'Dramatic and rapid'reef loss in north-west will continue without climate action:scientist

A coral biologist with decades of expertise on the reefs that stud Australia’s north-west coast has described “dramatic and rapid loss of coral cover” and warned no efforts to increase the reefs'resilience would be sufficient to protect them without action on climate change.

Coral biologist Benjamin Fitzpatrick is a University of WA adjunct research fellow and director of Oceanwise Australia,and has been watching with concern the outlooks warning of significant bleaching events this summer.

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TheUS National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Bureau of Meteorology both predict a likely lengthy period of warming out to March or beyond,especially for waters off north-western WA.

The main bleaching risks are to the north-east of the World Heritage-listed Ningaloo Marine Park,including areas near Exmouth or Karratha. But they could also extend to include Ningaloo.

There is also a reasonable probability of the southern half of the Great Barrier Reef reaching the threshold of heat stress that could trigger bleaching this summer.

Dr Fitzpatrick said the last significant bleaching at Ningaloo was in 2011 and this season was going to potentially be as bad or worse.

“In the north-west of Western Australia we are fairly certain we will see a significant bleaching event this year,” he said.

“The conditions for these warm water events are becoming increasingly frequent as the impacts of climate change take hold.

“We are seeing corals bleaching year after year after year.

“And as the years go by it’s more stressful for ecologies.”

Mass bleaching during the 2015-16 and 2016-17 summers blighted corals across much of the world,including the Great Barrier Reef. The latter lost at least half its coral cover during the unprecedented back-to-back events,scientists say.

Dr Fitzpatrick said WA’s north-west coastline was studded with reef from the Gascoyne to the Northern Territory border and was susceptible to the same impacts as the Great Barrier Reef.

But the Great Barrier Reef’s location,with parts of it up to 60 kilometres offshore,meant a wide lagoon between it and the shore took 60 days to flush out,so the water tended to stay warm longer.

By contrast,he said,the continental shelf at Ningaloo was narrower than it was anywhere else in Australia,so it got deep very abruptly.

This meant Ningaloo was bathed in a broad-scale ocean current,the Leeuwin,that circulated quickly and flushed the lagoon daily.

This to some extent had protected Ningaloo from major bleaching in recent years,but it meant the fact corals still suffered minor bleaching was significant.

"It’s symptomatic of a broader warming ocean,not a localised body of water,"Dr Fitzpatrick said.

"At this stage,we really need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the warming that is occurring.

"Some science says local protection of coral reefs can increase their resilience,such as reducing damage or agricultural runoff ... but we are seeing in many instances even with good management plans in place we are seeing dramatic and rapid loss of coral cover due to these global impacts.

"We are still finding that climate change and warm water can wipe out all those management gains.

"It’s ironic that this is the place that produces most of the fossil fuels in Australia,the area producing the largest volumes of LNG anywhere in the world.

"And we are seeing the global impacts right on our doorstep."

Emma Young is a producer,sub-editor and journalist with WAtoday. She is the winner of nine WA Media Awards and the author of two novels published in 2021 and 2023 by Fremantle Press.

Peter Hannam wrote on environment issues for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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