Doctors'bullied'by hospital administration for asking to wear masks

Doctors working in major Sydney and Melbourne hospitals fear an escalation of coronavirus outbreaks spread by healthcare workers,accusing hospital administrators of"bullying"those who demand protective masks - including on COVID-19 wards.

Three doctors who spoke toTheSydney Morning Herald andThe Age on condition of anonymity for fear of losing their jobs said nurses,physicians and ward orderlies were being forced to work in unsafe conditions,with contaminated bins"overflowing"and access to masks restricted.

Healthcare workers fear being infected with COVID-19 due to restrictions on who can access protective equipment.

Healthcare workers fear being infected with COVID-19 due to restrictions on who can access protective equipment.Jon Super

Hundreds of healthcare workers are among the 8586 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia to date,including 88 in NSW and 216 in Victoria,where recent infections have been detected in nurses and other workers at the Northern Hospital,the Alfred,the Epworth and the Royal Melbourne.

A specialist doctor at a major Melbourne public hospital said medical staff anxious about contracting SARS-CoV-2 and unable to access hospital supplies were forbidden from bringing their own cloth or surgical masks to wear.

Those who defied management and wore masks were subject to"black stares"and rebukes,the doctor said.

"None of us signed up for these jobs in order to die on the frontline. We're not soldiers,"the doctor said.

"I feel like its getting to the point where a healthcare worker is going to have to die before they change the policy."

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Michael Kidd gives an update after a spike in COVID-19 cases,bringing the national total cases to 8462 and death toll of 106.

Medical staff in NSW and Victoria became increasingly concerned about their safety as news broke over the weekend of a COVID-19 cluster at the Northern Hospital in Melbourne,where at least five healthcare workers - including emergency room nurses - have been infected. A further two Victorian healthcare workers had been diagnosed by Monday,one at the Royal Melbourne Hospital - a close contact of a known case - and another at the Alfred Hospital,where contact tracers believe the person worked while infectious.

A Victorian health department spokeswoman said hospitals in Melbourne's outbreak areas were now being encouraged"to use the highest standard PPE to maximise protection in higher-risk settings such as emergency departments and intensive care". A NSW Health spokeswoman said their"guidelines are consistent with[Australian Health Protection Principal Committee] advice".

A doctor employed at a major public hospital in Sydney said non-clinical areas had been transformed into patient beds,making it impossible to physically distance from coworkers.

"You might have six people looking at a computer screen,"the doctor said. Staff members with older relatives at home were"scared to come to work".

A Sydney anaesthetist working across multiple public and private NSW hospitals said it was"stressful"negotiating the rules in different locations,with guidelines varying across hospitals on what level of personal protective equipment must be worn and when.

"I'm wearing one in the hospital and I'm an outcast,"they said.

The AHPPC advises respirator P2 or N95 masks,which give almost complete protection against infected particles,only need to be worn by doctors and nurses performing"aerosol-generating"procedures such as intubation on patients with COVID-19.

Those performing other tasks in COVID-19 wards are given surgical masks,which provide a lower level of protection.

Anaesthetists and surgeons who perform invasive procedures on patients who are not suspected of having COVID-19 are not required to be given respirator masks,even if the patient is coughing.

Infectious disease expert Raina MacIntyre,head of the Biosecurity Research program at the University of NSW's Kirby Institute,said healthcare workers were at"increased risk of infection"and must be given the highest level of protection.

"Healthcare workers are not disposable assets,"Professor MacIntyre said."If we get sick and need to be treated,we want them to be there."

Professor Raina MacIntyre said hospitals tended to downplay the role of the workplace in COVID-19 infections.

Professor Raina MacIntyre said hospitals tended to downplay the role of the workplace in COVID-19 infections.Peter Braig

She said hospitals were"highly contaminated"workplaces,with research showing COVID-19 particles were present in air vents and on surfaces of areas where infected patients had been treated,along with mounting evidence that the virus was airborne.

"Not allowing a healthcare worker to protect themselves is illegal under the International Labour Organisation Convention,"Professor MacIntyre said.

Professor MacIntyre said hospitals tended to downplay the role of the workplace in COVID-19 infections among nurses and doctors,who were often deemed to have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus"on the bus,or at home".

The Victorian health department said about 17 per cent of COVID-19 infections among the state's healthcare workers were deemed to have been acquired at work.

"The highest grade of protective equipment is provided to all our hospitals and we would not want frontline healthcare workers at risk due to sourcing their own lower quality PPE,"their spokeswoman said.

A NSW Health spokeswoman said their guidelines state"staff should only use protective equipment that meets Australian Standards and is supplied through our hospitals and facilities".

"NSW Health is not aware of any complaints from hospital staff in relation to being bullied for wanting to wear a mask."

Deputy chief medical officer Michael Kidd said on Monday the AHPPC"continues to review the advice on masks,and mask-wearing,both by healthcare workers but by the wider community".

"We recognise the evidence and understanding and knowledge about COVID-19 continues to change,therefore the advice may be expected to change,"Professor Kidd said.

A spokesman for the federal health department said it did not have"nationally representative comprehensive data about health care workers who have tested positive for COVID-19"but that the latest statistics showed about 481 healthcare workers had contracted the virus on April 11.

Where states and territories reported source of infection,79 per cent of healthcare workers"acquired their infection outside of the healthcare settings,such as from travel overseas or a household contact."

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Dana Daniel was a federal health reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in Canberra.

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