about them,but they don’t call on the editors to be sacked,” she said.

NSW’s COVID-19 case fatality rate is less than half that of the global average

ByKate Aubusson

The 54 deaths in NSW account for 1.4 per cent of all confirmed cases reported up to 29 August.

The mortality rate would be slightly lower now,with several more case reported in the past week and no more deaths.

Internationally,it is estimated that 3.4 per cent of COVID-19 cases have died as a result of their infection.

Of those who have died in NSW,67 per cent were aged 80 or older,24 per cent were in their 70s,7 per cent were in their 60s and one person (2 per cent) was in his 50s.

NSW reports similar fatality rates to South Korea (1.6 per cent) and New Zealand (1.6 per cent).

Italy,the United Kingdom and Spain have reported higher mortality rates (13.3 per cent,12.5 per cent and 6.6 per cent respectively).

“Mortality rates are heavily influenced by the testing criteria,with lower rates of COVID-19-related deaths reported in countries where testing is recommended for all cases,including those with mild illness,” NSW Health said.

Extending stage four likely to cost state's economy $4 billion

ByNoel Towell

Victoria’s extended stage four lockdown is tipped to send the state’s unemployment rate soaring past 10 per cent and cost its economy billions of dollars,with some business groups demanding a faster path back to full economic activity.

Premier Daniel Andrews said about 100,000 workers would be getting back to their jobs in the construction,manufacturing and distributions sectors on September 28 when caps on the number of workers allowed on-site are substantially lifted.

Small business owners say the Victorian Premier's plan is a roadmap to ruin,demanding cash and concessions for those in extended lockdown.

The opening of childcare centres to non-essential workers that day will free up extra capacity in the labour force,with more to follow when school children return to their classrooms in October,while gardening,landscaping and garden maintenance businesses will also be allowed to get back to work.

But a two-step opening up of the retail industry as part of the government’s road map,with all shops not back in business until late October,was greeted with dismay by business while the federal government warned the extended restrictions would hit the national economy,cost jobs and businesses and erode mental health.

Read Noel Towell's full article here.

Schoolies to swap clubs for campsites as regions cautiously welcome year 12s

ByNatassia Chrysanthos

This year's schoolies will be swapping clubs for campsites as year 12 students find alternative ways to celebrate the end of their school lives amid coronavirus restrictions and border closures.

While the golden sands of Surfers Paradise might be off-limits,some NSW coastal councils are opening their arms to small groups of year 12s that could boost local tourism.

Friday August 28:Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has confirmed Schoolies Week will be cancelled due to it being deemed a "high risk event".

Meanwhile other students are battling to obtain refunds for schoolies trips booked well before the pandemic took hold.

Saxon Phipps,founder of school-leaver service Year13,predicts a resurgence of the"classic Aussie road trip and camping"in NSW this November.

"There's no better place to social distance than in the bush,"he said."It's easy for year 12s to feel defeated and disheartened now with this cancellation of schoolies on top ofeverything which has already happened.But what we're seeing is that firstly,young people are resilient,and secondly,they have no problem creating their own fun."

Click here to read the story.

'Low cost,high reward':Masks to remain mandatory in Melbourne

ByPaul Sakkal

Masks will remain a feature of society in Melbourne for at least the medium term,with no date in sight to ease rules on mandatory face coverings in public.

Premier Daniel Andrews said on Sunday that the state government would err on the side of caution given the positive effect masks had on the rate of COVID-19 transmission.

Mr Andrews said the cost of wearing masks was low and the reward was high.

"There is a likelihood that at a point in the future we don't need to have compulsory masks or we alter the settings in which you need to use them,"he said.

"But I have got to say this – I am going to be a holdout on this … My personal view[is masks are] high reward,low cost.

"It's a pain,no one enjoys it. But compared to being locked at home,compared to people becoming gravely ill or becoming ill and not being able to shake this ... masks are something we should continue to do."

Roy Ward is a sports writer,live blogger and breaking news journalist. He's been writing for The Age since 2010.

Ashleigh McMillan is a breaking news reporter at The Age.

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