It’s a grab bag of ideas that is masking a bias

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As the world watched our recent bushfire conflagration,just before the COVID-19 crisis,international opprobrium about Australia's recalcitrant approach to climate change was more than embarrassing.

Illustration:Michael Leunig

Illustration:Michael Leunig

Given Australia's lost decade of necessary action on energy management,there seemed a glimmer of hope when Labor recently indicated a willingness to bridge the political divide. However,Labor's ambivalence still supports highly polluting thermal coal and gas mining. Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor's"Technology Roadmap"is a grab bag of ideas that claims technological neutrality,but instead attempts to mask a bias that subsidises fossil fuels over cheaper renewables ("Still in denial:cool reception for Australia's carbon roadmap",The Age,23/5).

The"roadmap"looks like a rather worn 1980s copy ofMelway,useful back then but not up to date with changes that have occurred now that the community,scientists,and smart business are way ahead in looking to the future. The Coalition's recycled ideas will not give us the cheap,reliable,and low-emission energy that it promises. You can only fool some of the people all of the time.

William Chandler,Surrey Hills

No grasp of the enormity of the crisis

The main criticism of minister Angus Taylor's Technology Roadmap is that it is"... essentially a survey of (mostly) green technologies ..."It also lacks overall vision and a specific plan with objectives to achieve the vision.

Angus Taylor shows no conception of the enormity of the climate crisis,and the consequent urgency and speediness from now on for climate action. It does seem like deliberate delaying and wheel spinning. He must do sincerely better well before the world climate meeting next year in Glasgow.

Barbara Fraser,Burwood

Bring on the dissent

David Crowe ("This won't really change a thing",Comment,22/5) says the coronavirus crisis is a"pivotal moment to move beyond the fractured politics of the past decade",but then adds,"the next stage of the crisis is more likely to be about dissent than consensus".

If the best the Morrison government can do concerning climate policy is a proposed"technology investment roadmap"with gas,a highly polluting fossil fuel and driver of climate change,the centrepiece of its economic recovery plan,plus unproven and expensive carbon capture and small-scale nuclear reactors,then bring it on.

Our climate and energy policy has been a disaster for a decade or more,designed primarily to protect and reward fossil fuel donors. On Four Corners last week,Ken Henry said he"still feels gutted ... and angry"from the past decade of climate politics. Pity more Australians don't share that anger.

Neil Hudson,East Melbourne

It's embarrassing and terrifying

That old saying,"there's none so blind as those who will not see"could be applied to our government in relation to the real and present dangers of climate change,but don't take my word for it. According to the 2020 climate change performance index,"of the 57 nations it considered,it ranked Australia as having the absolute worst climate change policy"(The Age, 23/5),and yet our government is still in denial.

It's not only embarrassing being in this position,it is also terrifying if you think about it.

Rosemary Taylor,Castlemaine,

The technology is not scalable

The most technically difficult part of the response to climate change is not the reduction of emissions,but rather the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. We already have the technology to do the former,but have no scalable technology to do the latter,indeed we seem not to understand the crucial importance of the latter.

Perhaps carbon capture and storage (CCS) could be a useful technology,but only if it is employed to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,but to use CCS in conjunction with the burning of fossil fuel is idiotic.

Maurie Trewhella,Hoppers Crossing


Priceless joy

I really enjoyed Tony Wright's ("Putting a stamp on the lockdown",Insight,The Age,23/5).

My son,who has Down syndrome,has enjoyed writing letters to his nieces and nephews (whom he has missed so much) during this lockdown and the joy on their faces when they a) received a letter in the mail and b) when they realised it was from Uncle Damien,has been priceless,according to their parents.

Let's never lose this ability to give such pleasure

Jean Christie,Rye

Support arts workers

Under the Coalition,the arts have suffered numerous funding cuts and no longer even have a dedicated arts minister.

Furthermore,the treatment of workers in the arts community by the government during the pandemic has been deplorable.

While many workers have been able to access JobKeeper payments,predominantly ALP- and Greens-supporting arts workers have been denied any financial support despite the enormous contribution they make to our society.

Thanks to the massive bungle made by the government in its mismanagement of the JobKeeper scheme,some of the not-to-be used $60 billion the government has earmarked should now be used to provide income support for our arts community.

Dean Wotherspoon,Northcote

Asleep at the wheel

The problem is not the calculation error that means JobKeeper will cost the government $60 billion less than originally anticipated. The problem is the lack of awareness from the government in accepting the original JobKeeper numbers and the fact that it must now reframe the whole economic strategy that was wrapped around this initial calculation.

Loan repayment strategies,expenditure levels on other government services,mooted tax policy changes,national minimum wage submissions,ongoing amounts and entitlements to JobSeeker and JobKeeper payments,opportunities for action on climate change and social housing,etc.

Forget the government mantra about their skilled economic management. They were asleep at the wheel on this occasion just as they have been in so many other areas in recent years.

Peter Thomson,Brunswick

It's hardly surprising

There is currently much angst regarding the Australia-China relationship.

This should come as no surprise given the series of cautionary articles written in 2015 by Geoff Wade,at that time a visiting fellow at the Crawford School of Public Policy,ANU.

He concluded that"within the lifetimes of our children,there will be a rapid hollowing out of Australia's domestic industrial structure in many major spheres – construction,extractive industries,manufacturing and agriculture. The Australian economy will thereby become something of an offshore appendage to the Chinese economy".

Why,then,did our policymakers not take heed of such warnings?

Joe Wilder,Caulfield North

The real blow is this

The most devastating blow against the two-state solution isn't annexation,it's the 20 years Palestinian leaders have wasted by continually refusing Israeli offers to create a Palestinian state or,since 2014,to even negotiate ("We should raise our voices against land grab by Israel",The Age,23/5).

Yasser Arafat said no to a state in July 2000.

Current Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rejected an offer from Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert,which came five days before he resigned the prime ministership and with Israel's elections still a few months away,that included the equivalent of 100per cent of the West Bank,Gaza and a shared capital in Jerusalem in 2008. An offer the Palestinians were lucky to get,given how soon it followed the murder of 1000 Israelis in the Second Intifada.

Yes,Donald Trump's peace plan – 70 per cent of the West Bank and no capital in Jerusalem – is far less than what the Palestinians could have had 12 years ago.

But these ongoing rejections – which Anas Iqtait and Tristan Dunning ignored – beg the question,what exactly are the Palestinians waiting for?

Danny Samuels,Malvern

A chance to remember

Your article about Israel's plans for the West Bank gives us the opportunity to remember that in 1947,the United Nations voted to partition Palestine without any consultation with Palestinians.

In 1948 the State of Israel was proclaimed unilaterally. Seventy-two years later,May 15,is commemorated by Palestinians as,"al-Nakba",the"Day of Catastrophe":Palestinians becoming refugees in their own land. In the same year,UN General Assembly Resolution 194 stated that refugees"wishing to ... live at peace with their neighbours"must be allowed to return or be compensated:this resolution continues to be defied by Israel to this day. Thus for more than 72 years Palestinians have accumulated death,suffering and the abuse of their human rights.

Now the government of Israel is proposing to annex part of the West Bank – this is morally corrupt,as is the continued occupation of Palestine. As the article concludes:"When it comes to upholding international law and UN resolutions,Palestine should not be the exception."

Judith Morrison,Mount Waverley

A great love story ...

Having read and digested the mighty tomeA Bigger Picture,by the former prime minister,one has reflected and come to conclude that"the affair between Malcolm Turnbull and Malcolm Turnbull has to be one of the greatest love stories in Australian political life".

Tony McNally,Melbourne

It's time for a change

Until recently,I thought that I was an Australian – a proud Australian. Now I am becoming aware that we,each of us in Australia,actually belong primarily to a smaller,seemingly autonomous federated state,not a cohesive country.

Of course there were indications before the COVID-19 crisis. The health system is a good example. The constant political bickering and blame-shifting between state and Commonwealth departments of health has had the effect of avoiding responsibility so that the ordinary citizen is left bewildered and often disadvantaged.

For myself,I want to be an Australian first,not a Victorian. I didn't vote with the knowledge that the state premiers see themselves as leaders of their own"countries". I want a prime minister to lead our country and be held responsible at the next election.

As we emerge from the threat of COVID-19,life has changed. Perhaps this change affords opportunities to reassess and possibly institute improvements in many aspects of our lives?

The distribution of powers created in the late 19th century to enable federation,allowing the states to retain certain powers,should be re-evaluated by Australians.

Michael Grigg,Balwyn

Not just jobs for the boys

Your readers Tim Mahar and Peter Barry suggest major housing and energy construction as worthy areas of infrastructure to direct the newly available $60 billion ex-JobSeeker funding (Letters,24/5). They are necessary and urgent areas of development,but where is the job creation for women in their suggestions?

Given Wendy Tuohy's depressing but important piece on women bearing more job loss in the pandemic in the same edition,it is vital there is job creation in female-friendly employment fields.

If men retort that there are avenues for women in healthcare and teaching,perhaps men needing to look for new vocations could consider teaching.

The public education system is in serious need of more male teachers in direct teaching roles as opposed to principal/management levels.

Diana Yallop,Surrey Hills

Not a good idea

Has the government considered all the implications of its proposed $50,000 grant to buyers of freshly built homes?

I can see an exacerbation of what is happening in our suburb (and many others) – that is,the demolition of perfectly sound,habitable homes and removal of trees to make way for large,ugly,environmentally unsound McMansions. The majority of the demolished home is not recycled and goes to landfill.

On the other hand,if this grant is to go to new homes on newly released land,there will be further devastation of our vital,ever-diminishing food-growing areas and our native vegetation. The building industry may need a boost,but is this the most intelligent way?

Lu Thek,Glen Waverley

Ignoring the basics

It is absolutely clear that the authors of the JobKeeper documents at no stage did basic testing with end users before sending them out,which is why they were filled in"incorrectly". With such large numbers being confused,the issue would have been highlighted in a very small sample.

The fault is not with employers but the public servants who clearly remain in another world,often using a language not common to those that pay their wages.

Sandy Richards,Port Melbourne

Numbers off from the start

The budget value of JobKeeper at $130 billion was declared when the program was announced,not when firms made their applications for the scheme;applications simply had to happen after the budget amount was already in place.

Maybe this government,which cannot run a bath,as I heard Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese say last week,should have asked the members of the national cabinet to run their eyes and calculators over the detail and not just endorse the headline number,and Josh Frydenberg and his merry Treasury men should not have gone it alone.

Simply,this government can't get much right – by looking at this effort.

Keith Hawkins,North Melbourne



5G causes COVID-19? No problem,just put some hydroxychloroquine in your mobile's SIM-slot or battery-housing.

Brian Cullen,Carlton North


So Target is closing stores that are underperforming and Nationals deputy leader David Littleproud tells people to boycott them. Really?

Julie Carrick,Leopold

I suggest the Australian public boycott the National Party.

Kevin Ward,Preston

JobKeeper miscalculation

At least the $60 billion error wasn't the other way around whereby the expected cost was $70 billion and the actual cost was $130 billion.

Alan Inchley,Frankston

Didn't the Treasury Secretary say earlier last week,before the stuff-up was revealed,that he was comfortable with the level of debt? The line in the sand was $130 billion. This commitment must stand and the support broadened and lengthened.

Ian Coles,Anglesea

I'm expecting a pretty healthy tax refund this year,after claiming 1500 computers for my home office.

Greg Lee,Red Hill

I thought the government announced the cost of $130 billion when it was publicised,and that was before any employer had applied.

Michael Mckenna,Warragul


Let's have a barley-and-beef-led recovery.

Jill Loorham,Castlemaine

Genuine carbon capture and storage is fossil fuel left in the ground and in intact old-growth forests.

Michelle Goldsmith,Eaglehawk


Donald Trump blaming China for the infection rate in the US,is like a parent blaming the scissors manufacturer when their toddler is injured while running with scissors.

Linda Skinner,Mooroolbark

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