How fearless girls become fearful women

Journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald

We all know a fearless girl,just like the one cast in bronze,staring down the charging Wall Street bull,hands on hips;clear-eyed,full heart,couldn’t possibly lose.

Or if we don’t know one now,we probably did once. Many of us were one – before the harsh realities of womanhood in a world that punishes women revealed themselves.

The Fearless Girl now stands in front of the New York Stock Exchange.

The Fearless Girl now stands in front of the New York Stock Exchange.AP

The fearless girl statue – a replica of which was unveiled in Melbourne this week ahead of International Women’s Day – has proven wildly popular since she first arrived on New York’s Wall Sreet (bothFearless Girl andCharging Bull have moved to a new spot outside the stock exchange). Girls and grown women alike have flocked to have their picture taken with her – the latter probably hoping some of her innocent ferocity would rub off on them.

It was an interesting artistic and rhetorical choice from sculptor Kristen Visbal – who was commissioned by an asset management company to advertise the power of women in leadership positions – to use the image of a pre-pubescent girl and not a grown woman.

But it taps into an uncomfortable truth:research has consistently found that for girls and women,confidence peaks at the cusp of puberty and then swiftly plummets – remaining low beyond the awkward teenage years and well into adulthood.

A new Essential survey commissioned by Plan International Australia confirms that remains the case. More than 2000 Australian girls and young women aged 10-25 years old were surveyed about their aspirations in mid-2017. While half of girls aged 10-12 identified themselves as feeling"brave",that number drops to 28 per cent among 17-year-olds,and continues falling:Just 18 per cent of 22-25 year olds felt brave.

What happens to girls after they reach puberty to destroy that fearlessness? It’s a question social scientists have been asking for decades - and while the answer isn’t simple,it is nevertheless kind of obvious. Just look at some of this past week’s news:

The prime suspect in the murder of Preethi Reddy,whose fatally stabbed body was found stuffed in a suitcase inside her car,is her ex-boyfriend whohad no history of violence but couldn’t bear being dumped and deliberately crashed his BMW into a truck after being questioned by police. Jealous boyfriend Shane Robertson murdered mum-of-two Katherine Haley with a barbell. A man bashed a mum with a wooden stake as she walked with her baby in a sling. Police suspect foul play in the January disappearance of Samah Baker,who disappeared after a friend dropped her home to Parramatta in the early hours of the morning. A woman wasgroped at Melbourne’s Flinders Street Station. A woman was indecently assaulted at Holroyd station in Sydney.

Names like Aiia Maasarwe,Eurydice Dixon and Jill Meagher are burned into our collective consciousness,their final steps retraced in our minds whenever we walk at night.

Plan CEO Susanne Legena says the cause of girls’ loss of confidence"ranges from sexist attitudes that see girls and women judged on their appearance,to sexist representations of girls and women in media and advertising,street harassment and gender-based violence".

What happens to girls after they reach puberty to destroy that fearlessness? It’s a question social scientists have been asking for decades.

In October,the organisation released research into street harassment that found more than a third of women who had been harassed were first victimised between the ages of 11 and 13;so the loss of confidence"may coincide with being sexualised and harassed,"Ms Legena said.

Many girls are fearless,until they begin to realise that they are becoming women. And being a woman means understanding your body will inevitably become a target of male desire,entitlement and aggression.

The fears of women and girls are warranted. No amount of awareness raising changes the fact that women are being murdered by men who are supposed to love them every week. When women are targeted for rape and murder by men they don’t know,it sends a message to all women that we could be next. The fact that such murders are rare does not dilute their effect in terrorising women. That’s how terrorism works.

Mentoring and empowering messages are well and good,but they are also a Band-Aid on the symptom – not a cure for a crisis in confidence.

If we really want fearless girls to grow into fearless women,we need to acknowledge that women’s fear is based in reality and focus on eradicating the violent misogyny that is its cause.

Jenny Noyes is a journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald.

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