Lockdown ‘pressure point’:How school children are responding to rising anxiety levels

Remote learning may now be a familiar routine,but between rising case numbers,a lockdown that drags on,looming exams,misinformation and more young people getting sick,schools are battling a heightened mental health toll this year.

“There’s a lot more anxiety this time around”,says Maria Boyle,NSW Education’s principal psychologist. She says more students are directly impacted by COVID-19 in the current outbreak than during previous lockdowns,and there are more vulnerable families – such as those with refugee and non-English speaking backgrounds – in the hard lockdown zones.

School captain of Narrabeen Sports High School Jackson Dowling.

School captain of Narrabeen Sports High School Jackson Dowling.Rhett Wyman

Ms Boyle says year 12 students are particularly affected by the length and timing of the current lockdown and the uncertainty it brings to the rest of the year – comments echoed by several principals,and students themselves.

The education department has boosted its on-call staff to talk directly with struggling students,and has developed information guides for parents in various languages with advice and contacts to help address concerns or anxiety as students learn from home. And schools are developing their own initiatives to take the pressure off students,teachers and families,and boost morale.

Jackson Dowling,year 12 student and school captain at Narrabeen Sports High School,says being locked down for weeks without a firm end date in term three is “very,very difficult compared to what we normally would have been doing”.

School captain of Narrabeen Sports High School Jackson Dowling.

School captain of Narrabeen Sports High School Jackson Dowling.Rhett Wyman

Uncertainty about exams is a major cause of stress and anxiety for Jackson and his friends. “We don’t know how that’s going to go down,and how we can do[the HSC] at the same level that we normally would have,” he said.

Principal of NSHS,Dane Ropa,said the 2021 cohort of year 12s have had the “double whammy” of being locked down at the start of their senior years,and again at the term three “pressure point” of year 12,without clarity on what the rest of the year will look like.

Despite that extra pressure,he said seniors like Jackson have been helping staff to reach out to students in all years,recently collaborating on a survey for students to rate their mental wellbeing and the kinds of activities that are helping reduce stress and stay positive.

Mr Ropa said he was pleased that 68 per cent of students said their wellbeing levels were at or above normal,and the school would follow up with the students who indicated they were struggling.

Mr Ropa said the biggest concern for most students is the loss of connection,without the school as a space for social interaction. Student leaders were helping to re-create some of that in the online space with weekly Instagram “challenges”,he said. This weekend,it’s a dessert bake-off.

Other schools are trialling various initiatives to strike the right balance between boosting social connection and overdoing the screen time.

St Andrews Cathedral School had an off-screen day on Wednesday to give students the opportunity to catch up on their work at their own pace,and take some of the pressure off.

Headmaster John Collier said the focus on screens “can be quite exhausting” and students appreciated the “circuit breaker”. He said the school is also encouraging students to move their bodies,sending out online fitness videos which have been popular.

Time off screen is also built into the daily structure at Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School,especially for younger students. Core subject classes only go until lunchtime;then those in junior years can choose to spend the afternoon in artistic or physical activities,or “if it’s getting too much” log off and go for a walk.

How young people can look after their mental health

Head of school Andrew Hill,says the Steiner system’s usual focus on creativity and nature is “a real benefit at this time,it’s a real mental health aide”.

Rupert Saunders,National Clinical Advisor at headspace,says it’s normal for young people to feel sad,scared or angry during uncertain times. He said parents and carers should “trust their instincts” if they notice something is out of the ordinary,and seek support.

“If your young person is having a hard time concentrating or staying focused,feeling overwhelmed or becoming upset or teary,these are clear signs to step in and offer some support.

“You may also notice things like changes in appetite,sleeping patterns or young people withdrawing from things they previously loved to do.”

Tips for families and friends to support young people at this time

The headspace website has resources for 12-and-over children experiencing mental health challenges,and can also connect them with help.

For primary school aged students,NSW Education’sLearning from Home Hub includes daily wellbeing activities that are age-appropriate and have been developed to increase their sense of wellbeing and resilience.

The department’sMental Health and Wellbeing web page also provide links to resources and agencies providing immediate 24-hour support for students,parents and teachers.

Crisis support is available fromLifeline on 13 11 14.

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Jenny Noyes is a journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald.

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