As it happened:Victoria records 51 new COVID-19 cases as Queensland Premier lashes Scott Morrison for border intervention;Australian death toll jumps to 788


Day in review

ByRachael Dexter

That's all the coronavirus news we have for you today,so I'll leave you with a summary of the day's events. As always,the free blog will fire up again early tomorrow morning.

What made COVID-19 news today?

Today is National Suicide prevention day (or R U OK? day),and I wanted to a quick moment to say that amid the pandemic,and all of the fallout that is has created,I hope all our readers are OK - especially those in Victoria.

There is always someone to speak to via any of these services:

Lifeline on 13 11 14
Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

This isRachael Dexter signing off. Please stay safe,look after one another and goodnight.

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Police arrest anti-lockdown rally organiser after raiding his home

ByDavid Estcourt

Police have arrested one of the organisers of anti-lockdown action planned for this weekend after raiding his home.

The Port Phillip Crime Investigation Unit arrested Tony Pecora after searching his Middle Park home,looking for computer devices,mobile phones,or anything that may be used to post on social media.

Tony Pecora.

Tony Pecora.United Australia Party

The raid,at about 1pm on Thursday,came after Mr Pecora reposted details of a planned anti-lockdown mass gathering in Melbourne after Facebook removed the listing. Mr Pecora was not home at the time of the raid.

Shortly after the raid,Mr Pecora handed himself in at St Kilda Police Station where he was arrested and interviewed by police. It's expected he'll be charged with incitement,but no charges had been laid at the time of publication.

It follows the dramatic arrest last Wednesday of pregnant Ballarat woman Zoe Buhler,who was charged with incitement over a Facebook post in which she encouraged people to attend a rally against coronavirus lockdown restrictions.

Mr Pecora toldThe Age on his way to hand himself in at St Kilda Police Station that the raid had shaken him,his wife and their young child.

“I’ve tried to comply with their protocols,” he said."This is getting very heavy."

A police spokesperson reiterated their intention to crack down on potential protest actions over the weekend.

"Once again over this weekend we will have resources committed to ensuring that people who deliberately put public health and safety at risk by breaching the directions receive fines or are arrested,if necessary,"the spokesperson said.

[Read more]

Readers respond:How curfew affects you

ByMathew Dunckley

Today Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews on Wednesday engaged in alengthy defence of the curfew imposed on Melburnians.

Amongst other things Mr Andrews argued that,with just four reasons to go out,he was not sure that allowing people the ability to leave home at night to do those things would make much difference.

We thought we would ask readers what they thought andgot a huge response this afternoon.

Broadly readers fall into two camps - those who point to useful things they would like to do if the curfew was away and those who say it makes no difference and is likely good policy in the circumstances.

Some readers would like to walk their dog after 8pm when the kids are in bed.

Some readers would like to walk their dog after 8pm when the kids are in bed.Dennis Malseed

Shopping,running,walking the dog

These were some of the common things people cited when describing how they would make use of the time.

I often would do the grocery shopping after 8pm as my husband and I both still work so by the time we finish,pick up my son from childcare,cook dinner and get my son to bed it's already past curfew.The supermarkets are also a lot quieter at that time which is a bonus!

Might go to the supermarket when there are fewer people around
Damien Coleman

Walk after dinner for 1 hr of exercise when few people out (lower risk)

There are a significant number of persons working in construction that cannot function within the lockdown hours. People leave their homes at 5 am (and earlier) and return home between 6:30 and 8 pm. What quality of life do these people have?The people who have worked all the way through the lockdown,worn a mask,social distanced followed the ever increasing number of restrictions etc and cannot even go home and go for a walk,or even go shopping for essentials because its too late - people cannot go and enjoy time with family because its'too late'. It is absolutely ridiculous not to give consideration to these situations - myself and many hundreds of others are in the same situation. It has been extremely challenging and mentally exhausting to work with the restrictions,let alone having to go home and do more of the same. My co workers are all challenged and the stress and strain and mental issues are visibly evident.

Take my infant child out for a drive to go to sleep -its the only way he will settle.


I would do nothing different and continue to follow the stay at home rules. BUT removal of the"curfew"would remove me of a very weighty psychological burden and add just a little hope in what appears to be an almost hopeless situation which those of us who are obeying the instructions can do no more to assist.

Go to the shops and walk my dog after 8:00 once my three children are in bed and my husband is home from work.

Because I am a vulnerable person,I avoid going to supermarkets as much as possible. So far,I have order most of my groceries online for home delivery but they require a minimum spend of $50 plus a delivery charge.Without a curfew,I could do my own shopping late at night when it is safer.


Stay home

Coming from another perspective,a large number of readers indicated that they would simply stay home if the curfew was lifted but other restrictions were still in place meaning it made no difference to them. Many also expressed support for the policy

Currently with community transmissions out there,(I live in Wyndham) I would not be venturing out,even with no curfew. I would not go shopping or to cinemas,restaurants or bars. Staying home restricts person to person transmission so I am happy for the curfew to stay until we have this thing under better control. I suspect my lack of confidence is widely shared so businesses would not get back all their pre-covid customers anyway.


Exactly what I'm doing now. Not much.

Basically nothing different. The curfew doesn't affect me while restaurants aren't open and I can't see friends. The curfew is a low cost enforcement measure in my view.

Nothing would have changed so i think curfew must be in place just to deter people from doing the wrong thing and breaching lockdown rules

Nothing,I would still STAY HOME. People are dying! What is it about “reducing the movement of people...AKA potential virus” don’t people get?

Nothing would change - it's not like we can go out for dinner,go to the pub for a beer or visit friends.

Nothing. Who needs to be out after 8 pm if you’re not working? Fully support continuing it. Why change a winning strategy?

I would do nothing differently. Genuinely straining my brain wondering why reporters need to labor the point that does not need to be made. If you're getting a kebab at 3am you deserve to be fined.

Stay at home.

[Read more of the responses here]

'Christmas is not cancelled':Melbourne to reactivate CBD amid COVID

ByBianca Hall

Christmas will take on a distinctly different flavour this year but the City of Melbourne says the CBD will stay open for business as the city slowly claws its way back from the biggest downturn since the wake of World War I.

Days after releasing modelling showing the city faces a $110 billion hit to its projected bottom line over the next five years,and almost 400,000 job losses,Town Hall will vote on a plan to bring people back to the city's empty streets.

A very different picture:Shoppers pictured in Melbourne's CBD during last year's Christmas shopping rush.

A very different picture:Shoppers pictured in Melbourne's CBD during last year's Christmas shopping rush.Luis Enrique Ascui

The plans will largely rest on making the city safe – with enhanced cleaning regimes to become a regular fixture – and attracting people back to the CBD.

Usually,the city would be gearing up for its busiest few months with the Melbourne Fashion Week,the AFL grand final parade,the Melbourne Cup parade,Melbourne Music Week,the Christmas Festival and New Year's Eve celebrations coming in quick succession.

The Christmas Festival alone would usually bring in more than $70 million in extra income for the city's businesses.

But next week,with the city a virtual ghost town,the council's Future Melbourne committee will instead approve plans to manage the city's"reactivation and recovery".

Expressions of interest are being sought from creatives,businesses,event spaces and organisations to put on socially distanced and"COVID-safe"Christmas events or installations to attract people into the city.

[Read the full story here]

Stubborn Vic active healthcare worker cases drop by one

ByRachael Dexter

As we reported earlier today,17 per cent of Victoria's active COVID-19 cases are in healthcare workers. That's 251 cases out of a total of 1483.

I've knocked together a quick 21-day graph to show how the drop in active cases in healthcare workers hasslowed over the past week.

Today there was only one case less than yesterday,whereas at the end of August we were seeing drops in active cases of more than 100 per day. For example on August 22 to August 23 there was a drop of 138 cases in a 24 hour period.

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Over the past week,numbers of active cases in healthcare works has refused to budge - the average for the previous seven days is 266 cases.

Yesterday,Health Minister Greg Hunt announced he had ordered a national probe into healthcare worker infections and a new approach to setting mask guidelines.

Australian Medical Association President Omar Khorshid said with more than 3300 infections recorded among workers in Victorian hospitals and aged care homes,it was"crystal clear"that national guidelines for use of personal protective equipment"have not adequately protected healthcare workers".

"We've got to do something differently,"Dr Khorshid said."Changes to the guidelines need to be looked at urgently."

The AMA wants higher-grade P2 or N95 respirator masks,not just surgical masks,to be used with all COVID-19 patients and for fit-testing to ensure there are no gaps for viral particles to pass through.

A beefed-up national surveillance program will investigate cases of COVID-19 among healthcare workers across Australia,Mr Hunt announced on Wednesday,with a new panel of frontline staff to work with the expert body advising the federal government on infection control guidelines.

Dr Khorshid said the panel must have representatives from emergency departments,intensive care units and doctors working in aged care,who could bring"frontline expertise"in workplace safety to the table.

PM didn't want QLD case to become a'public issue'today

ByAngus Livingstone

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he doesn't want a stoush over a border exemption to become a long-running issue with Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

The pair spoke on the phone on Thursday morning as the Prime Minister pushed for ACT nurse Sarah Caisip to be allowed into Queensland for her father's funeral.

Ms Palaszczuk later said she would not be"bullied"into opening the Queensland borders.

"This was just one day I had hoped that something different could be done,"Mr Morrison told Sky News this evening.

"Sarah doesn't get today back,she never gets it back,and that just fills my heart with sadness."

The Prime Minister said he did not"want this to be an ongoing thing"with the Queensland Premier,after she said she believed Mr Morrison would go to the media about their call.

"I've probably raised more than 40 cases by correspondence,I haven't made those a matter of public record,"Mr Morrison said.

"I didn't want to see this become a public issue today."

[Read more about the case here]

Ex-Bomber petitions for tattoo industry reopening

ByJake Niall

A former Essendon footballer has petitioned Premier Daniel Andrews and the state government to allow tattoo parlours to reopen in late October.

Hal Hunter,the first Essendon player to sue the club and the AFL who reached an out-of-court settlement from the drugs saga that stretched from 2013 until 2016,has launched a petition online that garnered more than 11,000 signatures since Sunday night.

Hal and Bella Hunter at their tattoo parlour.

Hal and Bella Hunter at their tattoo parlour.Simon Schluter

Hunter,who operates and co-owns the Carlton Tattoo Co. in Carlton North with his wife Bella and fellow tattooist Bobby Skins,says that tattooists were disheartened to learn that their industry would need 14 consecutive days of zero COVID-19 cases in Victoria from November 23 before they would be permitted to operate again.

"We could then open on November 24 at the earliest,''said Hunter,a tattooist since he finished in football in 2013 without playing at senior league level."For an industry we've been closed for every week since March,except the five weeks in June and July that we were allowed to reopen.''

Victoria was the only state in which tattooing was shut down.

Hunter,the only current or ex-Essendon player to sue the club who was not suspended for doping violations (his suit related to health concerns and he was no longer playing),contends that tattoo studios should be in the same category as hairdressing and retail.

"We're in the same boat as beauty parlours and nail salons and I've seen recently they've been quite public in voicing the exact same concerns that we have as tattooers. I guess the real thing that we are asking – which is in the petition – is that we are included on October 26 reopening date.

"As an industry we could implement some safety measures that would make it safe enough for us to reopen at the same time as them."

[Read more]

Exclusive:'Youngest COVID-19 victim'may have died of another cause

ByRichard Baker

The man in his 20s who was called Australia's youngest COVID-19 victim was suspected by senior health officials to have died from another cause,possibly a drug overdose,at the time Premier Daniel Andrews publicly linked his death to the coronavirus.

There is no suggestion Mr Andrews was aware of the possible involvement of drugs or another cause of death before his August 14 daily briefing,butThe Age has been told by people familiar with the casethat officials in the Health Department had discussed the circumstances of the man's death as being indicative of an overdose.

Daniel Andrews at his press conference on August 14.

Daniel Andrews at his press conference on August 14.Jason South

The young man was infected with coronavirus when he died,but the State Coroner,John Cain jnr,has in recent days decided to classify the case as a"reportable death"requiring a coronial investigation.

Judge Cain's decision is significant because the Coroners Court’s general advice to doctors is to regard COVID-19 deaths as being from natural causes,which would not be"reportable",and not prompt an inquiry.

The announcement by Mr Andrews on August 14 that a man in his 20s was among the latest 14 COVID-19 victims shocked many andsparked national headlines. The other 13 deaths announced by the Premier that day were people aged in their 80s and 90s.

“We are talking about the youngest person that has died of this virus,or at least with this virus. That’s the other issue that would need to be teased out,"Mr Andrews said,adding that a coronial inquiry might be necessary.

A spokeswoman for Judge Cain declined to answer questions about the inquiry into the young man's death.

The revelation of the coroner's inquiry comes amid public debate about how coronavirus-related deaths are being attributed and collated in Australia. By Thursday,Australia had 778 deaths linked to COVID-19.

Under federal Health Department guidelines,a death is defined for surveillance purposes as COVID-19-related if the person dies with the virus and there is no clear alternative cause of death,such as trauma. Those guidelines also stipulate that when a coroner’s report finds a different cause of death,those findings take precedence.

The death of the man in his 20s does not appear to have been recorded as an official COVID-19 death in Australia's National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.

The system has recorded no COVID-19 related deaths for anyone aged in their 20s or below. The database shows a handful of deaths of people aged in their 30s,while the majority of those who have died have been aged 80 and over.

[Read the full story here]

'People crave it':How music is helping Royal Melbourne Hospital staff cope

Here's something really lovely to break up all the serious news today,from reporter Paul Sakkal:

As staff at the Royal Melbourne Hospital prepared for the coming pandemic in March,the hospital's head of music therapy,Emma O'Brien,identified a gap in workplace morale and thought music could help.

"We could see the staff needed extra support,"Dr O'Brien said.

"It's a privilege to work here but it's also very stressful.

"Someone mentioned that pub choir had become couch choir,and they said'could we do something like that?'. I said,'what a great idea!'."

At that moment,when nurses and doctors were more focussed on PPE guidelines than basslines,the hospital's unofficial"scrub choir"was born.

In the early months of the pandemic,the group gained immediate popularity among staff and wrote a song about getting prepared for the pandemic called"Surreal"to encapsulate the movie-like reality.

In the middle months of the pandemic,the choir wrote a song about the experience of living through it.

Their third original track,called"Gratitude",is in the works and will focus on the things staff are thankful for that have helped them cope with the strict lockdown.

The video clips associated with the tracks help illustrate the radical changes to our daily lives as 2020 has progressed,said Dr O'Brien.

"It was a completely different feeling back then before the world changed … There were no masks and we were in much bigger groups,"she said.

[Read the full story here]

What are Victoria's biggest outbreaks?

ByRachael Dexter

The Victorian Department of Health has confirmed that outbreaks inColac,Frankston and Dandenong are the biggest active outbreaks they are currently dealing with thataren't aged care.

Those are:

Frankston hospital remains the source of one of Victoria's largest non-aged care COVID-19 outbreaks.

Frankston hospital remains the source of one of Victoria's largest non-aged care COVID-19 outbreaks.Paul Jeffers

Keep in mind,aroundhalf of all active cases in the stateare linked to aged care at the moment - so those settings are still the main driver of active infections.

Getting up to date information on aged care outbreaks is difficult,but we do know that as of today there are87 facilities with current outbreaks – this has dropped by 10 in the past week.

Over the past 24 hours there have been new cases recorded at

Victorian authorities have also flagged they are looking at a new outbreak atMercy Place aged care facility in Templestowe.

Earlier this week we obtained a full list of aged care outbreaks above 5 cases. The searchable table below lists active cases,deaths and total cases. This was up to date as of the 8th (two days ago).

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Rachael Dexter is a City reporter for The Age,previously with The Sunday Age.

Liam Mannix is The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald's national science reporter.

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