NSW government announces $50 million package to tackle mouse plague

Farmers will be given access to a previously outlawed poison as part of a $50 million package from the NSW government to help battle a crippling mice plague.

Farmers,households and businesses will be able to access free baiting,grain treatment and rebates for mouse baits under the commitment announced by Deputy Premier John Barilaro and Agricultural Minister Adam Marshall on Thursday.

A mouse plague across NSW's Central-west is continuing to destory crops and livelihoods.

The relief package comes just hours after a community meeting of farmers at Scone RSL,where nine of 13 candidates in the upcoming Upper Hunter byelection were asked how they would respond to the plague.

Mr Marshall said an emergency request was lodged on Wednesday with the federal government’s Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority to approve Bromadiolone,which is currently “outlawed”.

“[It’s] the strongest mouse poison in the world,” he told 2GB radio on Thursday. “It will kill these things in 24 hours.”

He said the chemical poison baits would be provided for free at between eight and 10 facilities to treat grain in the hardest-hit areas,which “should be up and running within a couple of weeks”,pending the APVMA approval.

There will also be rebates available for households and small businesses,of $500 and $1000 respectively,to help with bait and trap costs.

“This is a terrible scourge. I’d love to wave a magic wand and make the mice all go away. Ultimately,though,we have limited control measures and that’s why a big part of the package is actually rededicating our considerable research budget within the Department of Primary Industries to actually come up with a long-term biological control.”

NSW Farmers and the Country Women’s Association of NSW had been calling on the state government for $25,000 in financial support packages to bait the mice.

The months-long crisis is also having an impact on mental and physical health,the associations said in a statement this week.

Grains committee chairman Matthew Madden said a third of respondents to a NSW Farmers survey reported stored grain and fodder losses at between $50,000 and $150,000,while a third of people also reported between $20,000 and $150,000 of damage to agricultural machinery and infrastructure.

He said the mouse plague was continuing to affect the state’s north and Central West and was “rapidly spreading and growing through the south”.

Coonamble broad acre farmer Allan Inglis cleaning out his traps.

Coonamble broad acre farmer Allan Inglis cleaning out his traps.Dean Sewell

The issue was also a key focus of the meeting at Scone on Wednesday,where Nationals hopeful Dave Layzell was asked to defend Mr Barilaro and Mr Marshall’s handling of the mice plague.

“I don’t think the pair of these men get how bad this mouse plague is,” farmer Chris Kemp told the meeting.

“When you are catching 20 mice a night in your house and all your linen has been defecated on,it really gets people down.... there are a lot of places worse than around here,although Scone is copping it right at this minute.”

Mr Layzell said he had spoken to Mr Barilaro about the mouse plague and that there was “work to do” between the government and NSW Farmers. He said recent bumper crops in the region had made the crisis worse and that Local Land Services were looking at the issue.

Greens candidate Sue Abbott,who was also speaking at the NSW Farmers “meet the candidates” event,said she had pulled a mouse out of her toaster on Wednesday at her home in Scone.

Shooters Fishers and Farmers candidate Sue Gilroy said she was still “emotionally scarred” by the mouse plague she suffered as a child. She called for farmers to be subsidised for baiting programs.

An advisory committee will be created,including representatives from the Department of Regional NSW,Local Land Services,Department of Primary Industries,Resilience NSW and NSW Health.

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Sarah McPhee is a court reporter with The Sydney Morning Herald.

Lucy Cormack is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based in Dubai.

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