How NSW’s ‘friend bubbles’ for children will work

NSW will introduce social bubbles that will allow children aged 18 and under in lockdown areas across the state to visit their friends’ houses.

Crisis cabinet signed off on the measure on Monday,allowing children living in areas subject to stay-at-home orders to nominate two friends who are allowed to come to their house to play and study.

NSW has introduced a friendship bubble for kids in time for the school holidays.

When can my kids have their friends over?

The new rules come into effect from midday on Tuesday.

Who can be part of my child’s bubble?

Each child can choose two other children to be part of their social bubble. Their friends must live within a five-kilometre radius of them or in their local government area.

The same rules apply to all locations under lockdown orders across the state,regardless of if they are considered LGAs of concern.

Anyone attending a friend’s house or inviting friends over under the new rules must live in a household where all adults are fully vaccinated.

Can children nominated in a “friends bubble” choose different kids for their own?

The specific health order,signed by Health Minister Brad Hazzard,states up to three people aged 18 or under can form a nominated social bubble if each member “is not a member of another nominated social bubble”.

It further states the three children should be “members of the same nominated social bubble”.

Can children change the members of their bubbles?

Once a child chooses the two members of their social bubble,they cannot change them.

Do the children coming over need to be vaccinated?

Participants younger than 18 do not need to be vaccinated. However,all adult members of children’s households must have received two doses of a vaccine.

Mr Hazzard said he was concerned about the potential for unvaccinated children to transmit the virus but said restrictions were a balancing act.

“If you don’t want to catch the virus absolutely,you stay hidden away from everybody,or you take some risks and try and strike the balance and that’s what we’re doing,” he said.

Can parents join in?

No,if parents or carers are dropping their children off,they must not stay to interact with other parents or carers and children.

Can the bubbles be used for year 12 study groups?

Yes,the rules apply to anyone aged 18 years or younger,which includes HSC students.

Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said this change would allow older students to create a study bubble ahead of the HSC.

“Year 12 students have had a stressful few months,and with the HSC approaching,a study bubble is a great idea to help students maintain motivation,receive support from a classmate and continue their preparation for the upcoming exams,” she said.

Why was it introduced?

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the change was made due to the state’s strong vaccination rate and the need to support the wellbeing of young people.

“Parents and children have had a difficult few months,trying to balance both work,often from home,as well as homeschooling,” she said.

NSW Children’s advocate Zoe Robinson said the policy was a direct result of feedback from young people.

“They want to see their friends. They want to do it safely and they want to do that for their own wellness because they’ve felt the isolation during this period of time,” she said.

“This gives them an opportunity to connect,to care for each other,to see each other in ways they’ve been unable to do.”

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Daniella White is the higher education reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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