'Marvellous':$2.6m tax cheat Anthony Castagna known for his generosity

There was something unusual about the character of Anthony Dante Castagna,the NSW Supreme Court heard on Wednesday.

The finance professor,former Macquarie Bank consultant and developer of a $1 billion security software company was renowned for his integrity and generosity.

But this was the same man who cheated the taxpayer of $2.6 million,squirelling away income in Vanuatu bank accounts,only to receive it back in the form of false loan repayments.

“I don’t know what to make of it,” Justice Christine Adamson said of the contrast between his character references and his actions.

Anthony Castagna leaves court after being found guilty of money laundering and tax evasion.

Anthony Castagna leaves court after being found guilty of money laundering and tax evasion.Janie Barrett

Many people found him “marvellous” and yet “he had to cheat the public”.

The judge noted his reputation had fallen in some quarters:“The rest don’t seem to care about tax fraud.”

Castagna,71,had hidden his income through a decade of false tax returns up to 2008 when he was working as an IT consultant to Macquarie Bank.

Macquarie had refused to pay him directly,requiring him to set up a company to invoice them.

Seeing an opportunity,Castagna conspired with his accountant cousin Robert Agius to have the money land in bank accounts in New Zealand and then Vanuatu.

Police were listening in on Agius’ phone,as he was investigated for a separate tax fraud. They heard him and Castagna talk about creating a false loan,one that would allow Agius to send Castagna’s undeclared income back to him as repayments.

After Macquarie,Castagna went on to build the security software and data giant Nuix,whose customers include the US Department of Homeland Security,the Australian Defence Force and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission.

Robert Agius was arrested in April 2008 and subsequently jailed for tax offences

Robert Agius was arrested in April 2008 and subsequently jailed for tax offencesNic Walker

Meanwhile,two other Nuix customers,the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Taxation Office,were continuing to build a case against him. He and Agius were tried this year and found guilty of fraud and tax evasion.

Each accused the other of being the principal conspirator. The Crown said they were equals in the plot.

Crown prosecutor Paul McGuire,SC,addressing Castagna’s sentence,said the crimes had been motivated by greed.

Justice Adamson put forward another theory,noting the offender’s skill at earning money.

“I just wonder whether it was just a game to him,” she said.

“He wanted to help his friends and family and had no particular regard for the community. It wasn’t actually greed because he could make so much money without defrauding the[tax] commissioner.”

Mike Aitken,chief scientist of a government-funded research centre linking academics and businesses,told the court Castagna had employed him when he first came to Australia.

“He’s taught me to have the courage of my convictions,” Mr Aitken said.

Even after Mr Aitken and his centre’s board became aware of the charges laid against Castagna,he remained an advisor to the investment committee board.

“We felt that his dealings with us were all extremely positive. We had no reason to believe that there was any question of integrity or honesty.”

Castagna’s wife Sandra said her husband meant everything to her and she would be a lonely old lady while he remained in prison. “We are just one,” she said.

The couple had kept Castagna’s charges secret from their adult children to spare them the “agony”,until theHerald broke the story last year.

His barrister,Philip Strickland,SC,said his client should receive a shorter than usual non-parole period because of his age,lack of criminal record,delays in prosecution,the hardship to his wife and his excellent prospects of rehabilitation.

Sentencing submissions were set to conclude on Thursday.

Patrick Begley is an investigative reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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