Bashing victim's lengthy wait for justice and change

Ron Harmer is 69. The memory of being bashed by a dozen or more youths in the mid-1980s does not fade.

On Sunday,he returned to Alison Park in Randwick for the first time to retrace that vicious assault:from the point near the park's entrance on Alison Road where they taunted him -''poofter … faggot''- to his 100-metre dash across the grass to Frances Street,where the whole mob punched and kicked him until he was unconscious. Harmer was in his early 40s then. He can't recall the exact date but it was a summer's night,perhaps a year or so before another gay man,43-year-old Raymond Keam,was bashed to death in the same park in January 1987.

Scene of the crime:Ron Harmer at Alison Park in Randwick.

Scene of the crime:Ron Harmer at Alison Park in Randwick.James Alcock

Keam's killing was one of a spate of targeted murders of homosexual men during the next five or six years,from the inner city to the Bondi-Tamarama cliff tops,which were widely known. But,as theHerald reported on Saturday,it was also one of up to 80 killings,from the late 1970s to late 1990s,which may fit in the gay-hate category and which extended to the northern beaches and country NSW.

Keam was a martial arts expert. He may have put up a fight. Harmer,a former rower and rugby player,was fit. He elected to run.

''They finally caught me at the edge of the park and beat me until I passed out,unconscious. When I came to,I had a man in civilian clothes standing over me holding a handgun. I thought he was going to shoot me. He told me to calm down. He was a policeman.''

His colleague was chasing the youths and caught a blond boy of slight build who looked 14 to 16.

''They took me to an unmarked police car with a two-way radio in it and sat me in the front seat. The other policeman sat in the back seat with the offending youth. On the way to hospital,they asked if I wanted the youth charged.'Too right,'I said. But they said - because he was so young - he would walk into court and walk out again.

''They also told me they had sat in their car and witnessed me being chased and bashed. They said they would take the offender to the police station and then come back to the hospital to see me.''

He waited for the police but they never did return.

''I had a broken nose,a fractured jaw and a fracture to the antrum. My body from the waist up and my head were black and blue. I had several areas of broken skin,''Harmer said.

Days later,two uniformed police came to his Chippendale home and asked him to go to Randwick police station to make a statement.

He refused to go without a witness. He contacted his pastor and soon police met him at the Metropolitan Community Churches. With a member of the Anti-Discrimination Board present,he went through mug shots but could not identify his attackers.

''I suggested they simply contact the detectives who rescued me. You know,the ones who witnessed the bashing,caught the offender and drove me to the hospital. I was told that this was not possible. After an investigation,they came back to tell me that no police had been at the park.

''They claimed it must have been a vigilante group that had witnessed the bashing,held a handgun over me,caught an offender and driven me to the hospital. This I have never believed.''

Nobody was ever charged with his bashing. Things have changed,but not enough,Harmer says.''The police heavy-handedness at the last Mardi Gras proves that,''he says.

Rick Feneley is a journalist with The Sydney Morning Herald. He was the paper's long-term night editor and an editor of The-Sun-Herald. He is currently the Herald's deputy opinion editor.

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