Integrity body must have transparency at its core

Cathy Wilcox

Any matter that comes to the NACC (“Don’t collar integrity watchdog”,September 29) will be of an exceptional nature by definition – if corruption was not exceptional,we’d be a failed state.Andrew Taubman,Queens Park

The Coalition’s main objection to national anti-corruption legislation relates to public hearings,to which Labor has acquiesced. I am amazed that the Coalition appears to have agreed to the retrospectivity aspect of the legislation.Peter Nash,Fairlight

C’mon,Albo,you’re almost there in giving the public what they so desperately want and need:an integrity commission. While we are aware you have to navigate the legislation through the snake pit that is federal parliament,public hearings and protection for those willing to speak out are essential. Without transparency,there is no true democracy.John Mizon,Collaroy

Open justice may serve as poetic justice. Losing face,if exposed,may in itself act as a powerful deterrent to corrupt conduct.Edward Loong,Milsons Point

It is becoming clear that the public hearing “exceptional” clause in the proposed integrity commission is unsatisfactory. The attorney-general proposes that the default situation will be private hearings with exceptional circumstances warranting a public inquiry. Some heavyweight legal opinion has criticised this position. To be true to the principles that the Labor government stated when in opposition,the attorney-general’s statement should be reversed. The default situation must be public hearings with exceptional circumstances warranting a private inquiry.Andrew Thornley,Ashfield

I welcome the establishment of the proposed National Anti-Corruption Commission. To those getting their proverbial underwear entangled over the need for public or closed hearings,the commission is not a court of law. Its purpose is to determine if a case of corruption exists and,if sufficiently serious,to refer it for prosecution. Any subsequent court case will give ample opportunity for the public to satisfy their need to know.Ross Krippner,Bangalow

We all should be pleased the government is acting on its election promise to create an NACC with teeth to cover not only public servants but also politicians. However,we need more openness in its investigations,its hands should not be tied behind its back when it comes to public hearing by limiting it to “exceptional circumstances”. It should be left to the commission’s discretion when to conduct a hearing in public or in private.Bipin Johri,Epping

Many correspondents seem to think that the proposed NACC is a criminal court and all hearings should be held in public. This is,in fact,not so. It is a commission of inquiry and,like the ICAC,most hearings will be mundane and often have to do with misappropriation of funds or fraud by public officials. Provided the results of the investigations and hearings are published upon completion,there is no reason to hold all its hearings in public.Rodney Crute,Hunters Hill

State’s transport decisions have been a train wreck

Another Liberal NSW government decision goes wrong (“Your train fleet is 1205 days late”,September 29). How surprising. The real joke will be that,when the trains eventually get here,they will probably have some sort of safety or design problem and the unions will be at loggerheads with the government of the day to get them repaired. With a lot of chest-beating about green energy being a way forward for employment,perhaps all infrastructure purchases need to be made within Australia for Australian conditions. The voting public seems to understand that Newcastle and Wollongong are up for the challenge.Robert Mulas,Corlette

Is the slow-motion train wreck of the state government’s infrastructure rollout related to being largely funded by privatisation,stamp duty and gambling taxes? It’s as though corner-cutting and deregulation have by-passed research and responsible government. Maybe the Coalition will cop a heavy fine for lazy driving in next year’s election. Meanwhile,faced with endlessly delayed,second-rate trains and ferries unfit for purpose,we instead gain a proliferation of privately operated tollways,at great cost.Peter Farmer,Northbridge

Waiting for a train

Waiting for a trainLouise Kennerley

Trains that don’t fit platforms or tunnels and now aren’t coming at all. Match that with ferries that can’t handle waves or bridges and get stuck in the middle of the harbour. Who is doing the purchases at Transport for NSW?Allan Kreuiter,Roseville

Instead of bigger and better ferries (Letters,September 29),the Parramatta River service needs a fleet of smaller vessels that run more frequently and can zigzag across the river to wharves where the water is too shallow for a RiverCat. Perhaps a Transport for NSW bureaucrat needs to take a trip to Venice to see how the vaporetti run:smoothly,frequently and efficiently.Patricia Farrar,Concord

The NSW Coalition government has left a terrible trail of destruction of a public transport system that we have invested in for more than a century. Failed privatisation of buses and ferries,replacing the existing rail line only to cut off rail services for those beyond Bankstown,foreign-made vessels and carriages not fit for purpose,trashing our locally made transport heritage and prolonged stoushes with unions and contractors. Not to mention the billions spent on toll roads instead of more heavy rail. Over the past decade,the government has ignored communities,experts and the state auditor and turned our public transport network into a tinny money-making machine.Marie Healy,Hurlstone Park

Grid must cope with post-coal era

While I applaud AGL bringing forward closure of two coal-fired power stations (“AGL expected to close two coal-fired power stations ahead of time”,September 29),I am concerned about the overall planning of the national power grid.So me sites are better suited to the location of renewables than others. If a preference could be given to locating large solar and wind farms and batteries close to existing fossil fuel generators destined for decommissioning and to major nodes of consumption,there would be at least some mitigation of power distribution challenges. The Victorian government appears to be leading the way with facilities planned for the Latrobe Valley and the northwest of the state. Such developments will significantly ease stress on the electricity networks in the medium term.Roger Epps,Armidale

Loy Yang power station

Loy Yang power stationBloomberg

The report was good news but if the Investor Group on Climate Change,which controls funds of about $3 trillion,had its way,the Albanese government’s inadequate emissions reduction target of 43 per cent by 2030 would become 75 per cent by 2035. This would go a long way towards realising the bold byline “end of fossil fuel”. Albanese and Chris Bowen should take note.Douglas Mackenzie,Deakin (ACT)

May hack serve purpose

I agree with the editorial (“Slow response heightens anxiety over Optus attack”,September 29) that governments and firms should be doing more to stop cyberattacks. To loosely paraphrase Paul Keating,this is “the hack we had to have”. It has woken many of us up,pushed us to demand greater data security. When our information is kept by companies,often unnecessarily,and we have no means of checking if these companies have a proper data security control system,our government has a duty to monitor them on our behalf and ensure punitive measures are meted out to any organisation found to have lax control.Kim Woo,Mascot

If a large and sophisticated business can allow a customer’s personal data to be compromised,how safe is your driving licence when it has been scanned by an itty-bitty suburban golf or RSL club to permit entry (″⁣Privacy laws to be bolstered″⁣,September 29)? Where is it kept and for how long?
Frank Paterson,Mount Annan

Do me a fiver,guv’

Discussions concerning whose image should feature on the $5 note are another distraction in our national life (“King Charles’ accession to $5 note far from sure bet”,September 29).S uch a decision should not be subject to the whim of government. Otherwise,we may have a replica of the farcical re-appointment of knights and dames within the Order of Australia,only to see the even more farcical removal of such a power of appointment soon thereafter.David d’Lima,Sturt (SA)

Statue of Sir Henry Parkes

Statue of Sir Henry ParkesCentennial Park& Moore Park Trust

Has everyone forgotten that my great-great-grandfather,Sir Henry Parkes,has already done that with the Federation $5 note in 2001?Ian Thom,Killara

Unwatched pot

Buying marijuana legally (“Buying legal marijuana is as easy as making a phone call”,September 29) will never be the same as sneaking a joint away from the public gaze while listening to some worthwhile music.Con Vaitsas,Ashbury

Heads can turn

Your correspondent (Letters,September 29) is right to suggest that we should appoint an Australian head of state but he is wrong to suggest an elected head of state could not influence the government. An election confers a mandate and a mandate would give such a person the authority to refuse to enact government legislation. For example,I can imagine some current politicians being popularly elected but refusing to sign legislation to limit carbon pollution.Tom Orren,Wamberal Heights

Houses,not subs

The rental sector is so insecure and expensive that the obsession with homeownership is unfortunately very rational (Letters,September 29). Improving regulation of the private rental sector will partially address the obsession. However,what is urgently required is a massive increase in affordable and social housing. Perhaps we can cut the nuclear submarine order by a third (or scrap it altogether) and spend the money saved on having a substantial annual social and affordable housing target.Alan Morris,Eastlakes

Eel-usive successes

In 1986 my brother-in-law was working in London. My husband and I visited him in October that year. He requested we bring one item to London – a VHS tape of the 1986 grand final between Parramatta and Canterbury. We showed the match to a packed crowd in the Hotel Enterprise in Earl’s Court,a favourite haunt of ex-pat Australians and New Zealanders. The huge crowd gathered around the small screen and cheered the Parra win. It was a memorable night and,even though I’m not a supporter,it’s time for another one,Parra.Kate Prosser,Armidale

Bing Crosby

Bing CrosbyFairfax Media

As a Bing Crosby fan,and given that his theme song isWhere the Blue of the Night Meets the Gold of the Day,I may have to wish for a Parramatta win.Ron Field,Bermagui

I’m reminded of a Dame Edna quote from the 1980s,when she was asked why Australians were so good at sport. She replied,“well,it’s simple really ... we have lots of sunshine,fresh air,clean beaches,thick juicy steaks and a complete lack of any type of intellectual stimulation whatsoever”.David Andrew,Paddington

Remember the day

I met my wife on an April Fools’ Day (Letters,September 29). Two years later we married on April Fools’ Day but only because it was an Easter Monday and all our friends could come.Richard Fry,Marrickville

Fifty years ago,my husband-to-be and I chose a Saturday morning that turned out to be April 1. Never forgotten.Annette Wallace,Castle Hill

My partner and I have no problem remembering our wedding anniversary. We’ve never married.Heather Lindsay,Woonona

My wife was born on June 6 and it would be D-Day for me if I forgot her birthday.Gerry Foley,South Turramurra

Best dressed

Tegan Martin art 2022 Dally M Awards.

Tegan Martin art 2022 Dally M Awards.Getty Images

The Dally M winners are the best in their award category (“Nicho time:Record win for Hynes at Dally Ms”,September 29),but the night is inevitably defined by the outfits of their WAGs.Mustafa Erem,Terrigal

Bad boy Boris

“Fearless Leader”,eh (Letters,September 29)? I know of a Boris who’s looking for a job but his history is “Badanov” without his being British,so more a part of the problem than a solution.Mickey Pragnell,Kiama

The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday
AGL expected to close Loy Yang power station a decade early
FromScott M:″⁣The environmentalist side of me is cheering but at the same time I recognise there are hundreds of people whose jobs are at risk. This was completely foreseeable so I hope relevant government agencies have plans in place to support this community through the transition.″⁣

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