Australians,not producers,should come first when confronting energy crisis

Illustration:Cathy Wilcox

Illustration:Cathy Wilcox

I see oil and gas producers are back into threat mode:threatening to campaign against the government – presumably using their obscene super-profits – and threatening to withdraw future investment (“Labor’s energy plan could go beyond cap,” December 12). But have they ever expressed concern over the impact the high prices are currently having on Australian families and businesses,and offered to do something meaningful about it,right now?

They don’t seem to realise they are the architects of their own demise. They are quickly losing their social licence. And as fossil fuel prices rise,it just makes renewables even more cost competitive,accelerating implementation of technologies that will put them out of business and end the fossil fuel era. Bring it on,I say.Brendan Jones,Annandale

We need this government to confront vested fossil fuel interests whose pockets are getting deeper by the day. They pay hardly any tax,receive taxpayer subsidies and are enjoying massive profits as a result of the global energy crisis. Yet now that rising gas prices are threatening to cripple households – the great majority of whom pay their taxes,thank you very much – the industry trots out the old potboiler about the “devastating impact on investment” and threatens legal challenges,a halt on new gas supply and a hostile advertising campaign. Spoiled,much?

The International Energy Agency has said unequivocally there should be no new fossil fuels if we are to go net-zero by 2050. We are better off putting that money into household solar,batteries and electric cars,to name a few;they will make us more energy self-sufficient,safeguard the health of our children and last a lot longer. Now that sounds like a good investment.Milos Karapandzic,Torrens Park(SA)

Nice to see the energy producers furious over the federal government controlling prices. Why not go beyond the cap and bring it all under federal control so that Australia comes first and profits for overseas companies second.Ken Pares,Forster

Illustration:John Shakespeare

Illustration:John Shakespeare

Mining companies are renowned for absurd claims when threatened by increased tax or lower profit. In particular,the suggestion that future investment will be jeopardised is particularly risible. However,if it were true,in the case of gas and coal companies it is certainly not such a bad thing. Future investments must surely involve increased risk in becoming stranded assets. These industries must terminate sooner rather than later for the sake of the climate. The companies no doubt fear this and are attempting to gauge huge profits in the twilight of their industries. Meanwhile,the high prices are beneficial in one respect – providing incentive for all consumers,both in Australia and overseas,to reduce or terminate their use of fossil fuels.Geoff Harding,Chatswood

The energy industry is said to be mobilising against a long-term “reasonable price provision” included in a treasury consultation paper. Clearly,the industry wishes to preserve its freedom to chargeunreasonable,indeed ridiculous prices for what is an essential service for all. Nationalise them!David Baird,Burradoo

When I see the attack on the government by the Australian energy producers,I am reminded of the saying “the fattest pig squeals the loudest”.Eric Sekula,Turramurra

Beware the fear-mongers,raise level of Voice debate

Sean Kelly is right to forewarn us and he may have to keep saying it in the months ahead (“No need to boost vitriolic voices”,December 12). Negative spin about the Voice to parliament is already circulating. But we shouldn’t dismiss this as sad,tired stuff. Fear-mongering is often potent – perhaps that is why some politicians frequently feel the need to descend to that level. Instead,our leaders should be encouraging us to embrace the coming referendum on the Voice as an opportunity for all our better selves to be heard.Margaret Johnston,Paddington

Labelling arguments against the Voice as foolish,nasty,condescending,or frightening risks alienating those who believe those arguments,isolating them,rather than engaging them. The cornerstone of democracy is spirited debate and sometimes the result is unexpected. Donald Trump’s election was helped by Hillary Clinton’s perceived elitism. When Clinton referred to Trump’s supporters as “deplorables” she solidified their opposition to her. The rest,as they say,is history. An approach that labels the arguments against a “yes” vote as unworthy,rather than engaging with the concerns raised by those arguments,runs the same risk.Wayne Duncombe,Lilyfield

Note the insight from Kelly’s reflection on “vitriolic voices” regarding the Voice:“Foolishness and nastiness and rhetorical overreach often accompany each other.” In looking at the Statement from the Heart,and life in general,consideration might be given to another trinity – attention,thoughtfulness and gratitude. Often these three also accompany each other.Grahame Ellis,Narraweena

It might be unrealistic to expect nasty,unreasonable voices not to continue between now and when the Voice is put to a referendum. If the proposal is fully explained to the electorate though,and major political figures and news commentators accept that this is a landmark,once-in-a-generation issue,there is hope it will be accepted by the people who,as the PM says,will determine the outcome. This nation can then take a giant step forward in its treatment of our long-suffering Indigenous peoples.Ron Sinclair,Windradyne

Kelly prompts the reader to ask whether the referendum on the Indigenous Voice to parliament could be undermined by disproportionate media coverage of negative alarmist views. Clearly the media have an obligation to avoid bias. However,more extremist views could make people think more carefully about what is at stake and appreciate the need for the Indigenous Voice. Let us hope for the best.Mark Porter,New Lambton

Kelly explains simply how loud,nasty voices can change the narrative of a debate,as happened with the marriage equality plebiscite,and offers advice on how to analyse them for what they are. This is the voice of reason so many of us crave.Donna Wiemann,Balmain

NGA needs more money to thrive

It is outrageous that the National Art Gallery is now facing a crisis,including possibly closing on two days a week and loss of staff through forced redundancies (“National Gallery to face shutdowns,job cuts in funding crisis”,December 12).

The Australian War Memorial under the Morrison government received eye-watering amounts to help “refurbish” and extend its exhibition spaces. Yet,our country’s most valuable public-funded art collection at the NGA,book and manuscript and electronic records collection at National Library of Australia,were seriously neglected by comparison during the Morrison years.

The new federal arts minister,Tony Bourke,urgently needs to help ensure adequate and equitable resourcing for our national museums,galleries and libraries.Francis Hutchinson,Glebe

I am a regular visitor to the NGA,and generally spend two or three nights in Canberra visiting other attractions. Has anyone considered the effect on Canberra’s economy by scaling back the gallery? I and others won’t be visiting if there are no blockbuster exhibitions. A very short-sighted decision.
Susan Wilson,Freshwater

We do need significant funding for our cultural institutions however the purse is not bottomless. The Uffizi,Louvre and the Met all close one day a week and all charge an entry fee with conditions. It would not be that unusual if our National Gallery did the same to help it maintain and enhance the collection and perhaps create the need for more staff rather than fewer.Lisa Clarke,Watsons Bay

The NGA’s budget was cut:it wasn’t reduced by an “efficiency dividend”. The sooner that mealy-mouthed weaselly circumlocution is dropped from pollie-speak,the sooner the funding of our public institutions will be determined on a rational basis,rather than the basis of an outdated political philosophy.Ian Falconer,Turramurra

Boys should improve their English

Your article notes that girls’ particularly strong performance in English renews concerns about the mandatory inclusion of English in the ATAR (“Girls beating boys in most subjects”,December 12). The suggestion that requiring boys to speak and write their native language as well as girls somehow discriminates against boys is shameful nonsense. Rather than a concocted notion of males being discriminated against,the more likely explanation is that many boys fail to read and study as they should or that they are simply lazy. For educators to alter the rules of ATAR for the sake of the patriarchy is far more discriminatory than requiring all boys and girls to be adept in their own language.Michael Davis,Balmain East

Powerhouse architect critical of Ultimo ‘deathstar’

If half a billion dollars is the answer,then the wrong question has led to diabolical consequences in the destruction of the Powerhouse Museum (“Powerhouse reveals new horizons,new opening”,December 12). Eight years of sustained community protests to save their beloved Powerhouse Museum have been swept aside.

God help Ultimo:A “Star Wars sandcrawler” has come to a standstill,looming over Harris Street,a veneer of brickwork on an overwrought concrete frame. If this is the best design,the other efforts must have been appalling.

The “ridgeline” of the museum’s new development.

The “ridgeline” of the museum’s new development.Supplied

Token museum objects “lost in space” with bemused visitors wandering aimlessly in volumes with no reference to their industrial past - or any curatorial storyline. But,of course,it’s the “object as art” isolated from its contextual history.

This is the gutless destruction of award-winning architecture in an orgy of unnecessary overdevelopment on Harris Street - hang the carbon expense.

The “death star” of the Empire Strikes Back at hapless Ultimo and the people’s museum - the Powerhouse Museum - to be obliterated.Lionel Glendenning,1988 Powerhouse Museum architect,Russell Lea

COVID fines should be forgiven

Haven’t most of the people fined for minimal infringements during the COVID-19 crisis suffered enough (“Perrottet seeks advice on COVID fines”,December 12)? Surely it is time to say “send in an explanation or apology for your behaviour,and we will seriously look at settling your claim”. I had an experience in Blackheath where three police cars pulled up nearby to ensure,as one of three people getting takeaway coffee,we weren’t fraternising in a group larger than two!Katriona Herborn,Blackheath

Call to boost rail travel

If Sydney Airport is “increasingly contained to single runway” due to accelerating climate change,and fuel costs are skyrocketing,how about boosting Sydney-Melbourne rail travel (“The ripple effect of bad weather at the airport”,December 12)? You don’t need a VFT budget to straighten a few curves,duplicate the track from Junee to Albury,and build tilting carriages like those used in Queensland. Those investments would take a couple of hours off the rail trip,attracting more passengers and easing pressure on the airways. Rail freight would save even more hours.Jim Donovan,Lindfield

Coins in Christmas puddings going down well

Families’ Christmas pudding rituals with pre-decimal silver sixpences (and threepences) reminds me of an experience when we had our farm (Letters,December 12).

My wife put 27 sterling silver Aussie coins into our Christmas pudding. Afterwards,our coin count was 13. We now assume that the farm’s country enviro-cycle septic system is silver lined.John Bentley,Mudgee

Further to the silver coin stories I have a collection of silver sixpence and threepences from the past saved specifically for Christmas puddings. The puddings are made at my cousin’s place. We make about 10 puddings and cook them for hours in an electric copper.Gail Ross,Newington

Although still working slowly towards nonagenarian status,I can identify with your correspondent’s annual “lucky sixpences” ritual,with a level of envy. We had to do with threepences. Still,if you happened to miss one in the eating it went down (and re-emerged) easier.John Ure,Mount Hutton

Harry Kane missed a penalty against France.

Harry Kane missed a penalty against France.Getty

England’s missed penalty goal

Clearly,Kane was not able (“Kane’s pain as England exit”,December 12).Michael Fenton,Tea Gardens

A study in contrasts? In rugby league,you get smashed in a tackle,suffer severe concussion,and have to be persuaded to come off. In World Cup soccer,you fall at the merest touch,experience the direst agony,and have to be persuaded to go on.John Christie,Oatley

Soap opera material

Given the media’s preoccupation of late,I can’t help but think that Harry and Meghan are John and Yoko without the talent (Letters,December 12).Max Hopwood,Hillsdale

An adulterous king and his adulterous wife,estranged siblings and their wives,someone should turn this into a soap opera. Oh,wait …Betsy Brennan,Wahroonga

Same tragedy affects two boys in vastly different ways. One ends up drinking the Kool-Aid,the other vomits it all over the world. Shakespeare would have loved this.
Theresa Drewnicki,Abbotsford

Find time for love - it is the answer

Gabrielle Carey is right:love is the answer (“A social cure for depression is real”,December 12). But in this helter-skelter world,is there enough time for love? Sometimes just holding someone’s hand can change both theirs and your day. (Acknowledgements to The Beatles.)Michael Wheatley,Rock Forest

First Christmas beetle spotted

Dibs on the first spotting of the shiny Aussie Christmas beetle. As usual,I was reading myHerald on the front verandah when the jewelled beetle tried to take a shortcut but only managed to collide with my paper,dropped to the deck and wriggled around until it righted itself and continued on its way.Ken Osborne,Bowraville

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday
Should Australia spend $30 billion on these ‘very cool’ stealth bombers?
FromHaggis:″⁣Whoosh. Was that a stealth bomber? No. That was the last remnant of the possibility of an independent foreign policy flying off into the ether.″⁣

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