Fears over impact of aged care workers who can’t afford to get tested

There are fears nursing homes could be hit with more coronavirus outbreaks owing to chronic understaffing and the risk that low-paid staff will continue to go to work while unwell.

Groups representing workers,aged care providers and doctors are calling on the federal government to fund"pandemic leave"to allow aged care staff to receive a wage if they are forced into isolation awaiting test results.

If the virus gets away,nursing homes could see large numbers of cases..

If the virus gets away,nursing homes could see large numbers of cases..Louise Kennerley

Without the leave there is concern that workers,and in particular casual staff,might be less likely to seek out COVID-19 testing for a sniff or other mild symptoms,because they would not be paid if forced to stay at home.

"They've got families to support and mortgages to pay,"said Aged and Community Services Australia chief executive Pat Sparrow.

"No one is going to do it deliberately,thinking that they are going to make someone sick … but that’s the risk,that someone might discount low-level symptoms."

The federal government has pledged $850 million to aged care facilities to help them prepare and respond to the pandemic but Australian Medical Association president Tony Bartone said while the funding was needed,it had fallen short.

"It’s not enough to put a Band-Aid on a system that is severely under-resourced,"said Dr Bartone,who added that the Aged Care royal commission had exposed a system that had suffered from years of neglect.

"What COVID-19 has done is basically put the Bunsen burner on that in terms of creating an even more acute need."

The virus has proven deadly when it has infiltrated nursing homes,with 19 people dying inSydney's Newmarch House outbreak (although two of those deaths were attributed to other causes),while dozens more major outbreaks – and thousands of deaths – have been reported at facilities across the globe.

"COVID is such a contagious disease,"said Richard Lindley,professor of geriatric medicine at Westmead Clinical School."If you've got even one case in a nursing home,you've got an outbreak and you're in big trouble."

Four Melbourne nursing homes wereplaced into lockdown this week after residents tested positive or showed symptoms of the virus. While there has been praise for how most aged care facilities have handled the crisis to date,those within the industry say some vulnerabilities remain.

Health Services Union national secretary Lloyd Williams added to calls for a pandemic leave scheme,arguing workers should be supported by government not to go to work if they had been in contact with someone with coronavirus or if they had mild symptoms.

"We can’t make this an economic choice between staying at home[where] you are going to lose money because you are not going to be paid,or going into an aged care facility,"he said.

The 93-year-old woman is the 19th person to die at the aged care centre from COVID-19,and the 100th death in Australia from coronavirus.

Mr Williams said that some casual workers who usually worked across multiple facilities had been told they could no longer work at more than one place and had been forced to give up shifts.

He also reported that many front-line workers were yet to see the impact of the government money for extra training,staff and support during the pandemic.

One senior nurse working in aged care in Melbourne toldThe Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald that one of her colleagues had recently been told to stay home for a week"because she had a runny nose".

The woman,who did not want to be named,said pandemic leave was important.

"I’m probably one of the lucky ones – I have lots of sick leave,"she said.

"I still have concerns that every day I’m going to work and we are potentially exposed via patients or other staff. It just needs one person to become infected."

Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck said the $850 million recently provided to aged care providers included $205 million"aimed at covering the costs of additional staffing,training,supporting visitations and connections and the provision of PPE".

Ms Sparrow said it was only part of what the sector needed to pay workers who needed to stay home and for extra measures to help them keep the virus out of their facilities,including visitor checks and extra cleaning.

She warned the risk of coronavirus entering facilities was only going to grow as stay-at-home rules were relaxed.

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Aisha Dow is an investigative journalist with The Age. A Walkley award winner,she previously worked as health editor and co-authored a book about the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia.

Melissa Cunningham is a city reporter for The Age. She has previously covered health and has also been a reporter for The Sunday Age.

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