Have your race:leave the Opera House alone

Columnist and author

Oh,Gladys,howcould you?

On Friday 2GB shock jock Alan Jones reached a new low – even for him – bypublicly bullying a respected public official,the chief executive of the Opera House,Louise Herron in an effort to get her to ignore the Opera House charter by displaying an ad for a horse race on the famous white sails.

Alan Jones and Louise Herron have butted heads on air over the promotion of the Everest horse race on the sails of the Sydney Opera House.

Alan Jones and Louise Herron have butted heads on air over the promotion of the Everest horse race on the sails of the Sydney Opera House.Fairfax Media

“What we won't do,” she said quite reasonably,"is put text or videos of horses running or horses’ numbers or names or the Everest logo on the Opera House sails. It’s not a billboard.”

Jones responded by threatening to take it to you,the Premier,saying if Ms Herron didn’t co-operate with him,she should lose her job. He made it clear in his ever toxic manner that if she didn’t publicly bow to him,he would see to it,via you the Premier,that she would be made to bow to him.

And what did we the people see,Gladys,what did we see?

Before our very eyes,on Friday evening,it happened. You effectively announced that the Jones bullying had won,that you had indeed ordered the horse racing ad to go on the Opera House. A shadow moved across our fair city and it wasn’t just the storm of the moment. It was the one to come in the fight to break free of Jonestown,and you have seen nothing yet.

Premier,here is the guts of it.

Gladys Berejiklian has instructed the Sydney Opera House to allow its sails to be lit up with colours,numbers and a trophy to promote next Saturday’s Everest horse race.

Gladys Berejiklian has instructed the Sydney Opera House to allow its sails to be lit up with colours,numbers and a trophy to promote next Saturday’s Everest horse race.AAP

Your craven collapse to the desires of the shock jock is not remotely the stuff leadership is made of. It not only deeply disappoints,dismays and disgusts your detractors,butalso many of your remaining supporters - and I used to be one,at least personally.

I repeat. Howcouldyou?

Three years ago,when Alan Jones was badgering Malcolm Turnbull to declare his loyalty to Tony Abbott,Turnbull famously replied:“I don’t take dictation from you,Alan.”

But youdo,Gladys,and we have never had a better example of it,with the possible exception of the stadiums debacle where,once again,Jones was driving the absurdity of knocking down two stadiums at a price of $2.5 billion.

How could you?

In Jones’s “interview” with Ms Herron,you had the worst example of toxic bullying imaginable from a notoriously misogynistic shock jock,wanting her to ignore the charter she is bound to observe by law.

And what do you do?

Do you publicly berate Jones,demonstrate the bare hungry sniffing minimum of leadership required and tell Jones thatyou run this state,not him,and it is like his damn hide to invoke your name while he is disgracing himself?

Do you put out a tweet like the highly respected businesswoman Ann Sherry saying this far and no further:“Alan Jones specialises in trying to demean and bully. The SOH is NOT a billboard.#SydneyOperaHouse#bullying.”

Do you,like Ms Sherry,stand up for decency,show solidarity against the forces of misogyny,not to mention the craven commercialisation of a public asset?


You cravencave in. You side with the bully.

You put your name next to his,and insist thathis wishes are observed,just as you did on the stadiums and the greyhounds.

Sydney Opera House chief executive Louise Herron faced a hostile radio interview with 2GB’s Alan Jones on Friday,Vision:Seven News

You insist that the iconic Opera House ignore its charter and promote a gambling event,all at a time when gambling has never been a greater problem in Australia than right now,with lives destroyed,homes lost and every week more suicides put down to gambling as a cause.

Why you did this,Gladys,we will never know.

Most of us thought you were better than that.

Royal Randwick will host the Everest race next weekend.

Royal Randwick will host the Everest race next weekend.Jenny Evans

You came to the job as an honest broker,with a strong reputation as a straight shooter. If anyone in political leadership was likely to put Jones in his place when it came to bullying women,it was you. After all,Jones himself sneered at the very idea of you becoming Premier,saying while you were a “nice person,” you were not what NSW needed – a Donald Trump like figure.

“Who is going to do what Trump is doing and stand up to the bureaucrats and drain the swamp? No one,” he said.

And now,two years later,this is the bloke you side with?

You can spin this any way you like,Gladys,but there is no way around it.

As social media has noted,this will be your “Abbott knighting Prince Philip moment,” the single thing from which there is no coming back. Yes,the images of sport have been put on the sails before,celebrating beloved national teams,but that is what they were – images of celebration,not tacky gambling ads in a city already awash with them.

As for your Racing NSW and your CEO Peter V’landys,here’s a news flash:

You can go ahead and put your garish advertisement on the sails of the Opera House,ads designed to get more punters to lose more of their hard-earned dough. But the public backlash you will deservedly cop – public protests will be a bare beginning – will do you 10 times more damage than the good it will do you.

Call off the jam,Mr V’landys.

Get on with your race. But leave the Opera House out of it.

Which leaves us with you,Alan Jones. Let me be clear if the Premier won't. Your bullying bastardry - which is never more toxic than in the face of women - makes you nothing less than a tumour on the body politic of this city,state and country. As this episode shows,more clearly than ever,the sooner you are excised,the better.


Peter FitzSimons is a journalist and columnist with The Sydney Morning Herald.

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