Cows in pain,thirsty peaches,stressed tomatoes:how tech’s helping nature talk to farmers

It’s being called the fourth agricultural revolution – bringing digital solutions to bear on age-old farming problems. And some of the most intriguing applications are being developed here.

Luke Wallace says farming is “still hard yakka”,but new tech comes in handy.

Luke Wallace says farming is “still hard yakka”,but new tech comes in handy.Sallie Jones

It’s 5.30am on a Monday morning in May and dairy farmer Luke Wallace is at the kitchen bench,adding milk to his coffee. Dawn is still a promise but when the sun rises,it will show the pretty tree-dotted pastures of Poowong in south Gippsland rolling away towards Melbourne,110 kilometres to the west. The grass is green,the pastures lush and Wallace’s 170 cattle are happily on the cud – or are they? He opens his phone to check. An app calledHeatime shows that cow 4932 walked 45 per cent less yesterday than she usually does. Her jaw movement is down,too – 30 per cent on the previous day’s figure – suggesting reduced grazing and cud-chewing. Something’s not right.

Wallace knows 4932 by her real name,Buttercup. She’s a four-year-old Jersey cow who has borne two strong,healthy female calves. Her udder is snug but capacious,producing 25 litres of creamy high-protein milk every day. A genetic sampling taken from a hair test when she was a one-year-old shows she’s likely to produce milk to the grand old age of 11 before being put out to pasture. In other words,she’s a beauty. But low activity is a sign something is wrong,maybe a sore foot,illness brewing or an upset stomach.

When she comes in for milking at 6am,Buttercup looks fine. She’s not limping or lowing,and her udder is as plump as normal. Like all of Wallace’s cows,she is wearing a collar with an embedded motion sensor. It’s this bovine version of a FitBit that collects and transmits data for an algorithm to crunch. Wallace drafts her out,checks her over and finds a small puncture wound on her left rear hoof. “She’s come down hard on a stone,by the looks,” he says. He glues a small piece of wood next to the wound. “This will keep weight off the sore toe and hopefully let it heal without further bruising. We’ll see how she goes during the day and have another look tonight.”

Without the warning fed through via the collar,Buttercup’s condition would have deteriorated further before it was noticed by the farmer. “A sore foot might be the first presentation of a more serious condition,” says Wallace. “You wouldn’t see it yourself. They wouldn’t even limp. But she’d be walking around less in the paddock and she’ll sit down and want to rest it. The app picks it up a day before I might and if you pick it up early,you might be able to head off something more serious and expensive,like antibiotics,a vet coming out,or an extended period of being unwell.”

The collars don’t just pick up injuries,they also alert the farmer when cows are primed for pregnancy. “Just as decreased activity suggests a problem,increased activity indicates that a cow is in heat because they walk around searching for a mate,” says Wallace,who artificially inseminates his cows when his computer suggests it’s the right time. “Some cows might be on heat for a day,others for only six hours and that’s where the collars come in handy. You can’t tell by looking but the computer is accurate and getting better all the time as the algorithm continues to gather data.”

“It allows me to be more efficient,have healthier cows,get a better return and,in the end,give my kids a good reason to stay on the farm too.”

Wallace spent about $50,000 on 220 Allflex collars two years ago and thinks they’ve already paid him back in increased fertility – and that’s without considering the savings he’s made by heading off injury and illness. “This is a third-generation farm,” he says,surveying a bucolic landscape of emerald green pasture dotted with gums. “I know the names of all my cows,and their mothers’ names. It’s still hard yakka,I’m still in gumboots a lot,but I’m also passionate about technology. It allows me to be more efficient,have healthier cows,get a better return and,in the end,give my kids a good reason to stay on the farm too. Farming is different now.”

The game-changer is “agtech”,or agricultural technology,a broad term that encompasses everything from digital “seeing” (such as the cattle collars) to
virtual fencing,precision planting and weed-spotting drones. Tomatoes alert farmers when they’re stressed. Peach trees mention that they’ve had enough to drink. Tractors dot seeds into fields with the accuracy of needlepoint. Satellite technology tells farmers exactly where to apply fertiliser,and robots attack weeds.

Agtech is transforming farming so dramatically that researchers and policymakers often speak of it as a fourth agricultural revolution. According to this schema,the first revolution was the farming that led to settled societies in the Middle East around 10,000BC. Next,there was the end of feudalism and the Industrial Revolution,with its increased mechanisation and transportation. Last century,there was the third,the “green revolution”,with scaled-up production pushed along by pesticides,fertilisers and genetic modification. Now there’s a tsunami of data-driven digital innovation. Farms produce countless data points every day. At its best,the new tech captures useful data and processes it into accessible and actionable information,helping farmers make more informed decisions and feed growing populations while also driving environmental improvements.

“Australia grows the best food in the world,” says Georgie Aley,national food and agribusiness sector lead at KPMG Australia. “We have approximately 135,000 farm businesses that produce more than 90 per cent of our own food,while exporting 75 per cent of what we produce to feed up to 75 million people around the world.

“COVID was the first time that many Australians thought about food security and farmers were a shining light – they just kept producing and sending food to market. They are the backbone of the country,managing natural resources,protecting soil,reducing inputs and maximising outputs while working at the frontline of adapting to a changing climate. They’re the first entrepreneurs and innovators and are global leaders in adopting technology.”

So what are some of the other newfangled things happening on Australian farms?

Researcher Ian Goodwin is part of a team that develops new technologies at the Victorian state government’s Tatura SmartFarm.

Researcher Ian Goodwin is part of a team that develops new technologies at the Victorian state government’s Tatura SmartFarm.Supplied

Maximising megalitres

Sam Sorrenti is a second-generation peach and nectarine grower outside Cobram,on loamy soil near the Murray River in northern Victoria. He relies on expensive irrigated water to grow his stonefruit. “Farming is completely different to what it was,” he says. “Technology has given us better quality,better volumes and greater efficiencies.” Sorrenti is part of a Victorian government“internet of things” trial that uses new wireless capabilities to beam information from the soil to his sofa.

He has 24 moisture probes across two orchards,each poking about 80 centimetres into the ground. When water seeps down,the sensors record its depth and send that information to a node and onward to the cloud. Sorrenti can be anywhere – his office,the supermarket – and check if his trees have had enough water.

The sensors were installed in October 2020,and by January this year,Sorrenti trusted the system to guide his decisions. “There are two really important times for water:between flowering and stone-hardening,and five weeks before harvest,when the fruit does most of its growing,” he says. “The sensors won me over for this second period.” During hot summer days,Sorrenti checked the platform every half-hour. “It’s not how much you water,it’s how well you water,” he says.

“When water is $600 to $800 a megalitre,you want to get the most out of it. After three hours of watering on hot days in January,I could see the water had penetrated to the bottom of the root ball,around 65 centimetres deep. There’s no point watering below the roots,so I switched to my irrigation app and turned it off.

“Now,the farmer can sit around after tea and see what’s happening on their orchard in real time.”

“In the past,we would have watered to the point of run-off. This[sensor system] takes out the guesswork,meaning I put the right amount of water to the right depth at the right duration to get the maximum out of a tree. And I save time by doing it.”

Dr Ian Goodwin researches crop physiology and plant production sciences for Agriculture Victoria,and is part of a team that develops new technologies at the state government’sTatura SmartFarm. He’s worked in agriculture for more than 40 years. “Sensor technology has been around for a while,” he says,“but it’s been complex and there have been wires going everywhere. You can’t have a picker tangled in wires on a farm. Now,the farmer can sit around after tea and see what’s happening on their orchard in real time. They’re not digging around in a database somewhere.”

Without diminishing the utility of the data,Goodwin thinks the main function of the tech is to give farmers confidence in the decisions they make according to good old-fashioned know-how. “Every human needs that confidence and the sensor tech provides the feedback that helps them feel sure of their decisions,” he says. “And then,when they need to,they can alter their management of their farm.”

Data from the ponds at Pacific Reef Fisheries,south of Townsville,arrives in a farmer’s eyewear.

Data from the ponds at Pacific Reef Fisheries,south of Townsville,arrives in a farmer’s eyewear.Andrew Rankin

Gaming prawns,talking tomatoes

If Far North Queensland prawn farmer Bruno Pais has a faraway look behind his funky glasses,it’s not because he’s daydreaming. And if he’s talking to himself,there’s no need to become alarmed. He’s actually looking after his tiger prawns,using the kinds of wearable hands-free technologies first seen in the gaming world.

Pais is wearing Google Glasses with voice-activation capability. Standing on the edge of a huge pond at Pacific Reef Fisheries,on the inland flats south of Townsville,he chats to his eyewear. “Pond 50. Show me dissolved oxygen data for the last 15 days.” Within seconds,an augmented reality display pops up in the top right corner of the glasses frame’s right lens,showing data to date,plus projections for the next few days. The upshot is that the pond could do with a little aeration to increase the oxygen level. At the moment,Pais has to push buttons to fix it but that will change after this winter’s maintenance period.

“By Christmas,I’ll be able to talk to the glasses and all kinds of things will happen,” he says. “I’ll say,‘Start water flow in pond 50,start aeration units nine and 12,skip next feed,put pond on watch’ and it will all start happening. Submerged propellers will spin below the surface,sending water flowing into the pond. If necessary,alarms will be sent to people’s phones,tablets and computers. Information and action will occur in real time.”
Monitoring the farm manually isn’t an option. “We have over 100 ponds of one hectare each,so it’s 10 kilometres from side to side,” says Pais. “There are hundreds of tonnes of prawns – over 50 million animals – with a life cycle of six months. Small changes can have a big impact in a few hours,halting growth or even killing prawns. We’re farming water quality as much as we’re farming shellfish – this is my early-warning system.”

The data-reading project is part of the CSIRO’s work to develop and implement agtech around the country,in partnership with farmers. Andrew Moore leads CSIRO’sDigiscape R&D program. “We use communication technologies to help farmers make better decisions,” he says. “The drumbeat through all the applications is to see new ways of what’s going on in a pond or a piece of land and use analytics – basically mathematics – to ask,‘What would happen if we did this,or that?’ to make better decisions.”

The CSIRO’s Dr Rose Roche with a WaterWise sensor. “This technology is a massive opportunity to help farmers save water,” she says.

The CSIRO’s Dr Rose Roche with a WaterWise sensor. “This technology is a massive opportunity to help farmers save water,” she says.Supplied

Another product of Digiscape isWaterWise,in which sensors in leaf canopies combine with hyperlocal weather forecasts to calculate when a certain temperature is likely to be reached. “Plants can be hot but not stressed,” says CSIRO’s Dr Rose Roche. “But if tomatoes go over a certain temperature,around 32 degrees,they do suffer. It’s just like fever is an indication in humans that there is something wrong. There is only a certain period of time that a crop can tolerate being above their optimum temperature before growth halts. We need to water them before that happens,so we use data to predict the best time to irrigate.”

Fresh results from the WaterWise project show that smart irrigation has reduced water usage on a Swan Hill tomato farm trial by 35 per cent. “This technology is a massive opportunity to help farmers save water,using data to give confidence that every drop is counting,” says Dr Roche.

The power of pig poo

At Trafalgar,120 kilometres south-east of Melbourne,fifth-generation farmer Rob Bayley keeps 500 pigs for fresh meat and bacon production. Pig farmers aren’t always beloved neighbours:their farms can get very stinky. As Trafalgar became popular with hobby farmers and Melbourne sprawled ever closer,Bayley came up with an innovative solution. As well as producing the porkers,he harvests their excrement to generate electricity,which also minimises the pong.

“All the effluent from the farm goes into a six- megalitre dam covered with a big balloon,” he says. “As the bacteria breaks down,it emits methane,which is then captured under the balloon.” Pumps extract as much as 3000 cubic metres of methane,and feed it into a generator,which churns out 420 megawatts a year – “twice as much as we need for the farm,so we sell it back to the grid. We also capture hot water off the generator radiator and use it to heat the pig sheds.”

Capturing and burning methane reduces farm odour by up to 80 per cent. “It’s an investment in keeping our neighbours happy,as well as a way of expanding my business by innovating rather than increasing its footprint,” says Bayley. He also feeds his pigs whey,cast aside by the local dairy industry,and uses by-product from the methane lagoons as high-quality odourless compost on his adjacent cattle farm. “Farming is our business,” he says.

“Generating our own power reduces the cost of meat by about five cents a
kilogram. We sell a million kilos a year. It’s significant in a savings sense but it’s also a good-news story for the industry to generate renewable energy and utilise products that would otherwise have gone to waste.”

Provenir’s mobile abattoir reduces cattle stress and feeds qualitative data back to farmers.

Provenir’s mobile abattoir reduces cattle stress and feeds qualitative data back to farmers.Supplied

Tracing and tracking

Provenir is an on-farm abattoir that tries to ensure the last moments of a cow’s life are as relaxed as the rest of its time on pasture.

A truck is driven into a field,cattle are yarded in familiar surrounds,then led up a short ramp to be swiftly stunned and killed. “Provenir is built around the ethos of animal welfare which is intrinsically linked to better quality meat,” says co-founder Jayne Newgreen. Trucking cattle to large abattoirs can be stressful for them,producing adrenalin that toughens their meat,thereby undoing the years of work that go into creating high-quality beef. Simply put,calm cattle taste better.

Since launching in 2019,Provenir has driven its mobile abattoir onto 41 farms in NSW and Victoria,slaughtering about 16 cattle a day. Traceability is a key element of the offer. It starts on-farm with an ear tag that each cow wears,as part of the government-mandated National Livestock Identification System. Farmers can monitor health and other attributes via the tags,which have embedded transponders with a unique ID number.

“When the live animal becomes a carcass,” says Newgreen,“we scan the tag and input it into our digital traceability system. We print a unique QR code which has the farmer’s information embedded and it stays with the carcass when it’s hung,butchered,and broken down into individual packs of meat. Every single steak is sold with a QR code that links back to the farm,and has the capability to be tied to the actual animal.”

That’s a bonus for customers who want to know where their food comes from,but it’s also enormously meaningful and helpful for farmers. “We have had consumers scan it,then write to the farmer and say,‘Oh my god,I had an amazing porterhouse last night.’ That’s great for the cook but I didn’t realise how much it means to farmers. In the commodity system,their beef goes to saleyards or abattoirs and becomes anonymous. They have spent years working on this animal but they don’t know who is eating it,they don’t get that payoff.”

Provenir’s team of artisan butchers also feed qualitative information back to farmers. “We can take photographs of a particular cut a farmer might be working towards improving in terms of its size or marbling. They can look at a specific steak and realise they’ve achieved it or they still have work to do.”

Information can also drive on-farm improvements. “In one case,the kidneys showed white spots that were evidence of nephritis,indicating issues with the water those cattle had access to,” she says. “We pointed it out to the farmer. He said,‘We thought we had a problem with the bore,we thought we had resolved it but we obviously hadn’t.’ He then went and fenced dams and filtered the bore to reduce future risk. It’s all about improvement and driving change and aiding farmers to improve their products.”

Fencing is a massive drain on farmers’ time and bank balances but wireless tech is assisting there,too,creating virtual fences that can be adjusted as required. “You draw a field on your computer,perhaps fencing off a waterway that you don’t want trampled,” explains the CSIRO’s Andrew Moore. “You attach a neckband device to your cattle and they will get a warning when they are approaching a boundary – a beep sound followed by a mild electrical pulse. Naturally,they move away.

“The experience is less painful than touching a conventional electric fence. Instead of spending thousands of dollars and many days maintaining fences,farmers adjust fences with a few clicks. It helps in managing grazing,so you use grass more evenly as well as keep the cattle away from danger.”

Knowing how much grass is in a field also assists with planning how many cattle to graze,for how long and when. “Farmers can now use handheld sensors and satellite images to estimate pasture biomass,” says Dave Lamb,chief scientist at Food Agility,an agtech co-operative research centre working with universities,industry and government.

“The sensor acts like a smart eye,using a combination of visible and infrared detectors to assess the colour and density of grass. Plants are eight times brighter when viewed in infrared compared how bright they appear as green. Unseen information is converted into an estimate of the weight of the grass above the ground,that is,how much food there is for livestock.

“With that information,you might say,‘I’ll put 80 cattle here for three weeks to hit 1.5 kilos of weight gain per head per day while maintaining my pasture biomass between 1000 and 3000 kilograms per hectare[ensuring vigorous regrowth].’ That’s how precise it really needs to be if we are going to be more productive and sustainable at the same time.”

The balance between old-timer knowledge and tech is key. “Farmers have a great instinct for maintaining the sweetness of their country and the health of their animals by reading both their stock and land,” Lamb says. “New technologies lend a helping hand and can help reduce the complexity of the many day-to-day decisions farmers make.” At the end of the day,farmers are still making the decisions. “The future is about technology-assisted farming,not just technology.”

Andrew and Jocie Bate of SwarmFarm Robotics.

Andrew and Jocie Bate of SwarmFarm Robotics.John Elliott

Precision AG

If your vision of a tractor involves a farmer steering his way merrily up and down a field,it’s a little bit outdated. “Today’s farm vehicles are high-tech spaceships in tractor form,” says Dave Lamb. “They can move at 30 kilometres an hour,using GPS to auto-steer on five-centimetre-accurate tracks to protect the soil. You hit go and it can drive kilometres.” At the same time,sensors at the front of the vehicle can “read” the soil or plants and decide if fertiliser is needed,which can then be accurately applied along with seed that’s dropped directly between the rows of last year’s crop.

“Rather than burning or ploughing in last year’s growth to start with a clean slate,modern machinery is accurate enough to take advantage of the previous season’s stubble,” says Lamb.

“In the past,farmers were looking for a beautiful tennis court to work on,but last year’s stubble offers protection from frost and wind and heavy rain. Now we can put seed or fertiliser out with incredible precision and work more with nature.” Is it boring for the farmers? “They have plenty to monitor on the go and they can always chat to each other on Twitter.”

Some farmers don’t even enter the field. Jocie and Andrew Bate are grain farmers and the co-founders ofSwarmFarm Robotics,which builds autonomous vehicles that can weed,mow or slash. “The machines are a platform,” says Jocie. “We partner with third-party innovators who build the sprayers and mowers,anyone who’s creating solutions to one of the thousands of problems we have on farms.”

The Bates have robots roaming their wheat and chickpea fields at Emerald in central Queensland. “They are out there 24 hours a day,seven days a week,” says Andrew. “They use infrared or machine vision to detect weeds,then spot-spray them. Targeting individual weeds means we can kill them with a lot less herbicide,up to 95 per cent less than we would normally use. It’s great for farmers’ pockets and for the environment.”

Another major advantage of the SwarmFarm approach is that the base vehicles are the size of a small car. “That’s a tenth the size of a normal tractor or sprayer,” says Jocie. “They cause a lot less damage to soil from compaction and erosion,which are huge issues and can turn our farms into rivers after big rains.”

Being farmers themselves as well as agtech innovators is unusual,but the key to the Bates’ success. “Someone might step down from a high-rise building in the city and think they’ve got a good idea then spend the next 10 years wondering why their robot trips over weeds,” says Food Agility’s Dave Lamb. “These are people who’ve woken up every morning thinking,‘I’ve got to solve that problem.’ ”

The tech also creates new career pathways in farming. “This is a really exciting time to get into it,” says Jocie Bate. “People tell us they want this tech on their farm because it brings people into the industry and keeps them there. We love creating new opportunities and careers in agriculture and we definitely see the benefit of having engineers on the farm. They create code,they try it on the sim,and then they can take it straight into the field. That’s the light-bulb moment.”


“There’s a reason we have some of the most innovative growers in the world right here in Australia,” says Ros Harvey,founder and director of agtech innovator The Yield. “They have to be. We have the driest inhabited continent,high labour costs,we have to ship everything,we don’t have subsidy or tariff protection. In these conditions,farmers are using technology to grow more food with less inputs.”

Harvey believes Australia is well positioned to nip at the heels of countries like the US,which is a world leader in agtech,as well as the agri-business sector which supports it. In 2019,Australian agtech businesses raised approximately $115 million to invest in new technologies. Harvey predicts that by 2030,annual international investment could skyrocket to $4 billion. “The opportunities are enormous.”

Internationally,the pandemic has accelerated research,development and implementation,with venture capital fundAgFunder reporting a blow-out year. Start-ups raised $33 billion in 2020,which could reach $39 billion once new deals come to light – up by more than one-third since 2019.

At the moment,Australia isn’t an agtech paradise. Mobile coverage lags in rural areas,though some farmers use LoRa,a low-power wireless network to connect to the internet. Farmers can also be too busy tackling immediate problems such as flooding or mouse plagues to consider new approaches.

“There’s still the old guard,” says Food Agility chief scientist Dave Lamb. “They have their heritage and their ways. But agtech is becoming mainstream because it allows farming in harmony with natural systems,aided and abetted by technology.”

When farmers are financially stretched,however,it’s hard to invest in tech that pays them back slowly. Dairy farmer Luke Wallace notes he could only afford cattle collars after joining the boutique Gippsland Jersey network of suppliers. “When things are tight,you make do,” he says. “When you receive a fair price for your product,you can put money back into your farm and other local businesses.”

There can be a chasm between on-farm problems and cool stuff in computer labs,but it’s vital to collaborate,says Digiscape’s Andrew Moore. “All this tech is giving us more control over how we manage agricultural land,and will translate into more efficient use of resources like fertiliser,water and money. That is absolutely crucial because by 2050,we will have 9.6 billion people to feed … the expectation is that the world will need to grow 70 per cent more food in 2050 than it did in 2013.”

Beyond the efficiencies,he sees benefits at every step in the supply chain. “Agtech will enable us to manage animals and plants to artisanal levels of detail at scale,” he says. “When you think about artisanal food,you’re thinking about an animal or an apple that’s had a specific pathway. Its story is known,we know how it got to us. You’ll be able to pick up a tomato in a local shop and learn about the field it grew in,what herbicides – if any – were used,how much water it took to grow it,and what its greenhouse gas footprint is.

“Once we have the data,we can translate it into information that’s meaningful for consumers and they can make informed decisions about purchasing food aligned with their ethics,health or interests. Agtech can be used to bring meaning to the supply chain,as well as create a more delicious dinner.”

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Dani Valent is a food writer and restaurant reviewer.

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