For years,Kate was told her daughter's reading was'fine',but it wasn't

Kate Perston has read to her daughter since she was a baby. The family home,in Sydney’s inner west,is full of books. Yet when Hannah began learning to read in kindergarten,her mother worried something was wrong.

“I’d say to the school,‘she struggles to retain sight words,she drops the endings off words,” she said. “The school said,‘she’s fine,she’s at benchmark’.” For the next few years,Ms Perston was repeatedly told Hannah’s reading was fine.

Kate Perston says her daughter Hannah would have been spared a lot of stress and angst if she had sat the year 1 phonics screening check.

Kate Perston says her daughter Hannah would have been spared a lot of stress and angst if she had sat the year 1 phonics screening check.Peter Rae

But it wasn’t. In year five,when her parents commissioned a private assessment,Hannah was diagnosed with a learning disorder.

Hannah’s struggle to read as her classmates galloped ahead has caused her great distress. Her family now knows she needed particular focus on phonics and has spent more than $10,000 on private tutoring to bring her up to speed before high school.

Mrs Perston believes much of this would have been avoided if Hannah,12,had been able to sit the year 1 phonics screening check,a five-minute teacher assessment that will be made compulsory in NSW next year.

“I believe it would have flagged to the school that she didn’t have the phonics knowledge to decode words,” she said.

The so-called reading wars have raged for decades,between those who argue phonics - or learning letter-sound combinations to decipher what words say - is the key to teaching reading,and those who say it is just one of many strategies.

NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell on Mondaydeclared the war over in public schools,saying there was overwhelming evidence to support the importance of phonics.

She also took aim at phonics sceptics who train teachers at university,saying vice-chancellors should take a broom to education faculties and clear out academics who reject evidence-based practice.

Her decision was welcomed by disability advocates,who say almost one in three students cannot read as well as they should.

Georgina Perry,the executive officer of SPELD NSW,a learning disabilities advocacy group,said many schools were embracing phonics. “There’s a growing community of teachers and other professionals that are reading the literature,” she said.

However,Mary Ryan,the president of the NSW Council of Deans of Education,said universities were being unfairly blamed and it was the Department of Education that had been advocating programs without an evidence base,such as the abandoned Language,Literacy and Learning (L3) program.

“It sounds like they are perhaps trying to move the focus away from the teaching profession,in-service teachers now,who really need a change in the kinds of professional learning and focus on evidence base,” she said.

“I’d like the minister to point me to an education academic who would say,‘don’t do phonics’.

"It’s very clear that we need to do phonics,but the evidence on which type of phonics,and how it’s introduced,that’s not quite so clear cut.”

Professor Emerita of education at Sydney University,Robyn Ewing,was “disappointed” by the minister’s decision,saying academics acknowledged the importance of phonics but it was not the only reading strategy.

“All teachers are using phonics instruction as part of the process,and all teacher education courses embed phonics instruction,but it’s not the sole instruction,it’s a much broader interaction between all of the different components,” she said.

The federal Education Minister,Dan Tehan,welcomed NSW’s decision. His government has been advocating the screening check since 2017,and until Monday only South Australia had made it mandatory. “I urge all other states and territories to follow their lead,” he said.

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Jordan Baker is Chief Reporter of The Sydney Morning Herald. She was previously Education Editor.

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