Loose cannon Elliott shoots Perrottet in foot over gambling reform

It was only a matter of time before one of the biggest buffoons in NSW politics,Transport Minister David Elliott,injected himself into the debate over cashless gaming cards.

Elliott – a one-time NSW deputy chief executive of the Australian Hotels Association and former director of the Castle Hill RSL Club,whose 300-odd poker machines ranked as the ninth most profitable in the state in the six months to May 2022 – made it crystal clear on Friday that he was no fan of Premier Dominic Perrottet’s brave vision to turn all poker machines cashless.

Elliott also helpfully confirmed that the NSW Nationals aren’t sold on Perrottet’s idea,either.

Throwing loyalty to his leader to one side,Elliott told reporters he hadn’t seen any evidence the cards were an appropriate policy intervention and warned against “demonising” one form of gambling because it could push addicts to other forms like instant scratchies or horses.

“I’m keen to find where in the world the cashless card has worked,” Elliott said. He argued a grandmother shouldn’t be prevented from putting $20 into a poker machine after a session of lawn bowls – a highly misleading scenario given no punter would be blocked from gambling under cashless technology. On and on Elliott went,in an argument which at its core seemed to be that if the government couldn’t solve problem gambling across all forms of betting in Australia and around the globe,then it shouldn’t bother trying to deal with poker machines in NSW.

But not once in his dishonest rant did Elliott acknowledge that a cashless card is actually designed to combat the billions of dollars of dirty money washing through the state’s poker machines each year. The NSW Crime Commission and NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb have both said the link between criminal proceeds and poker machines is a serious problem and have praised the potential of cashless cards to deal with it. Any flow-on effects which reduce problem gambling would be an added bonus but it is not the primary intention of cashless technology.

Asked directly on Friday whether he supported the cards,Elliott disingenuously replied:“I think we need to have a very broad debate.” It’s not hard to see which side of that debate Elliott would fall on when the details of Perrottet’s plan are debated by cabinet shortly.

Elliott is a loose cannon who has demonstrated little loyalty to Perrottet but excelled in the art of political self-destruction. This is a minister who infamously went to bed during tense negotiations between the state government and unions in February,which ended in a highly disruptive shutdown of Sydney’s rail network. This is also a minister who regularly attacks his colleagues,last year calling Treasurer Matt Kean a “boy” unable to do a “man’s job”. This is also a minister who allowed his own Liberal Party membership to lapse,rendering him temporarily unable to register for preselection.

Elliott was in a tough preselection battle last year and Perrottet encouraged him to fight on. But the 52-year-old former army captain found himself without enough support to contest the seat of Castle Hill,which is dominated by members of Perrottet’s hard-right faction.

As theHerald’s Tom Rabe reported in October,the nature of Elliott’s downfall – edged out by internal factional rivals aligned with Perrottet – has prompted debate within the government over whether he will use his final days in parliament to settle political scores. Do we now know the answer to that question?

Elliott is one of several senior NSW cabinet ministers to leave politics in March. The months between a retirement announcement and polling day can be used to either do good,or get even.

Cities Minister Rob Stokes is someone who has used his departure window for good. In two important and considered contributions to NSW parliament ahead of his exit,Stokes blasted the pubs and clubs lobby and made powerful arguments for how to curb their influence.

In a November speech,he said the “once friendly,familiar local club – a traditional locus for thriving community – has been distorted and disfigured” and warned that areas with the lowest-paid workers have some of the highest losses to poker machines.

Three days prior to Christmas he also urged NSW politicians to ban registered clubs from donating to political parties,noting an “outrageous loophole” allows their financial support to come directly from poker machine profits. He made a compelling and overlooked point that while a business involved in wagering,betting or other gambling,including the manufacture of poker machines is banned,a registered club that generates 90 per cent of its income from pokies is perfectly entitled to donate to political campaigns.

Compare these contributions to the blundering effort by Elliott on Friday,which added nothing of substance to such an important debate. It was so destructive that NSW Labor – which does not support cashless gaming cards – gleefully distributed the transcript of Elliott’s rant to political reporters. With friends like Elliott,Perrottet hardly needs enemies.

TheHerald strongly supports a cashless gaming card and urges the premier and other important,credible figures in this debate to ignore the vested interests and bitter political has-beens who seek to block change.

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