Election 2022 LIVE updates:Coalition racks up billions more in spending promises compared to Labor;Anzac Day services held across the nation


Today’s headlines at a glance

ByGeorgina Mitchell

Thanks for joining us for another packed day of federal election coverage. We’ll be back with you again tomorrow morning.

Here are some key headlines from today:

This morning’s ANZAC Day dawn service at Martin Place in Sydney.

This morning’s ANZAC Day dawn service at Martin Place in Sydney.Kate Geraghty

ABC presenter takes a break from on-camera duties after accusations of bias

ByKarl Quinn

ABC presenter Fauziah Ibrahim has taken a break from on-camera duties while the broadcaster reviews her recent social media activity to see if it constitutes a breach of the ABC’s recently-updated guidelines.

Ibrahim,one of the hosts of the ABC’sWeekend Breakfast,was absent from the show this weekend following revelations that her personal Twitter account contained publicly-available “shitlists” that appeared to indicate disdain for some of those on the Labor side of politics.

ABC presenter Fauziah Ibrahim.

ABC presenter Fauziah Ibrahim.YouTube

One list was labelled “Labor Trolls/Thugs” and consisted of 43 accounts,some with just a few dozen followers. The other,headed “Lobotomised Shitheads”,contained just 11 accounts,few with a sizeable following,and some of whom also appeared on the other list.

The accounts appeared to belong to regular Twitter users whose activity suggested a political position leaning towards the Left.

The ABC’s guidelines on the personal use of social media,which were updated in August 2021,make it clear that “remaining impartial in the public eye is crucial to maintaining effectiveness” as a public-facing ABC employee.

In a statement,the ABC said:“The ABC is reviewing recent social media activity by presenter Fauziah Ibrahim,who has taken a break from on-camera duties but remains part of theWeekend Breakfast team.”

Read more here

Australian crowds return to Gallipoli dawn service for first time since pandemic began

ByEmrah Gurel

Canakkale,Turkey:Travellers from Australia and New Zealand joined Turkish and other nations’ dignitaries at the former World War I battlefields at Gallipoli on Monday for a solemn service at dawn.

As the sun rose,participants held a minute of silence to reflect on the sacrifices of the Anzacs,who landed at the beaches at Gallipoli,in northwest Turkey,in 1915.

A crowd gathers for the dawn service at Anzac Cove,Gallipoli.

A crowd gathers for the dawn service at Anzac Cove,Gallipoli.AP/Emrah Gurel

“At this time 107 years ago,on ships that covered the ocean off this tiny bay,thousands of Australians and New Zealanders were preparing to land on this rugged coast,” New Zealand army chief Major General John Boswell said during the ceremony.

“For all but a few,this was to be the first experience of the horrors of combat.

“Most were convinced that,as one New Zealand soldier wrote in his story,‘It will be the greatest day in our lives’. The sunrise they witnessed that day was,for all too many,to be the last they ever saw.

“Across our countries,home after home was plunged into mourning.”

Among those who made it to the ceremony was 27-year-old Taylor Murphy from Victoria,who said the pros of being at Gallipoli “outweighs the cons of the pandemic.”

“It feels quite surreal to be here,” she said. “We are feeling quite emotional.“


Coalition’s net zero emissions plan ‘not binding’:candidate

ByCloe Read

A Queensland Coalition candidate has said Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s net zero emissions plan by 2050 is “not binding” and has some “wiggle room”.

Morrisonannounced the plan last year and also claimed Australia was on track to achieve a 35 per cent reduction in emissions by 2030.

Colin Boyce,the LNP candidate for Flynn in central Queensland,suggested on ABC Radio this morning that the plan was “flexible”.

Colin Boyce,pictured in 2020,said the Coalition’s net zero target is flexible.

Colin Boyce,pictured in 2020,said the Coalition’s net zero target is flexible.Lydia Lynch

“Zero net carbon emissions,Morrison’s document,is a flexible plan that leaves us wiggle room as we proceed into the future,” he said. “We’ve seen the world change significantly in the last three months in terms of the use of fossil fuels,all in relation to the geopolitical situation in Europe.”

When questioned again about how it was flexible,Boyce said there would be “no legislation attached” to the plan.

“Morrison’s statement[is] that he has made it not binding,there will be no legislation attached to it,” Boyce said.

“For an example,in terms of central Queensland and Flynn,page 81 of that document says the future of the gas and coal industry will be determined by the pace of international change and the demand from our international customers. So,that’s flexibility.”

The comments have sparked questions from Labor,including the party’s climate spokesman Chris Bowen,who said:“The LNP says one thing in Collinsville,another thing in Kooyong.”

Labor’s disaster and emergency management spokesman Murray Watt said it looked like the LNP was “walking both sides of the street on net zero”.

“Central Qld candidates say it’s ‘flexible’,‘not binding’,has ‘wriggle room’ while their Brisbane candidates like Trevor Evans and Julian Simmonds say the opposite,” Watt wrote on Twitter.

Marginal Victorian seat has the nation’s biggest field of candidates

ByClay Lucas

Victoria’s most marginal seat,Chisholm,is also the nation’s busiest for candidates at next month’s election.

Twelve candidates have nominated for the seat,which the Australian Electoral Commission said was the biggest field running in Australia’s 151 electorates.

The ballot,finalised on Friday,saw Liberal MP Gladys Liu selected in the lucky first spot while her Labor opponent Carina Garland is last.

“Being at the bottom of a list of 12 makes it tough,” said ABC election analyst Antony Green,who also noted that the donkey vote – simply voting for candidates in the order in which their names appear on the ballot paper – is generally estimated to be about 1 per cent of the final tally.

Liu won the seat by a margin of just 0.57 per cent from Labor after preferences at the 2019 election.

She later faced down a Federal Court challenge to the result over her use of signs at all 29 voting booths in the seat,which used the same purple colour scheme as official AEC banners. The Chinese-language signsinformed those who read themthat the “correct” way to vote was to put a “1″ next to the Liberal box.

The signs outside a polling booth in Chisholm in 2019.

The signs outside a polling booth in Chisholm in 2019.Luke Hilakari

Labor has nominated Chisholm as its chief target in Victoria at the May 21 election.

Along with Labor,the Liberals and The Greens,other parties to field candidates in Chisholm’s crowded field are One Nation,Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party,the Animal Justice Party,the United Australia Party and former Liberal Party member Wayne Tseng,who is now an independent.

Across Australia 1200 candidates nominated for the lower house,an average of eight per seat.

The lowest number of candidates enrolled – five – is shared by eight electorates in NSW and Queensland (Barton,Blaxland,Cook,Kingsford Smith,Watson,Bonner,Griffith,and Oxley).

Read more here

What Barnaby Joyce had to say after heckler’s arrest

BySarah McPhee

Barnaby Joyce has issued a statement after a NSW man was charged with threatening a federal police officer assigned to his protective detail.

Here’s what the Nationals leader and deputy prime minister had to say.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce pictured in February.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce pictured in February.Alex Ellinghausen

“It was a sad and unsavoury incident,but we have important work to do as elected officials and this incident in no way overshadows that,” Joyce said.

“Once again,I thank my protective detail for their bravery in keeping myself and my staff safe and I look forward to continuing our work on the campaign trail.”

On social media,Joyce said he had returned to his electorate of New England,in the state’s north,for what was a “fantastic couple of days back home”.

“Always humbling to walk the streets and say g’day to the constituents I’m fortunate to represent,” he said.

Man charged with threatening officer travelling with deputy PM

BySarah McPhee

A man is in custody charged with threatening an Australian Federal Police officer who was travelling with Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce on a NSW highway.

“Police will allege the man verbally threatened an AFP officer and adopted a fighting stance during Friday’s incident,” the AFP said in a statement.

The alleged confrontation occurred on the New England Highway between the regional cities of Armidale and Tamworth.

A 52-year-old man was arrested at his NSW home yesterday by officers from Operation Wilmot,established “to help ensure the security of high-office holders and parliamentarians during the 2022 federal election”,the AFP said.

He is due to face Tamworth Local Court today.

More on this story here.

GetUp sets sights on Goldstein

ByRoyce Millar

In case you missed it,high-profile advocacy group GetUp has earmarked the contested seat of Goldstein as its top election priority in Victoria – announcing a climate change campaign aimed at toppling Liberal incumbent Tim Wilson.

The campaign has received a lukewarm reception from independent candidate Zoe Daniel,who is already under fire from Wilson and the Coalition over outsider activist support for her candidacy.

Candidates for Goldstein:independent candidate Zoe Daniel and Liberal MP Tim Wilson.

Candidates for Goldstein:independent candidate Zoe Daniel and Liberal MP Tim Wilson.Photos:Simon Schluter

GetUp national director Paul Oosting said Goldstein was the group’s main interest in Victoria as part of a $2.5 million national election campaign,followed by Kooyong,held by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.

Other seats targeted include those hit by climate-affected disasters or where climate is a key issue,including Macquarie,Eden-Monaro,Gilmore,and Page in regional NSW,Mackellar in Sydney and Ryan in Brisbane.

Read the full story here.

Watch:Anzac Day services at Gallipoli and Villers-Bretonneux

Thousands attended the annual dawn services in Gallipoli and Villers-Bretonneux to pay tribute to our armed forces. You can watch the ceremonies back here.

Thousands of Australians attended international Anzac Day commemorations on April 25,2022.

A look back at this morning’s Anzac services

As mentioned earlier this morning,today marks the first time since 2019 that Sydney and Melbourne have hosted Anzac Day dawn services without any crowd capacity limits.

Tens of thousands of people gathered at Sydney’s Martin Place and Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance before the sun rose to pay tribute to all those who served in Australia’s armed forces.

Today marked the 107th anniversary of Anzac Day.

Today marked the 107th anniversary of Anzac Day.Getty

The dawn services were followed by annual Anzac Day marches.

You can look atsome of the best pictures from Sydney here. OurMelbourne Anzac Day gallery is here.

Broede Carmody is a state political reporter for The Age. Previously,he was the national news blogger for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Georgina Mitchell is a court reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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