Howard commits more troops to Iraq

JOHN HOWARD has turned up the political heat over Iraq by committing 50 to 70 more troops to the conflict in the lead-up to this week's visit to Sydney by the US Vice-President,Dick Cheney.

The Prime Minister said the troops would not be involved in combat but would help train Iraqis to manage their own security.

The Labor leader,Kevin Rudd,who wants Australian combat forces withdrawn,opposed the new deployment,prompting Mr Howard to accuse him of"having a bet each way". Mr Rudd has surged ahead as the voters'preferred prime minister,according to a Newspoll out today. It gives Mr Rudd a 10-point lead on this question,with 47 per cent to Mr Howard's 37. It gives Labor a 56-44 two-party-preferred lead. This follows theHerald/ACNielsen poll last week,in which Mr Rudd became the first Labor leader in five years to be preferred over Mr Howard as prime minister,with 48 per cent support to 43.

Despite voter disquiet over Iraq,Mr Howard went on the attack yesterday,saying:"It's an amazing contradiction that Mr Rudd should in the one breath say we should all get out and let the Iraqis look after it,and we turn around and try and do something to help them look after it and he's against that as well. It's just typical of him walking both sides of the street on this very difficult issue.

"Having trainers helps the Iraqis stand on their own two feet."

The new troops will be deployed over the next two months and will increase Australia's contribution in and around Iraq to about 1520 personnel. There are already 30 trainers stationed at Tallil in the country's south.

Mr Rudd has argued that only a staged withdrawal of coalition troops would create the political pressure for the Iraqis to sort out what had become a civil war.

He said yesterday that Labor's Iraq policy was clear cut.

"Our troops have been there for four years now and our policy is our combat forces should come home,"he said."Secondly,there should be no more troops sent,no more additional troops,including in the[training] category."

Labor's foreign affairs spokesman,Robert McClelland,said Australian troops were needed in the region,not in Iraq. Military trainers were also needed in East Timor and that would be more beneficial to Australia's interest.

Mr Howard made the announcement in Perth where he will spend the next three days. Mr Rudd also travelled to Perth.

Mr Howard ruled out adding to the 520 combat troops in southern Iraq and said he did not expect Mr Cheney to press him for more. The Greens leader,Bob Brown,called the deployment"a Cheney-pleasing gesture which puts 70 Australians in danger for political purposes".

Mr Howard has said al-Qaeda will be praying for a US election victory by the presidential hopeful Barack Obama or his Democratic Party. Yesterday he was more diplomatic when quizzed on a call by another Democratic presidential candidate,Hillary Clinton,to begin withdrawing US troops from Iraq within 90 days.

"Speaking for Australia and speaking to Australia's interests,I do not want to see a precipitate coalition withdrawal because that would plunge the country into much greater bloodshed,"he said.

Mr Rudd and Mr Howard remained open to sending more troops to Afghanistan.

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