Russell Oxford,‘true great’ of NSW policing,calls it a day

Columnist and author

After four decades of service,Detective Chief Inspector Russell Oxford retired from the NSW Police Force last week. More than three of those decades were spent helping to solve some of NSW’s most infamous rapes and murders.

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller calls him one of the “true greats in the history of policing and criminal investigation in NSW. He has diligently served the people of our state for more than 41 years and is loved equally by the community he has served and the colleagues who have worked alongside him.”

Russell Oxford talks to the media after Roger Rogerson and Glenn McNamara were found guilty of the murder of Jamie Gao in 2016.

Russell Oxford talks to the media after Roger Rogerson and Glenn McNamara were found guilty of the murder of Jamie Gao in 2016.Daniel Munoz

‘I said[to Rogerson],“mate,you’re f---ed. Roger,we’ve gotcha”.’

Russell Oxford

Fitz:It seems stunning to me that one of your first memories was being a little boy on Glenelg Beach on the very day the Beaumont children went missing – still one of the most famous likely murder cases in the country. Did that set you on the path to being a detective?

Oxford:I do remember it well. But it was more a couple of later cases when my family moved back to Sydney. In the late ’60s,an eight-year-old girl called Vicki Barton was snatched from the road in Lawson,up in the Blue Mountains. And another case shortly afterwards back in South Australia,Joanne Ratcliffe and Kirste Gordon,who went missing at an Aussie Rules match and were never found – possibly by the same person or people who took the Beaumont children. And my mum and dad would cry when they saw those disappearances. And that stuck in my mind,and I’ve never ever forgotten. I thought that one of these days I want to be able to try and help people solve something like that,so people didn’t have to suffer,and you could get bad people before they could do it again. If there was anybody I based myself on,it was the TV character Columbo. I loved him as a kid.

Fitz:Now,call me crazy,but if I was a detective,I’d like to have an exotic nickname,referring to my stealth,my strength,my capacity. I’d love them to call me “the nightstalker.” How did you get that nickname?

Russell Oxford as a young detective sergeant in 1992.

Russell Oxford as a young detective sergeant in 1992.Troy Howe

Oxford:(Laughs) “In my first week as a detective at the homicide squad,I was with one of the legendary detectives,Dennis Gilligan,on our way to a case,and I mentioned I was a sleep-walker. There was a character on TV called “the nightstalker”. He called me that and it stuck. One of the other detectives I met just once back then – even before I was a detective,and still a constable – was Roger Rogerson.

Fitz:In terms of trouble sleeping,I would imagine in the line of work you pursued,there must have been things you have seen – working on cases like the rape and murder of Janine Balding,and the murder of Wollongong lord mayor Frank Arkell – together with cases that remain unsolved,that still wake you in the silent watch of the night?

Oxford:There are. There’s a particular tragic one of a lady in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. Katherine Schweitzer,a survivor of the Holocaust,was strangled and found in a wheelie bin in Bellevue Hill just after Christmas 2006. That one got to me. But these cases are still being looked at,and I live in hope.

Fitz:In three and a half decades,you must have learnt so much. What is the essence of good detective work,the advice you’d pass on to a young detective starting out?

Oxford:Remain very humble about what you do. Don’t be flashy because you’ve got tremendous responsibility to solve the most horrendous crimes. This is not aboutyou,it is about the victims and their families,and your job is to help them. You have to work humbly and methodically,and as part of a team.

Fitz:The art of detective work must have changed over the years?

Oxford:The principles are the same – patient,methodical work. But yes,some of the skills of young detectives now – working with phone records,social media and CCTV – are wonderful. I have learnt from them. And just this week of course in Western Australia,they have had that fantastic success finding that young girl Cleo using a lot of those new skills – that was the most marvellous miracle,particularly when you’ve worked on as many child deaths as I have.

Fitz:One of your most famous cases was recent,arresting Roger Rogerson on the Jamie Gao case.

Oxford:They were probably six of the most exhilarating days of my life. I said to the detectives on the day we arrested Rogerson “you are part of history. They’ve been trying to get this bloke for years,and we have got him. You will tell your grandkids about this.” When we arrested him,I reminded him of having met him when I was a young bloke. He didn’t remember it,but for a moment,we could talk as two old detectives who spoke the same language and understood the score.

He said,“listen Russ,I don’t want to talk about this case,I will wait till I see the brief.” I said,“mate,you’re f---d. Roger,we’ve gotcha.” He had a smirk on his face. But I was right.

Fitz:So here you are,in your early 60s,with all these detective skills. Ever thought of going full circle,and going back to Adelaide and try to solve the disappearance of the Beaumont children? And maybe that of Joanne Ratcliffe and Kirste Gordon? Following up old,cold leads and all that?

Oxford:(Pause.) “It’s not a bad point. But they already have very good detectives on it. I think I’m done.

Fitz:Thank you for your time and,more importantly,thanks for your four decades of service to the people of NSW.

Alan Jones’ broadcasting career appears to be over.

Alan Jones’ broadcasting career appears to be over.Brendan Esposito,Nick Moir,Sky News Australia

Jones’ toxic era ends

In the words of Billy Birmingham,“I’m sorry everyone,I’m just going to have to go with me on this one.”

In this space a couple of years ago – after Alan Jones disgraced himself by attempting to publicly bully the Sydney Opera House CEO Louise Herron on the subject of putting racing ads on the sails of the Opera House – I wrote,and meant every word:“Alan,you are a malignant tumour on the body politic of this city,state and country and the sooner you are excised the better.”

That day finally came on Thursday with Jones appearing for the last time on Sky After Dark. In the space of the just 18 months,from riding relatively high,he has lost all of his radio,newspaper and TV gigs.

The diehards will no doubt still find him on Facebook or the like,but who cares? His brand of toxicity,misogynist monstering,climate-change denying and bullying blather no longer turns the profit that it once did. He was a dinosaur that somehow made it into the third decade of the 21st century while still having a media presence. But it’s over.

I don’t pretend to equanimity when it comes to Jones and was recently accused inThe Australian of having attacked my former Wallaby coach’s positions 48 times in the previous 52 weeks. (I thought my explanation reasonable:Everyone else gets four weeks annual holidays,why can’t I?)

Jones was the poorest ratings performer in his evening line-up,a pain-in-the-arse,and more trouble than he was worth. And so it ended.

The credit for his removal actually goes to Tom Malone who runs Macquarie Radio. He was the one who took the decision in May last year that 2GB was better off without Jones. Malone’s reward was the doubling of the station’s revenue the following month,as all the sponsor boycotts dissolved. They all came back for Ben Fordham,who has prospered since with even better ratings. It was a corporate demonstration that life after Jones was great,and theTele and Sky have followed suit.

The other mistake that Jones made at Sky – I am reliably informed – is letting it be widely known that “[Sky boss] Boris Whittaker has lost my support.” It was the kind of threat that has previously struck terror into the heart of generations of 2UE and 2GB radio bosses. But Whittaker himself was bemused.

Jones was no longer the radio king. He was the poorest ratings performer in his evening line-up,a pain-in-the-arse,and more trouble than he was worth. And so it ended.

The Jones media career has been one of brilliant blather,bullying and bluster,cash for comment,and the use of his influence for agendas far removed from the national good or any semblance of journalistic integrity. At least it had a happy ending:his complete humiliation,hunted from the stage. Now we can all get some sleep.

The documentary Australia Burns - The Silence of the Land screens on SBS on Sunday evening.

The documentary Australia Burns - The Silence of the Land screens on SBS on Sunday evening.Supplied

Don’t miss this doco

Look out tonight for an extraordinary documentary on SBS at 8.30pm on Sunday –Australia Burns ... Silence Of The Land –which digs deep on the catastrophic bushfire season of 2019-20. It examines the enduring effects on our wildlife and ecosystems,the role that climate change plays and whether this is our new normal.

Joke Of The Week

When a novitiate monk arrives at the monastery,he is assigned to assist in the hand-copying,in copperplate,the ancient canons and church laws that have guided the church for centuries. A keen intellect,he quickly notices that all the monks are copying from copies,not from the original manuscripts. He points out to the head abbot that if someone made even a small error in the first copy it would never be discerned.

The abbot takes the novitiate’s point and decides to venture down into the dark,candlelit catacombs beneath the monastery. Held in a vault behind lock and key,here the original manuscripts have remained,unopened,since the Middle Ages. Hours go by,and nobody sees the old abbot.

The young monk,becoming concerned,decides to go below and look for the elder monk. After much searching,he finally locates the abbot crying uncontrollably while continually banging his head against the sandstone wall,his forehead a bloodied and bruised mess.

“What’s wrong,Father?” asks the young monk.

“It doesn’t saycelibate,” the old abbot replies in a choked voice,“it sayscelebrate.”

Tweet of the Week

“Put out your chaff bags,women of Australia.”@Milliganreports

Quote Of The Week

“First they came for Andrew Bolt,and I did not speak because I had been waiting for ages for them to come for Andrew Bolt. Then they came for Alan Jones,and I said ‘He’s over there,behind the couch!’” – This bon mot,by a person unknown,has been circulating on Twitter and Facebook since Alan Jones finished his career in ignominy on Thursday.

“There’s someone here who wants to speak to you.” – Ellie Smith was woken in the wee hours of Thursday morning to hear a policeman speak these words,before putting her just-rescued child Cleo on the line.

“I’m afraid by the end of today’s hearing,the premier,the former premier,will be completely and utterly discredited.” –Conservative radio commentator Ray Hadley,on Monday morning as Gladys Berejiklian faced her second day being questioned by ICAC. And he was right.

Radio 2GB announcer Ray Hadley.

Radio 2GB announcer Ray Hadley.

“I don’t think. I know.” – French President Emmanuel Macron to Bevan Shields of the Herald andThe Age after Shields asked whether Macron thought Prime Minister Scott Morrison had lied to him on the submarine deal.

“I think it’s very bad news for the credibility of Australia and very bad news for the trust that great partners can have with the Australians. I think this is detrimental to the reputation of your country and your Prime Minister.”– Macron again.

“I’m not going to cop sledging on Australia,I’m not going to cop that on behalf of Australians. I can deal with whatever people throw at me,but Australia has a proud record when it comes to our defence capability.”– Scott Morrison desperately trying to turn President Macron’s comment about his lying into a criticism of Australia.

“Scott has always had a reputation for telling lies.” – Malcolm Turnbull gets a little revenge on Scott Morrison.

“None of us will live forever. But we are doing this not for ourselves but for our children and our children’s children,and those who will follow in their footsteps.” – The Queen in a message to COP26 in Glasgow.

“We didn’t deface the Eiffel Tower.” Acting Prime MinisterBarnaby Joyce dismissing the diplomatic row over the scrapping of the French submarines contract with his usual tact and grace.


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Peter FitzSimons is a journalist and columnist with The Sydney Morning Herald.

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