Labor government ignores struggle street at its peril

Cathy Wilcox

The poor get poorer and the great divide gets wider. Wages never catch up to inflation and,as Sean Kelly rightly reports (“Small targets and big problems”,October 31),millions are left behind as government grapples with finding a way to help them without causing more economic pain. As Kelly says,the poor are “literally an afterthought” in budget considerations. Time to put those on struggle street in the forefront,not see them as an afterthought.Denis Suttling,Newport Beach

Sean Kelly’s observation that Labor is avoiding the plight of the poor is disappointing but not unexpected. Since the days of Hawke and Keating,Labor has focused on the top of the socio-economic hierarchy,extolling the supposed virtues of free markets,which only works for the top 5 per cent. To quote Pink Floyd,we now live in a country of ″⁣share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie″⁣.John Macintosh,Merewether

John Shakespeare

Sean Kelly’s and Maureen Dowd’s (“Haunted America:Politics is too creepy,horror is too real”,October 31) articles share a common thread. The poor are “an afterthought” and “millions of people feel like they’ve been left behind” (Sean Kelly). These are also the angry Trump supporters and conspiracy theorists in America who feel excluded and left behind both socially and economically. Australia could follow the current implosion of democracy and increase in random violence unless growing inequalities in our society are recognised and strenuously addressed.Jim Pollitt,Wahroonga

Regrettably,although most of us are well off by international standards,we somehow think we deserve more and that government has a role to play assisting us to achieve that objective. The most obvious manifestation of this attitude is that we want government benefits,services and funding to be maintained or improved without accepting the need for higher taxation. Those who rely on government support are seen as unwilling to get a job or help themselves,so we do not see why their assistance should be upgraded,particularly if that means that any potential tax cuts are reversed.
Leaders at the top of government know that if they reveal too much or make a misstep,there are many who will attempt to tear them down by indulging in exaggerated fear campaigns that,in Sean Kelly’s words,make “people feel they’ve been left behind”. If Australia is to progress as we would all hope,the Albanese government must strive to break the cycle of fear and inaction and encourage us all to be a little less self-centred.Ross Butler,Rodd Point

The survey,which shows only 28per cent of voters regard Jim Chalmers’ first budget as good for themselves,reflects the self-centred nature of our society that has been evident for some time. This “what’s in it for me?” attitude is further promoted when certain elements in the media highlight “winners and losers” in the budget. Far more beneficial is balanced analysis of whether the budget is good for the country in the longer term without favouring immediate sectional interests and various lobby groups.Rob Phillips,North Epping

Use gas riches to fund a greener future for all

Jim Chalmers (“Chalmers flags higher taxes on gas exporters for revenue boost”,October 31) was stating the obvious in suggesting that a substantial part of the community would prefer a higher petroleum resource rent tax take. The gas reserves belong to all of us,rather than gas exporters,and not only the present generation should benefit significantly from the financial return. The fossil fuel age is coming to an end and,consequently,the financial benefits will decrease over the next decade. It is only fair that a maximum return is negotiated immediately and preferably to a large degree devoted to infrastructure,for example,public transport including high-speed rail,so future generations also benefit.Geoff Harding,Chatswood

High speed train

High speed trainiStock

As Greta Thunberg would say,the “blah blah blah” we are hearing about gas prices from Labor and the gas industry evades the underlying issue:that governments worldwide are failing to reduce emissions fast enough to stop global warming. The gas industry makes obscene profits from selling fuels that are ensuring the world’s rapid fall into irreversible tipping-point extremes. Unless this government heeds the federal election’s popular vote for drastic action on climate change,its business-as-usual,kid-glove deals with gas corporations will ensure its downfall. The population understands bushfires,floods,inundation of the Torres Strait islands,failing crops,heatwaves and the extinctions of species. Politicians should also understand that we need to keep fossil fuels in the ground.Barry Laing,Castle Cove

The stated intention of the ALP is to place great emphasis on further development of renewable energy over the next two plus years,this being a proved means of producing cheaper energy power generation. Since budget night,there has been a flood of comments suggesting that federal Labor has broken its promise to reduce power prices. Surely,no promise has been broken. The inclusion in the election promise,by 2025,is of prime importance in this matter and it is,in my opinion,unfair and perhaps misleading when omitted.Brian Measday,Myrtle Bank (SA)

The main cause for high electricity prices is a market failure. Only 18per cent of supply is gas-powered. With 29 per cent renewables and 49 per cent coal,having every generator get the same wholesale price is strange. The market operator should intervene to restrict the super profits being made by all the non-gas generators.Alan Stanley,Upper Corindi

Vile man dodged Dutton’s watch

Peter Dutton’s immigration department allowed a sex-trade kingpin to enter Australia after five years in jail in Britain (“Crimering trafficked women ’like cattle‴⁣⁣,October 31). He continued his foul trade here,importing women for sex and ruining countless lives. Dutton is obsessed with a handful of Australian women and children coming back from Syrian refugee camps. Hard to fathom.Rosalind Ward,Balmain

It is a poor reflection on Scott Morrison,Peter Dutton and Home Affairs that human trafficker Binjun Xie,released from a UK prison,could come to Australia and operate with impunity. The Abbott and Morrison governments were very big on border security yet Binjun Xie has had no problem originally passing the “character test” and bringing his victims into the country.Tony Simons,Balmain

With the Coalition concentrating solely on demonising legitimate asylum seekers who arrived by boat purely for political gain,they have left the front doors open to criminal infiltration of our visa program with widespread people-trafficking bringing slavery into Australia. The Coalition has lost control of our borders.Graeme Finn,Summer Hill

This is a harrowing story of an occupation hidden in ″⁣our shame box″⁣. Telling the story and shedding a light on the sex industry is in the public interest. This assists with legislation to protect workers and the public.Bill McMahon,Lennox Head

It’s certainly disturbing that so many men in Australia apparently cannot meet their sexual needs in a social context but require women to be shipped in for that purpose. Another sign that culture needs change or,possibly,that misogyny is so rife that there’s no hope of that.Diddy Fitzgerald,Windsor

NAPLAN gap widens

Concerning the year 9 NAPLAN reading results (“Record low for reading among boys in year 9”,October 31),I am not at all surprised. In 1995-’96 the Carr Labor government recognised that our girls in secondary/high school were significantly behind male counterparts in mathematics. This problem was addressed by the government throwing significant amounts of money into improving our girls’ abilities in maths. Unfortunately,it was not recognised that boys were,even then,behind the girls in reading,comprehension and grammar in English. An examination of the NSW HSC results now shows that the girls have caught up to the boys in maths,and the boys are even further behind the girls in English. I am sure our teachers would confirm that fewer boys are undertaking more advanced English classes. It is clear that the department needs to again “throw” significant funds into developing our sons’ abilities in reading (and liking) the national language. This development program should start in year 5 with mandatory reading exercises,with all students having to meet a measured minimum standard. These programs must continue in years 6,7,8 and 9. All students,girls as well as boys,deserve an equal opportunity to share in the education facilities.Michael Hayden,Kiama Downs

It is sad that Australia is seeing a widening gender literacy gap. However,after 40 years working in the corporate sector and academia,I think the boys might be making a rational decision to not focus on literacy. I have,during my various careers,watched so many men with average and below-average ability promoted over competent and able women,so there is no incentive for boys to make the effort with literacy. There will always be a woman they can employ to fix their errors.Elfriede Sangkuhl,Summer Hill

Does this mean teenage boys areformally recognised as a ″⁣disadvantaged group″⁣ in society? Riley Brown,Bondi Beach

Profits left to Australia

Regarding the claim that “big business will simply leave our shores” (Letters, October 31) if Australia was unionised:imagine all the wealth that would stay in Australia if those multinational gas exporters left,not to forget the big businesses that run our aged care,detention facilities,irrigated farmlands,meat processing facilities and so much more. I reckon that once the average Australian realised how much money would be shared among our society,unionism would probably reach 90 per cent or so,voluntarily and almost overnight. Alas,the threat of them leaving and forsaking all that profit is,of course,just a fantasy,albeit certainly not one to be disparaged.Andrew Brown,Bowling Alley Point

A spring in their step

The United Ukrainian Ballet

The United Ukrainian BalletFlavio Brancaleone

I went to the ballet on Sunday:Swan Lake by the United Ukrainian Ballet. It was my first time at the ballet. Loved it. That this company had,in six months,brought together such a production was amazing. At the end,the company sang their national anthem. I didn’t understand a word,but it wasn’t a dirge like ours. It was a rousing,inspiring anthem voiced with passion and pride,and it brought the audience to their feet. Stupendous,wonderful,exhilarating!Peter Butler,Wyongah

Barely poll-arised

As the USA heads to elections next week,it might be thoughtful to look back on our seamless transition of power at the last election. A change of party and prime minister and not a ripple of disturbance to our placid lives. We shouldn’t take for granted that we take this for granted.Barry Lamb,Heidelberg West (Vic)

Blinding light

I was baptised and confirmed into the Anglican Church at an early age,but had an epiphany in adulthood and “saw the light” (Letters,October 31). I must be quite conflicted,though,because I still take the Lord’s name in vain when I drop something.Claire Edmonds,Floraville

Good book giveth yet

Our everyday language reflects biblical writings (Letters,October 31) and for those who thoughtTurn! Turn! Turn! was strictly for The Byrds,there is a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1).Allan Gibson,Cherrybrook

He who has ears,let him hear the many biblical references and parables in our contemporary culture. Halloween refers to the Eve of All Hallows’ Day,November 1,to honour all the saints.Hendry Wan,Rosebery

Your correspondent observes that because everyday language is “sprinkled with biblical idioms”,“God is not dead after all”. Was God the author? Could He have had a (holy) ghostwriter?Eric Hunter,Cook (ACT)

Just because we live in a town named with a biblical word,people should “Harden not their hearts” towards us.Barry Wooldridge,Harden

Rock beats religion

Jerry Lee Lewis (Letters,October 31) was raised in a religious family;in his teens he was asked when he was going to become a preacher like his cousin Jimmy Swaggart,who went on to achieve fame and shame. He answered:“I’d rather rock and roll.” I guess he made the right decision.Ian Adair,Hunters Hill

The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday
Gas exporters in frame as government looks for revenue boost
FromThe Black Prince: ″⁣Why are we allowing our gas to be exported at bargain basement prices while we citizens pay top dollar anyway? Cut the exports. Halve the price of domestic gas. Exporters will get more per litre and consumers pay less.″⁣

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