A lesson from Eddie Woo:Be a mathematician on Australia Day

Eddie Woo wants you to be a mathematician. But it's not just about solving algebraic equations.

"You see,poetry is the art of calling the same thing by different names,but mathematics is the art of calling different things by the same name,"he said.

Mr Woo – a NSW maths teacher and YouTube sensation – relished the opportunity to speak at the NSW Australia Day address in Sydney on Tuesday,telling the captive audience of his difficulties growing up as a first-generation Australian.

"This Australia Day I invite you to become a mathematician. When you look at people who seem so different throughout our country,who look different,who sound different and believe different things,you can be a mathematician by looking at different people and calling them all by the same name:Australians."

Eddie Woo,giving the 2018 Australia Day Address.

Eddie Woo,giving the 2018 Australia Day Address.Janie Barrett

His speech touched a nerve with many Australians who come from differing backgrounds by sharing the day-to-day racism he experienced as a child.

"It's also strange for me to be the one standing here today,being a person who was harassed and isolated for not being Australian,"he said.

Growing up"what seemed to matter was that I didn't look Australian,or that at least I didn't fit what my peers thought an Australian was supposed to look like. So I grew up thinking of Australians as other people."

"It took me many years to not just realise that I was genuinely Australian but to feel that I was and then it took me several more years after that to see how being Australian has fundamentally shaped me as a person and that conviction has somehow led me here to stand before you today."

Eddie Woo said the past 18 months should serve as a reminder of the importance of education.

Eddie Woo said the past 18 months should serve as a reminder of the importance of education.Janie Barrett

According to the Cherrybrook Technology High teacher,one of the defining characteristics of Australian society is the dedication to education throughout the nation – something Mr Woo believes we need now more than ever.

"The last 18 months have been a powerful reminder of how important education is to our world,"he said.

"If the Trump presidency,Brexit and our own political conversations have taught us anything,it's while we live in an age where we hear more information than ever,we still haven't learned to listen to those around us and appreciate points of view other than our own.

"This cycle can be broken and if it is,then education will be at the heart of how it happens."

Mr Woo concluded his speech by urging Australians to truly value the need for education while stressing Australia Day should be a day of awareness and empathy.

"Let's learn to truly value our schools and our teachers. Education has been one of Australia's greatest assets but things won't stay that way unless we give educators the cultural and capital support they need to do their jobs. Valuing education isn't about awards or accolades,its much more about trust and respect,"he said.

"Australia Day is a time to sit up and marvel at all the wonderful acts of selflessness and sacrifice that go unnoticed around us every day."

The Australia Day address is an annual event hosted by the Australia Day council of NSW. It was held at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music,and is an opportunity for esteemed individuals to express their perspective on Australia's identity.

Last year's Australia Day address was delivered by one of Australia's leading scientists,Professor Michelle Simmons.

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