Tears,abuse,remorse:Inside Sydney’s domestic violence court

The woman sits in Blacktown court for hours,her ponytail neat and her face inscrutable,waiting for her son to be hauled up from the cells. At the end of the day,he comes. His face tattoos twist as he blows her a kiss from the dock.

The 27-year-old,a convicted child sex offender,is seeking bail after being accused of fresh domestic violence charges,on top of a laundry list of past convictions and a record of breaching protection orders.

A litany of cases in the state’s new family violence court lists show that domestic violence is complex and comes in many forms.

A litany of cases in the state’s new family violence court lists show that domestic violence is complex and comes in many forms.Fairfax Media

Police oppose. As well as threatening to distribute intimate photos of his ex-partner and breaching an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order,the man is accused of ransacking her home,in which she cared for their baby son,then urinating on her couch – an act that was,the prosecutor says,“not only gross but inexcusable”.

The magistrate’s decision to refuse bail prompts not only loud complaints from the accused,but also a brief outburst from his mother.

“We need an AVO againsther,” the woman says,before regaining her composure and ignoring further bids for attention – “Mum! Mum!” – from her son in the dock.

As the man is led away,he appeals to her again. “Mum! Mum! Visit me please?”

It has been a long day in Blacktown’s Court 2,where a magistrate trained in trauma and experienced in domestic violence matters hears one of the state’s new family violence court lists. There have been so many matters that lunch has to be cut short and the day extended well past the usual 4pm finish time.

It has also been a bleak and fraught day,as the court sorts through a litany of cases that show domestic violence is complex and comes in many different forms. There are Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders by mothers against daughters,by men against boyfriends,by guardians of children against parents. The cases often involve alcohol,mental illness,and messy family dynamics.

There is the woman,a mentally ill repeat offender,who holds up her middle finger at the magistrate,then loudly criticises her publicly funded lawyer for failing to have a protection order dismissed so she can hang out with her alleged victim. “Ugly f---ing legal slut,” she shouts across the waiting room.

There is the emotional young woman whose attempts – alongside her father – to have her Apprehended Domestic Violence Order against her mother strengthened are complicated by the fact that she wants to breach them herself,to visit her disabled brother. The mother is in court,too;after the application is refused,she uses a white cane to navigate her way outside.

NSW established the Specialist Family Violence list at two city and a handful of regional courthouses in September last year. Local Courts are struggling with the volume of domestic violence-related matters – they constitute about 40 per cent of the workload – so the list aims to deal with cases more quickly,and in a more respectful and trauma-informed way,by people who have particular expertise.

There is intense interest in how this trial is operating,as discussions are under way at the highest levels of government about how the court system should approach domestic and family violence,and whether that should involve a standalone domestic violence court or an expansion of the family violence pilot.

The lawyers and court staff who deal with these specialist lists are required to make the experience as victim-friendly as possible – to avoid legal jargon,explain in simple terms what’s happening and give complainants a voice. The young woman with the disabled brother asks to address the court about the application against her mother,so she is allowed to do so.

They must also give witnesses regular breaks,avoid dismissive language and ensure everyone involved understands the next step.

The magistrates have special training in trauma,and the volume of DV cases they deal with gives them a better understanding than most about common tactics,such as the abuser taking out an ADVO against their victim to muddy the waters about who is abusing whom. Prosecutors also have special training,both from the Department of Communities and Justice and from police.

In one case in Blacktown,an application for a long-term ADVO against a woman who,police domestic liaison officers tell the court,is actually potentially the victim,is met with a so-called lapsing order for three months (if there are no breaches,the order expires after the set period with no need to return to court).

Cases can involve many layers of complexity. Over at the Downing Centre,a young man wearing a sharp suit and shiny brown shoes sits in court with his mother,a domestic violence victim at the hands of her own former partner,and his ex,whom he’d previously been convicted of calling a “f---ing” mutt and damaging her property.

He is accused of attacking his mother’s abusive boyfriend at a family gathering. The boyfriend had reduced his mother to tears,so he punched the man multiple times to the head and body and then held him in a headlock while urging another man to do the same.

The magistrate acknowledges he felt protective of his mother,but he’d already been serving a DV-related sentence at the time of the offence and should have let the man be “dealt with by police,not by you meting out summary justice”,she says. She sentences him to jail;as his mother sobs,Corrective Services officers materialise,and escort him away.

Most matters involve protection orders;requests for them to be made or dropped,or for conditions to be changed (one woman wanted more access to her abusive partner,which was refused by the magistrate on the grounds it was pointless,as he was in jail). Some concern ADVO breaches,ranging from the serious to the inadvertent;one woman accidentally took the same train as her protected former partner.

At the Downing Centre,a young couple try to convince the magistrate to drop an ADVO condition preventing the man from being in the woman’s company for at least 12 hours after drinking alcohol. Both want the change;they say they’ve been together for seven years,they live together,they’re applying for a spousal visa and the incident – while drinking – was a one-off. He was getting mental health help,and they wanted to socialise together.

The magistrate refuses their request.

In another case,a woman asks the court to vary ADVO conditions so her estranged partner – who is facing domestic violence charges against her,which she says are false – can see their son. She says the father-son relationship is important. “The child is one year old,” she says. “The guilt inside me,I just can’t take it any more.” The magistrate sets a date for a hearing,so police can have a say,and warns her that she must always tell the truth in court.

Deputy Chief Magistrate Sharon Freund says the family violence court applies the same laws and penalties as other courts. Its aim is to improve the court experience for victims.

Deputy Chief Magistrate Sharon Freund says the family violence list is designed to make the court experience less stressful for victims.

Deputy Chief Magistrate Sharon Freund says the family violence list is designed to make the court experience less stressful for victims.Janie Barrett

“If complainants come into a court and they feel like they are being respected,it may empower them going forward to leave a relationship that they otherwise might not,” she says. “And then,hopefully,they can be given a warm handover to other services that could assist them.”

Domestic violence cases are complex,says Freund. Sometimes,the relationship has ended by the time the matter comes before court,and both parties have moved on. Sometimes it’s complicated by issues being thrashed out in the Family Court,or by joint custody of children,or by victims who are frightened to leave,or coerced to stay.

Sometimes,the victim does not turn up on the day of the hearing. They might have called the police to defuse a difficult situation,but don’t want to take it further. “They’re telling the court something,” says Freund. “They may just not be ready to take that step yet. And I think we need to hear them when they do that.

“You’ve got to understand the psychology of abusive relationships;it takes time.”

Sometimes,the victim doesn’t want a punitive legal response,says Freund. “They might say,‘Look,I just need him to deal with his drinking,’ ” she says.

“ ‘That’s when he becomes awful.’ If we can,we hear that and refer him to whatever treatment he needs because we’ve got a captive audience.

“Making it a trauma-informed court,in my view,is listening to the PINOP[person in need of protection]. Everyone’s relationships are different. There are different trigger points.”

Liz Snell,the law reform and policy co-ordinator for Women’s Legal Service NSW,says the pilot is welcome,and needs to include specially trained staff who prioritise victim-survivor safety.

“The specialist list is in its early days and we look forward to an evaluation of the impact it has had,” she says.

If you or anyone you know needs help,call Lifeline on 13 11 14 (and seelifeline.org.au),theNational Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service on1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732),or Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800.

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Jordan Baker is Chief Reporter of The Sydney Morning Herald. She was previously Education Editor.

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