ICAC finds NSW water policy'unduly focused'on irrigators'interests

The Independent Commission Against Corruption has found the NSW government's water policies were inconsistent with the law and"created an atmosphere that was overly favourable to irrigators".

In a scathing assessment of the government's management of the state's water resources,ICAC made 15 recommendations to"promote the integrity and good repute of public administration".

A cotton farm near Bourke:ICAC said the NSW government had"created an atmosphere that was overly favourable to irrigators".

A cotton farm near Bourke:ICAC said the NSW government had "created an atmosphere that was overly favourable to irrigators".Nick Moir

The four-year-long investigation was"not satisfied"that any person had"engaged in corrupt conduct"but it did establish"certain decisions and approaches"of the government were inconsistent with the Water Management Act 2000.

The recommendations centre on the Department of Planning,Industry and Environment bringing their strategies and processes into line with the water laws,setting up a dedicated team to ensure those laws are implemented effectively,and restarts funding of scientific audits to monitor the health of rivers and their flows.

A spokeswoman for Water Minister Melinda Pavey said the government welcomed the absence of a finding of corrupt conduct and looked forward to working with agencies"to simplify water management in NSW for economic,cultural and environmental benefit".

However,Independent NSW MP Justin Field said that while ICAC made no corruption findings,its reports showed"water management system in NSW is broken,open to abuse of power and has often been implemented in a way that is at odds with the law and for the benefit of a few vested irrigator interests".

"Mismanagement of water to benefit some irrigators in the Northern Basin will be impossible to correct while the National Party holds the water portfolio,"Mr Field said."This report shows the National Party has had their fingers in the mismanagement of water for the past decade with no attempt for serious reform."

Claire Miller,chief executive of the NSW Irrigators Council,said the ICAC's investigation echoed the 2017 Ken Mathews inquiry,"whose findings informed a fundamental shift in water management and compliance with water-sharing plans".

"We do not agree[with ICAC's assessment that] environmental perspectives are sidelined,"Ms Miller said."Far from it. Water is allocated to towns and rivers first,and irrigators last."

Emma Carmody,a lawyer at the Environmental Defenders Officer,said it was significant that the ICAC found the government had failed to follow appropriate water management and water sharing principles.

"[These] are designed to protect ecosystems,drinking water and native title rights above other uses,"Ms Carmody said."It is tantamount to saying that at a core level,the manner in which water is being shared in some parts of the state is not occurring consistently with the law and that this is disadvantaging the environment,some downstream communities and Aboriginal Peoples."

Minister Pavey's spokeswoman said the government will respond formally to the Commission’s recommendations"in due course and has already introduced improved processes,including the independent regulator and introducing compulsory water metering".

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Peter Hannam wrote on environment issues for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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