Inside Westmead Hospital's coronavirus unit

Decontamination rooms,specialised infection control training,and treatment with an HIV drug - these are all part of Westmead Hospital's protocol for treating patients with coronavirus.

As Australia's case numbers rise,local health districts around the country have spent weeks readying to treat COVID-19 patients launching their influenza plans early in order to cope with a predicted squeeze on their services.

Westmead Hospital was the first facility to treat COVID-19 patients in Australia.

Westmead Hospital was the first facility to treat COVID-19 patients in Australia.Kate Geraghty

Westmead Hospital has been treating COVID-19 patients from the beginning,taking in NSW's first patients and treating the first patient in intensive care.

Westmead Hospital's infectious diseases service director Professor Tania Sorrell said the reason Westmead initially managed most COVID-19 cases was to make sure their care was seamless.

“We wanted to be absolutely sure there’s a well-oiled system,” she said.

The hospital has a separate kiosk outside the hospital for people concerned they might have COVID-19,and Professor Sorrell said they can then be sent to a separate fever clinic within the hospital for further testing.

Professor Sorrell said they have a dedicated unit for COVID-19 cases to keep patients in the rest of the hospital separate. Westmead's dedicated unit has 12 isolation rooms,and isolation rooms in other parts of the hospital could also be used,Professor Sorrell said.

All medical and nursing staff at Westmead,including doctors and nurses in the emergency department and in ICU receive infection control training. But there's also an elite group within the hospital who have had more extensive infection control training,who have the ability to deal with unknown infections.

But healthcare workers can only treat the symptoms of the virus,not the disease itself.

“If patients have a fever we treat the fever,” she said. “Really that’s the primary treatment.”

The World Health Organization sees the outbreak of COVID-19 as a pandemic.

Staff in the ward wear masks,gowns,gloves and eye shields while treating the patients,and the airconditioning in the isolation rooms is designed so no air from the patient's room can flow into other parts of the ward.

"The general principle for this illness is to prevent droplet spread and infection secretions on surfaces,so it's very important to have the patients in isolation,"Professor Sorrell said.

"The way the air conditioning is configured is so airflow is not from the patient’s room into the corridor where the clinical staff[is] working."

For severe cases,infection control is even more strict. Westmead's intensive care unit has two high-level containment rooms with “anterooms” where staffdon protective equipment before treating the patients,and decontaminate once they're finished.

"If patients need to be helped to breathe by being intubated or have some procedures that might generate aerosols as opposed to droplets - aerosols are very fine particles that can travel further than droplets - that’s where those sort of procedures could be done,"she said.

Those serious cases can also be given a drug called Kaletra. Its effectiveness in treating COVID-19 is unproven as clinicians around the world await results,due within a week or two,of a clinical trial being conducted in China.

The drug is only used in severe cases"because we are anxious to try everything possible". While there is no clinical evidence to suggest it helps COVID-19 cases and it has side effects - which can include vomiting,diarrhoea and dizziness - Professor Sorrell said it is not harmful to patients.

A throat and nose swab was currently the standard for diagnosing the condition,and once it gets to the lab,results could be turned around in three hours depending on the time of day,she said. Patients were also being tested for influenza and other viruses at the same time.

Hospitals across NSW are working to double their intensive care capacity,boosting the number of doctors and nurses working in emergency departments,and creating acute respiratory clinics to meet expected demand,a NSW Health spokeswoman said.

Hospitals were preparing to postpone or cancel their elective surgeries,and looking to private hospitals to pick up the slack.

Rachel Clun is an economics correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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