‘Incredibly frustrating’:Why Mike Cannon-Brookes is finding it hard to be a proud Australian

Columnist and author

Mike Cannon-Brookes is a co-founder of Atlassian,a trenchant critic of the federal government’s lack of action on climate change,and an enormous investor in renewable energy.

Mike Cannon-Brookes see so much upside for Australia in responding to climate change.

Mike Cannon-Brookes see so much upside for Australia in responding to climate change.Renee Nowytarger

Fitz: Mike,given you are said to be $40 billion to the good,I take it the whole “go woke,go broke” thing doesn’t quite apply to you?

MCB:(Light laugh.) I don’t think so ... Maybe one day.

Fitz: When you’re a billionaire worth that much,does every bastard with a cause try to get in your ear for help? And is it exhausting?

MCB: There’s certainly a lot of inbound that’s for sure.

Fitz: How did you become so very committed to the cause of renewables?

MCB: Look,I’d say it’s the cause of decarbonisation and creating a liveable planet. It’s the existential issue of our time. It is incredibly frustrating. I am a proud Australian,but the federal government’s behaviour on this issue on the world stage makes me not proud to be an Australian. And that’s something I feel like I can make a difference on. But on an opportunity level,it is the biggest economic opportunity in front of Australia. We have the greatest risk to our country from climate change because of the nature of our land,but also the greatest opportunity in front of us if we harness it – andnot having these silly debates we’re having.

Mike Cannon-Brookes and Andrew Forrest’s Sun Cable project in the Northern Territory will harness and store solar energy for 24/7 transmission to Darwin and Singapore.

Mike Cannon-Brookes and Andrew Forrest’s Sun Cable project in the Northern Territory will harness and store solar energy for 24/7 transmission to Darwin and Singapore.Supplied

Fitz: You said to me once not long ago,that “Australia could be the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy”. Was that the wine speaking or is that dinkum?

MCB: Dinkum. We could power the entire world five times over from the Australian sun that we have. It’s a good measure of how large our country is,and how much great sun we have. We have a country almost designed to benefit most from the renewable boom. And we have 3 billion consumers nearby who can take our sunlight when we ship it up to Asia. We absolutely can be a renewable energy superpower. It’s not just the sun and the wind,it’s our great engineering force,great tradies,great financial resources,all the things we need. That absolutely should be a change in our economy in a massively positive direction.

The other thing is our fossil fuel export industry is under great threat. Right now,prices are going up because supply is going down. That happens for a little while until prices start going down and supply goes down. Korea is one of our biggest coal customers and they just declared they’re going for another 40 per cent reduction in the amount of coal they’re going to consume by 2030. So almost every one of our major customers in coal and oil,gas has some plan over the next 10,20,30 years to eliminate that fuel source. Customers are saying,“I’m gonna stop buying stuff”. So that threat for us means we have to replace that industry with something. It’s renewables.

Fitz: Your tweet this week ranting at your frustration with the government’s latest emissions policy went viral. Beyond Twitter,are you never tempted to say to the likes of Clive Palmer,“I see your reported $80 million put to the last election,pissant, and raise you $100 million to achieve electoral change”?

MCB: I’m not sure elections should be determined by money. I think that should be determined by ideas,and I’m much more in favour of putting money behind positive ideas and ...

Fitz: And welcome to the Australian Republic Movement! Great to have you on board!

MCB: (Awkward pause.) I don’t really care for politics in terms of Liberal,Labor,red,green,blue,whatever. But if we had a debate at the next election about who had the best climate policy,that would be a super positive for Australia.

Fitz: But don’t the Nationals have a point about change hitting the battlers hard? Isn’t that just a fact? Aren’t the National simply representing their electorates?

MCB: No,not at all. Every major study done – Accenture and Deloitte and all these different firms – show the vast majority of the benefits from renewables,the jobs and economic prosperity,flow to regional Australia. And I just funded a study called Rewiring Australia,which shows that if we electrified every house in the country with renewables,the household saving is about $5000 a year,a lot of money.

Fitz: Some conservatives are livid about corporates,not sticking to their knitting and getting involved in things like climate change. Why should business people be interested in anything other than shareholder value and leave politics to the politicians?

MCB: Because business needs to determine the investment framework for risk for every business in Australia over the next 10 to 20 years. That is very important to business. Secondly,government can’t do this alone. Our state governments doing a pretty damn good job actually,but the federal government isn’t. I think business has a very important role to play in that as one of the constituent actors in the whole society change.

Fitz: Lastly,what have you done in your own life to limit your carbon footprint?

MCB: Everything I can. I drive an electric vehicle. I live on a farm that runs almost entirely on sunlight,electricity. I have electric farm vehicles up the wazoo. I obviously offset all my flights and all that sorts of thing and as you know,try to look for the most sensible and efficient way to do everything. Atlassian already runs on 100 per cent renewable energy. It’s the economic choice,as well as being the environmental one.

Fitz: OK,last one. On those rare occasions when you shave,and you look at yourself in the mirror,just in the quiet of the morning,do you ever do double punches and say ‘This is f---ng fabulous? I’ve got 40 billion bucks and everybody wants my attention. And I can do what I like!’

MCB: No. I have no shortage of tasks,so no time for that.

Fitz: I gather that. You remind me of when I interviewed Bill Gates,and every minute was scheduled. Is that what your life’s like?

MCB: Only a little bit like that. But I am busy.

Fairfax chips in to Holmes a Court climate campaign

Whether or not the Climate200 mob will succeed in getting climate activist independents up in the coming election to oust LNP members remains to be seen. But in the meantime,it seems apparent they have already had success in getting some of those targeted LNP parliamentarians to focus fiercely on the task at hand. I cite particularly David Crowe’s story on Friday noting that Liberal MPs Dave Sharma,Katie Allen,Trent Zimmerman and Jason Falinski all pushed Prime Minister Scott Morrison to include a net zero emissions by 2050 pledge as part of his climate policy –even threatening to cross the floor if he did not.

Meantime,the Climate200 fund-raising drive goes well,and it is now nudging towards $3.5 million in its war-chest. A sign of its traction is the commitment made this week by those conservative scions of Sydney,Nick and Sandra Fairfax,whose family once owned this newspaper. (Howl!)

“We are delighted to assist[Climate 200],” they told this columnist,“and hope the community will also feel inspired to contribute. Every donation made to Climate 200 we will match dollar-for-dollar,up to a maximum of $100,000,to achieve a collective goal of $200,000.”

Nicholas Fairfax is doing his bit for climate.

Nicholas Fairfax is doing his bit for climate.Louise Kennerley

The most terrifying words in NSW right now

Friends,let me put it this way. Are there seven more terrifying words in the English language in NSW right now,than those uttered regularly by counsel assisting,Scott Robertson at ICAC:“Perhaps I can help you with that”?

The answer is no.

But there are three words even more terrifying:“Play the tape.”

Whatever else the last two weeks have proven,and whatever will be revealed,who doubts that any potentially corrupt politicians and public officials out there,would look at these proceedings and be more inclined to say,“Actually,I might stay on the straight and narrow.”

ICAC makes us all stronger,and we need one in the federal arena too.

Making the case:Counsel assisting the ICAC,Scott Robertson.

Making the case:Counsel assisting the ICAC,Scott Robertson.Janie Barrett

Spread the word about stolen medals

Vietnam veteran and one time Leading Seaman Clearance Diver Normie Rees,an old sailor from Lithgow,only recently recovered from serious burns sustained in the fires last year,had a break-in at his home last week. The thieves took his service medals engraved NJH Rees R95773 and his mother’s service medal from WW2 Land Army engraved P. Griffiths,together with lots of other military memorabilia. Spread the word. Look out. Surely,someone must know what happened to them?

Joke of the Week

I met a fairy today who granted me one wish. “I want to live forever,” I told her. “Sorry,” says the fairy,“I’m not allowed to grant wishes like that,so try something else.“

“Fine,” I said,“I don’t want to die until Australia has a credible policy to take on climate change.“
Said the fairy:“You’re a shifty little bastard,aren’t you?”

Tweet of the Week

“You know when a teenager creates an atmosphere of such low expectations that you end up congratulating them for the bare minimum,like putting one plate in a dishwasher? Anyway,so the Nationals have agreed to Net Zero by 2050.” -@Craigreucassel

Quotes of the Week

“Guns Don’t Kill People,Alec Baldwin Kills People.” - A t-shirt bearing this shocking slogan,and selling for $US27.99 on a merchandise site,was being promoted by Donald J Trump Jr. Just when you think that family has finally reached rock-bottom …

“The more doors you knock on,the more ledgers you write,the better your chances of securing something.” - Daryl Maguire on Wednesday,to ICAC. The essence of the problem before the corruption body was that Maguire didn’t have to knock on then Premier’s door,as he had a key – and has never returned it.

“The easiest way around these voter ID laws is to just tell the polling booth worker you’ve donated $1 million to a cabinet minister’s blind trust. Then you won’t have to reveal your identity at all.” - @chaser

“What I want to make very clear is that the state of Victoria will not be applying for any exemptions for unvaccinated players … So we don’t apply for an exemption,then no exemption will be granted … I’m not going to actually require people sitting in the grandstand[and] people working at the event to be vaccinated while players aren’t,so we’re not going to be applying for an exemption.” - Victorian premier Daniel Andrews over-ruling the PM’s let-’em-in-stance,settling the question of unvaccinated players at the Australian Open.

“I’ve seen more detail on fortune cookies than on the documents released by the government. This is the biggest challenge facing the planet and the biggest opportunity facing Australia. It requires leadership and detailed plans but all we have today was the slides,slogans and no solutions.” - Chris Bowen,shadow minister for climate and energy,on the government’s new climate plans.

“Becoming climate refugees means losing everything:our homes,our culture,our stories and our identity. If you take away our homelands we don’t know who we are. We have a cultural responsibility to make sure that doesn’t happen and to protect country and our communities,culture and spirituality from climate change.” - Wadhuam Paul Kabai,one of the two Torres Strait community leaders who are taking the Australian government to the Federal Court,alleging it failed to protect First Nations traditional owners living on the front line of catastrophic climate change.

“The main driver is the college continuing to do what it’s done in history,which is producing society’s leaders,which in the 21st century is men and women. We’re not driven to this by financial reasons,but to have a long wait list because we’ve doubled the pool of applicants does strengthen our position.” - Reverend Dr Ed Loane,warden of Sydney University’s all-male St Paul’s College,which on a bad day was notorious for its misogyny,but will open the doors of its undergraduate wing to women from 2023 despite opposition from some students and alumni.

“Australia will be one of the most highly vaccinated societies in the world. One of the most recently vaccinated communities in the world. And one of the first to receive a whole-of-population booster program.” - Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt announcing the opening of a booster shot program against COVID.

“I’ve seen many of us declare conflicts of interest for just knowing someone because we worked with someone or have been an associate with someone,let alone being in a relationship. The conflict was the relationship . . . the underlying factor here is that there should have been a disclosure.” - John Barilaro,in all honesty,throwing Gladys Berejiklian under a bus to the ICAC.

“I’ll throw money at Wagga don’t you worry about that – lots of it.” - Gladys Berejiklian to Daryl Maguire in October 2017,played at ICAC. Again,I must ask. How does this statement fit with her claim that she only ever did what was best for the people of NSW? How many now think if she had no relationship with Maguire,Wagga would have received the largesse it did?

“They are beckoning us outdoors. It is as if they know we need cheering up after our long winter lockdown. Jacarandas represent rebirth,wisdom,wealth and good luck. Just what we need.” - The Mayor of North Sydney,Jilly Gibson,celebrating the start of jacaranda season this week.

“When we go to Glasgow,we’ll be able to say that our projections,which are included in our nationally determined contribution,will see emissions reduce,we expect,by 35 per cent by 2030. Australians know what our policies are,they know what they’re designed to achieve,they know what they have met,they know how those targets have been beaten,and they know how we plan to get there.” - Scott Morrison,once again trying to kid Australia that everything is fine,he has a plan and when it comes to climate change,they are on to it.


Peter FitzSimons is a journalist and columnist with The Sydney Morning Herald.

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