More than 33,000 COVID fines withdrawn after government concedes they are invalid

A key plank of the NSW government’s COVID-19 response has been torpedoed,with half of the fines issued under emergency orders to be cancelled and demands for the state to rescind the other half.

Revenue NSW announced on Tuesday that 33,121 of the 62,138 fines handed out since the start of the pandemic would be withdrawn,following a concession in court that some fines were not valid. Refunds will be given if the fines are already paid,and enforcement action will cease.

Police patrol Bondi Beach in August 2021 to enforce public health orders.

Police patrol Bondi Beach in August 2021 to enforce public health orders.Steven Siewert

The decision followsa test case in the NSW Supreme Court which argued that two fines issued during 2021 lockdowns were invalid because they did not adequately describe the alleged offence,as required under the Fines Act.

Fines increased as COVID-19 case numbers spiked in mid-2021 and large parts of Sydney were thrown into lockdown. According to previous figures from Revenue NSW,police handed out more COVID-19 fines in a single month,August 2021,than they did in the previous 17 months combined – 25,687 fines,worth $23.9 million.

A barrister for the Commissioner of Fines Administrationconceded in court on Tuesday that the fines were invalid because of the lack of information,and Revenue NSW announced its fine cancellation a short time later.

Samantha Lee,acting principal solicitor at Redfern Legal Centre which brought the case,said the decision was an “extraordinary day for the people of NSW”. She said the case was a last resort after her clients “tried every single option” to get fines cancelled.

“This case has set a precedent that all of those fines are invalid and should never have been issued,” she said. “What has happened today is pure justice,and really it is a case for the people.”

Lee said fines could have a crippling impact on people in disadvantaged circumstances,and a large percentage of COVID-19 fines in NSW were issued to First Nations people,children,and people on a low wage or no wage.

She said when Justice Dina Yehia delivered a judgment next year,it would set out “whether this has implications for all COVID fines out there in the community”.

“It does have the potential to invalidate all COVID fines that were issued during the lockdown period,” she said.

More than half of the COVID-19 fines issued in NSW during the pandemic will be withdrawn after a legal challenge.

The fines withdrawn on Tuesday were for individuals and companies accused of the offence,“fail to comply with noticed direction in relation section 7/8/9 – COVID-19”.

Lawyers and advocates have urged Revenue NSW to review,or cancel,the remaining fines.

Karly Warner,chief executive of the Aboriginal Legal Service,said the fines had an unfair and unequal effect on Aboriginal people,with some losing their driver’s licences because they did not pay,limiting their ability to work and care for children.

“The NSW government must now cancel the 29,000 COVID fines that remain standing,” Warner said.

“How many more people does it plan to put through this ordeal before accepting that all COVID fines must be cancelled?”

Joanne van der Plaat,president of the Law Society of NSW,said all remaining fines should be reviewed,particularly those issued to children.

“This decision leaves unresolved the status of more than 29,000 fines that may impose a disproportionate burden of penalties on vulnerable and disadvantaged people,” she said.

Redfern Legal Centre brought the case on behalf of three of its clients who received fines ranging from $1000 to $3000 during the 2021 public health lockdowns. One of the clients,Rohan Pank,had his fine withdrawn after the case was filed.

Katherine Richardson,SC,appearing for the remaining plaintiffs Brenden Beame and Teal Els,told the court that an estimated 32,648 fines had the same invalid wording used in Beame’s case,amounting to almost $33 million.

“In all likelihood,every single one of those fines is invalid as well,” Richardson said.

Revenue NSW said in a statement it would withdraw a total of 33,121 fines,about half of the total number of 62,138 COVID-related fines issued in the state.

“This decision does not mean the offences were not committed,” a spokesperson said.

“The remaining 29,017 COVID-19 fines will still be required to be paid if not already resolved. They are not affected by this decision.”

Revenue NSW said the fines had been challenged on a “technical basis”,that they did not provide “a sufficiently detailed description of the offence committed and are therefore invalid”.

“Where fines are withdrawn,all sanctions,including driver licence restrictions or garnishee order activity will be stopped,” the spokesperson said.

“Where a fine has been withdrawn and a customer has made a payment,either in part or in full,Revenue NSW will make contact to arrange a refund or credit the payment towards other outstanding debts.”

In a video in August 2021,then-police commissioner Mick Fuller challenged officers to go “high-level enforcement” and said they would not be held to account if they issued COVID fines incorrectly.

“I am asking you to put community policing to the side for a short period of time,” Fuller said in the internal video. “You need to take a strong approach to enforcement. I have said before,if you write a ticket and you get it wrong,I understand and I won’t hold you to account for that.”

NSW Police referred all questions to Revenue NSW.

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Georgina Mitchell is a court reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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